Another thing I'd like to see is more concrete support, even formal
play structures, around making the adventures about factions and belief. I know the old box had some advice, but it alway felt kinda obvious and simplistic to me. Perhaps a couple ready-made & structured campaign premises would suffice. Things like:
1) The same-faction party: PCs form a faction-initiated crew executing covert operations. The more successful they are, the higher they climb in the ranks, the better access to new and powerful stuff (belief abilities, faction-exclusive artifacts & gear, stronger support NPCs, etc), and more sensitive missions in the "kriegstanz" (the covert faction war) they get. Also, advice on how to intertwine these with other ongoing adventures & campaigns.
2) The mixed-faction party: PCs are from different factions, but work together as a crew for some city entity (the Planewalkers' Guild, the City Council, the Planar Consortium, Ravel the Hag, a local cranium rats' gestalt, etc) doing jobs/missions for it. Meanwhile, each PC is assigned an individual, secret mission from their faction to spy, hinder or harm specific targets during the operations (or even other PCs!), and are rewarded accordingly by their facition "handlers" for it, again, with access to better belief abilities, faction-exclusive artifacts, expert NPCs, etc. And again, how to mix these sorties with ongoing adventures or campaigns.
3) The no-party setup: the "every man for himself" campaign, where PCs are individual operators from different factions, each with their web of assets and allied NPCs, getting into temporary conflicts and alliances with each other as their agendas collide and converge. They can or cannot join up and become a formal party down the road (in which case see number 2 above).
The important thing is to BRING IT ON! Dont' gimme just a couple paragraphs of loose advice, give me a bazillion tables to inspire and be used on the spot, full of sample mission targets, rewards, objectives, opposition types, city entities, complications to spill on missions like political climates & planar weather & union strikes, etc. Even provide a couple starting steps for each campaign, with ready-made NPC sponsors and opposition and choices for the crew to take with suggested consequences imediate and down the road. All that to get the ball rolling as fast and easier as possible, and then pass the reins to the group. BRING IT ON.
P.S: oh, and if possible give me a Blades in the Dark-inspired city factions chart with their types, strenght and relationships in a concise manner.