Planescape 5e Planescape- What would you like to see in the upcoming setting?

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James Gasik

We don't talk about Pun-Pun
And many Gods are actually other Gods in disguise, due to syncretism or outright theft. You can draw a line from Inanna to Ishtar to Tanith to Ashtoreth to Aphrodite to Venus to all of D&D's unique "Love Goddesses" like Sune Firehair or Hanali Celanil. (Wondering if Zeus ever realized he had a powerful Elder Greater Goddess of Love and War just chilling in his pantheon).

But by the same token, there are differences as well. Takhisis was a lot like Tiamat, but not identical. Talos was apparently Gruumsh all along! But Tyr in 2e's Legends & Lore is very different from Tyr in Faiths & Avatars- one being an Intermediate Power and the other being a Greater Power, for example, with differences in dogma, worship, and specialty priests.

All of which is to say that just because God A seems an awful lot like God B doesn't necessarily mean they are one and the same across all planes. In fact, the God you think you are worshiping could be a usurper who has taken on the name and identity of another God, like Cyric or Horus-Re!

IIRC, in 1e the demodands had no boss, and I prefer it that way: no demolords, archdevils, or oinodaemons to rule them. I don't need "titans" to fill that roll. I would rather they remain untamed.
I, too, appreciated that they didn't seem to have a tie to any "creator". Thinking about bile demons from Mage - The Hero Defined, and the concept of carrion eaters, I had the demodands be the things that fed off of dead gods. Including the intellect devourer in their ranks, that gives us blood, bile, muscle, and brain demodands.

Sounds like some of the 4e era spellplague rubbish,where WotC arbitrarily redesigned the entire FR pantheon and relegated a bunch of gods to being masks or extensions or servitors of others. These days, they understandably like to pretend none of it ever happened.

Jeez, all that stuff happened something like 15 years ago now - the 4e Forgotten Realms book, and the Grand History of the Realms which preceded it - and it STILL has the power to get me steamed up. There's rarely been such arrogant, senseless, malicious vandalism of a shared world that I can think of.

James Gasik

We don't talk about Pun-Pun
Sounds like some of the 4e era spellplague rubbish,where WotC arbitrarily redesigned the entire FR pantheon and relegated a bunch of gods to being masks or extensions or servitors of others. These days, they understandably like to pretend none of it ever happened.

Jeez, all that stuff happened something like 15 years ago now - the 4e Forgotten Realms book, and the Grand History of the Realms which preceded it - and it STILL has the power to get me steamed up. There's rarely been such arrogant, senseless, malicious vandalism of a shared world that I can think of.
How about that time they sent Lord Soth and Vecna to Ravenloft?

How about that time they sent Lord Soth and Vecna to Ravenloft?
Not even close.

If they'd revealed that Tatyana had all along been Azalin in a frock, and retconned Strahd to be a gnome puppet of the Bluetspur Elder Brain, and done the same sort of thing to every other domain in Ravenloft, you might be getting close.

Besides, Soth at least worked well in Ravenloft. I know the Dragonlance fans were (understandably) cranky they didn't have him any more, but he was entirely in keeping with the setting.

Sounds like some of the 4e era spellplague rubbish,where WotC arbitrarily redesigned the entire FR pantheon and relegated a bunch of gods to being masks or extensions or servitors of others. These days, they understandably like to pretend none of it ever happened.

Jeez, all that stuff happened something like 15 years ago now - the 4e Forgotten Realms book, and the Grand History of the Realms which preceded it - and it STILL has the power to get me steamed up. There's rarely been such arrogant, senseless, malicious vandalism of a shared world that I can think of.
Are you annoyed by just the last page or so of The Grand History of the Realms, or more of it than that? I can see how that last section detailing the then "future" of the setting could rile one up (it definitely raised some eyebrows when it was published, to put it mildly), but the the entire book before was, in my opinion, an awesome and meticulous synthesis of pretty much every previous FR product out there, creating an actual complete history of the setting, something which I found to be incredibly engrossing and amazing.

Are you annoyed by just the last page or so of The Grand History of the Realms, or more of it than that? I can see how that last section detailing the then "future" of the setting could rile one up (it definitely raised some eyebrows when it was published, to put it mildly),

That's CERTAINLY putting it mildly! :LOL:

Yeah, that was the only big issue in Grand History of the Realms for me. I mean, the rest of the product didn't really do a lot for me, it was a great and enormously comprehensive source of lore but most of it wasn't terribly game-useful lore. I preferred the FR region sourcebooks that WotC had been producing somewhat prior to this time - Silver Marches, Unapproachable East etc, which were great and very playable resources. But to each their own.

That last couple of pages though - it was like you'd just finished a satisfying meal, then decided to round it off with an after-dinner mint only to bite in and discover it had a filling of runny dog poo. Way to spoil the whole experience....

Voidrunner's Codex

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