D&D 5E 5E Survivor - Deities (Part 4: Eberron) Olladra Advances!


Limit Break Dancing (He/They)
Hello everyone, it's time for another Survivor thread! As you already know, I'll be taking over the Survivor 5E Threads for a little while...so if you have any suggestions for upcoming topics, feel free to DM me.


This thread is inspired by prior threads that we've done.
The battle continues!
Which battle, you ask?
Battle of the Gods, Part IV!

Appendix B of the 5th Edition Player's Handbook has several tables dedicated to the Deities of the D&D game. There's a table for Greyhawk gods, and another table for Dragonlance, and for the Forgotten Realms, and so on. But which one is The Survivor?! Hold on to your sacraments, because we're gonna find out!

This is the third round, and the third pantheon presented is "Deities of Eberron," on Page 296. The winner from this round will represent all of Eberron in the final round, when we put all of the winners together in the same arena to determine which one is The Ultimate Survivor!

Round 1: Forgotten Realms
Winner: Selune

Round II: Greyhawk
Winner: Boccob

Round III: Dragonlance
Winner: Takhisis

The Rules and Stuff
  • This time, only Eberron deities are presented.
  • I'll repeat: this week, only the Eberron deities are presented.
  • Each deity starts with 20 points.
  • Every day, you vote for one deity that you like, which gains 1 point. And then you vote for a different deity that you dislike, which loses 2 points. It is intentional that a negative vote is worth more than a positive vote - first, because it takes something extra to whittle these guys down to size. Second, because.
  • Mark your upvotes in green, and downvotes in red. Or just show them in bold text and use "+1" and "-2" to mark them, if colored text is too difficult on your browsing device.
  • It's easier if you just copy and paste the previous poster’s vote and change the numbers.
  • You may vote only once per day in each category. This is an honor system, and we are all honorable gamers; please do not abuse it. If this means you vote once at night one day, and once the next morning - that's fine, but don't vote again until the following day. Rule of thumb: if your most recent vote post says "yesterday" in the date tag, you can vote again.
  • This is purely a popularity contest and you do not have to explain an upvote or downvote, but feel free to - explanations are where the fun is! When downvotes reach 0 the option/variant is removed from the list (FATALITY!).
  • Finally, if an entry has one vote left, then you have to make the choice to use all of your downvotes to eliminate it; there is no vote splitting. In addition, you can't upvote and downvote the same entry (no "see" votes). And you have to use BOTH YOUR UPVOTE AND DOWNVOTE if you vote.

The Most Important Bits
Three important points that you must read before voting--
  1. This is a pure popularity contest, and is meant to be fun. You can cast your votes for whatever reason you want; spite, irrational love or hatred, alignment, irrational love or hatred of alignment, stomach indigestion, Ouija board consultations, strategic voting, and so on are all perfectly acceptable. You can comment for the reasons for your vote, or not - up to you! But this is for enjoyment only.
  2. This week (and the next few weeks to come) features a list of the deities in the 5th Edition Player's Handbook. Other deities from the 5E Player's Handbook will be done at another time. Deities that aren't listed in the 5E Player's Handbook might not be done at all; let's wait and see how everyone feels.
  3. As always, the list is the list. If you have a complaint about the list, please direct it to /dev/null.
So. Onward to the contest!

from pg. 296 of the 5E Player's Handbook
Arawai, goddess of fertility (NG)
Aureon, god of law and knowledge (LN)
Balinor, god of beasts and the hunt (N)
Boldrei, goddess of community and home (LG)
Dol Arrah, goddess of sunlight and honor (LG)
Dol Dorn, god of strength at arms (CG)
Kol Korran, god of trade and wealth (N)
Olladra, goddess of good fortune (NG)
Onatar, god of craft (NG)
The Devourer, god of nature's wrath (NE)
The Fury, goddess of wrath and madness (NE)
The Keeper, god of greed and death (NE)
The Mockery, god of violence and treachery (NE)
The Shadow, god of dark magic (CE)
The Traveler, deity of chaos and change (CN)
The Silver Flame, deity of protection and good (LG)
The Blood of Vol, philosophy of immortality and undeath (LN)
Cults of the Dragon Below, deities of madness (NE)
The Path of Light, philosophy of light and self-improvement (LN)
The Undying Court, elven ancestors (NG)
The Spirits of the Past, elven ancestors (CG)

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Limit Break Dancing (He/They)
Arawai 20
Aureon 20
Balinor 20
Boldrei 20
Dol Arrah 20
Dol Dorn 20
Kol Korran 20
Olladra 20
Onatar 20
The Devourer 20
The Fury 20
The Keeper 20
The Mockery 20
The Shadow 20-2=18
The Traveler 20+1=21
Tip o' the hat to Critical Role
The Silver Flame 20
The Blood of Vol 20
Cults of the Dragon Below 20
The Path of Light 20
The Undying Court 20
The Spirits of the Past 20
Last edited:


Arawai 20
Aureon 20
Balinor 20
Boldrei 20
Dol Arrah 20 + 1 = 21
Dol Dorn 20
Kol Korran 20
Olladra 20
Onatar 20
The Devourer 20
The Fury 20
The Keeper 20
The Mockery 20 - 2 = 18
The Shadow 18
The Traveler 21
The Silver Flame 20
The Blood of Vol 20
Cults of the Dragon Below 20
The Path of Light 20
The Undying Court 20
The Spirits of the Past 20


Arawai 20
Aureon 20
Balinor 20
Boldrei 20+1=21
Dol Arrah 21
Dol Dorn 20
Kol Korran 20
Olladra 20
Onatar 20
The Devourer 20
The Fury 20
The Keeper 20
The Mockery 18-2=16
The Shadow 18
The Traveler 21
The Silver Flame 20
The Blood of Vol 20
Cults of the Dragon Below 20
The Path of Light 20
The Undying Court 20
The Spirits of the Past 20


Why are people down on The Mochrie?



Arawai 20
Aureon 20
Balinor 20
Boldrei 21
Dol Arrah 21
Dol Dorn 20
Kol Korran 20
Olladra 20
Onatar 20
The Devourer 20
The Fury 20
The Keeper 20
The Mockery 16-2=14
The Shadow 18
The Traveler 21
The Silver Flame 20+1=21
The Blood of Vol 20
Cults of the Dragon Below 20
The Path of Light 20
The Undying Court 20
The Spirits of the Past 20


Pedantic Grognard
Arawai 20
Aureon 20
Balinor 20
Boldrei 21
Dol Arrah 21
Dol Dorn 20
Kol Korran 20
Olladra 20
Onatar 20
The Devourer 20
The Fury 20
The Keeper 21
The Mockery 14
The Shadow 18
The Traveler 21
The Silver Flame 21
The Blood of Vol 20
Cults of the Dragon Below 20
The Path of Light 20
The Undying Court 18
The Spirits of the Past 20


Book-Friend, he/him
Arawai 20
Aureon 20
Balinor 20
Boldrei 21
Dol Arrah 21
Dol Dorn 20
Kol Korran 20
Olladra 20
Onatar 20
The Devourer 20
The Fury 20
The Keeper 21
The Mockery 14 - 2 = 12
The Shadow 18
The Traveler 21
The Silver Flame 21 + 1 = 22
The Blood of Vol 20
Cults of the Dragon Below 20
The Path of Light 20
The Undying Court 18
The Spirits of the Past 20

Arawai 20
Aureon 20
Balinor 20
Boldrei 22
Dol Arrah 21
Dol Dorn 20
Kol Korran 20
Olladra 20
Onatar 20
The Devourer 20
The Fury 20
The Keeper 21
The Mockery 10
The Shadow 18
The Traveler 21
The Silver Flame 22
The Blood of Vol 20
Cults of the Dragon Below 20
The Path of Light 20
The Undying Court 18
The Spirits of the Past 20

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