Planescape 5e Planescape- What would you like to see in the upcoming setting?

Planescape makes a lot of sense to assign some of the gods the newer domains since the original PHB, they've already made suggestions for the domains, it shouldn't be too hard to add more domains to them.
Not really as mentioned gods are pretty unimportant to the primary Planescape experience.

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Not really as mentioned gods are pretty unimportant to the primary Planescape experience.
2e Planescape devoted an entire book to the gods and their followers - On Hallowed Ground.

Multiple adventure seeds in the books involved going to one divine realm or another to interact with the god(s) that rule it, or doing something specifically because of the machinations of the gods.


Book-Friend, he/him
2e Planescape devoted an entire book to the gods and their followers - On Hallowed Ground.

Multiple adventure seeds in the books involved going to one divine realm or another to interact with the god(s) that rule it, or doing something specifically because of the machinations of the gods.
How many products came out for Planescape prior to On Hallowed Ground...? Wouldn't that make the case that it is not necessarily a primary part of the experience?

I do t think we will get much past outer planes and Sigil. In Fact, i hope that is the case. Otherwise the content would skimpy I would guess

I think we will get something for the transitive planes and Inner Planes, but that won't take up much space.

Honestly I hope they pushed Sigil into the adventure, instead of the Gazetteer, the Planes interest me alot more then Sigil.


Book-Friend, he/him
I think we will get something for the transitive planes and Inner Planes, but that won't take up much space.

Honestly I hope they pushed Sigil into the adventure, instead of the Gazetteer, the Planes interest me alot more then Sigil.
The Rock of Bral made up a fair bit of Spelljammer, and probably would have been enlarged if that book had a larger wordcount.

The art so far seems Sigil-centric, and Sigil is a little more Adventure-friendly than the Outer Planes most of the time.

I think we will get something for the transitive planes and Inner Planes, but that won't take up much space.

Honestly I hope they pushed Sigil into the adventure, instead of the Gazetteer, the Planes interest me alot more then Sigil.
I mentioned earlier that I think that this will mainly focus on the Outer Planes, and leave the Inner and other planes basically to be fleshed out elsewhere. Honestly, with just 96 pages (barring anything that could appear in the adventure book), there really isn't going to be room for much outside Sigil and the Outer Planes. My guess right now would be roughly 1/8 general setting info, 5/8 Outer Planes, and 1/4 Sigil. 24 pages for Sigil is roughly about what Waterdeep and Sharn got in their books, after all (and I would guess that some Sigil locations will appear and be described in the adventure). 60 pages for the Outer Planes is just a bit less than what they got in the 3e MoP, so that would be adequate for a reasonable overview.


Book-Friend, he/him
I mentioned earlier that I think that this will mainly focus on the Outer Planes, and leave the Inner and other planes basically to be fleshed out elsewhere. Honestly, with just 96 pages (barring anything that could appear in the adventure book), there really isn't going to be room for much outside Sigil and the Outer Planes. My guess right now would be roughly 1/8 general setting info, 5/8 Outer Planes, and 1/4 Sigil. 24 pages for Sigil is roughly about what Waterdeep and Sharn got in their books, after all (and I would guess that some Sigil locations will appear and be described in the adventure). 60 pages for the Outer Planes is just a bit less than what they got in the 3e MoP, so that would be adequate for a reasonable overview.
Sharn got 32 pages, whereas Khorvaire and and the rest of Eberron got 47 pages. A little more than thst for the Outer Planes, and a few pages of PC options, seems doable.

What sort of PC options, I wonder? We got the "Glitchling"/Modron explicitly in UA along with a bunch of Feats, but perhaps they will put the Ardling in here? Reprints of Assamkr, Genesis, and Gith seem quite likely, anything else...?

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