D&D 5E 5E Survivor - Weapons


Frumious Flumph (Your Grace/Your Eminence)
I am nothing if not a glutton for punishment.

@CleverNickName said they wouldn't do another thread and in the Companion thread people wondered if there could be another. I scraped the bottom of the barrel, and here we are.

Here's a comprehensive list of all of the weapons in core 5th Edition D&D. There are really not that many of them, despite the weapon bloat that infected 3E. 3.5E, and 4E. Where are my usrievs? Where are my orcish battle-cleavers and dwarvish hammer-bows?

You all know the rules by now, but I'll post them here anyway just in case.

  • Only the weapons that were published in print by Wizards of the Coast are included. Third-party publishers, or materials that were only released electronically, are not included.
  • Weapons from the Dungeon Master's Guide were not included. They're extremely niche and meant only for specific fantasy campaign implementations; the following list was meant to be more general.
  • Each entry starts with 20 points.
  • Every day, you vote for one proficiency that you like, which gains 1 point. And then you vote for a different proficiency, which loses 2 points. It is intentional that a negative vote is worth more than a positive vote, because math.
  • Mark your upvotes in green, and downvotes in red. Or just show them in bold text and use "+1" and "-2" to mark them, if colored text is too difficult on your browsing device.
  • It's easier if you just copy and paste the previous poster’s vote and change the numbers; the Quote function isn't the best for this.
  • You may vote only once per day. This is an honor system, and we are all honorable gamers; please do not abuse it. If this means you vote once at night one day, and once the next morning - that's fine, but don't vote again until the following day. Rule of thumb: if your most recent vote post says "yesterday" in the time stamp, you can vote again.
  • This is just another Internet popularity contest and you do not have to explain an upvote or downvote, but feel free to do so...those explanations are where the fun is! And the more outlandish, petty, or nitpicky your reasons for voting, the better!
  • When downvotes reach 0 the weapon is removed from the list.
  • Finally, if an entry has one point left, then you have to make the choice to use all of your downvotes to eliminate it; there is no vote splitting. In addition, you can't upvote and downvote the same entry (no "see" votes). And you have to use BOTH YOUR UPVOTE AND DOWNVOTE if you vote.
Three important points that you must read before voting--
  • This is just a popularity contest, and it's supposed to be fun. You can cast your votes for whatever reason you want; favored weapon for an old character, spite, favorite magic weapon type, and personal preference are all perfectly acceptable. But this is for enjoyment only. If you experience anger, hostility, or other evidence of Not Having Fun, you're doing it wrong.
  • As far as I can tell, Wizards has not officially expanded the weapons list from the PHB, although it's an extremely popular type of supplement according to DriveThruRPG.
  • As always, the list is the list. If you have a complaint about the list, please direct it to //dev/null.
So. Onward to the contest!

Ultimately, the whole point of this thread is to have fun discussing the differences and similarities of the weapons in D&D. Some people really want this to be a "Best In Show" contest, and they get really worked up when (not 'if') popular favorites get eliminated (I am sometimes one of those people). But hopefully we have all figured out how this works by now. For the newly-initiated, remember that this is not an election, nor is it a survey or a job evaluation. Frankly, this is a celebration of the hard work @CleverNickName put into these threads.

(as of April 24, 2023)

Crossbow, hand
Crossbow, heavy
Crossbow, light
Light hammer
War pick

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Battleaxe 20
Blowgun 20
Club 20
Crossbow, hand 20
Crossbow, heavy 20
Crossbow, light 20
Dart 20 - 2 = 18 I still haven't forgiven the dart for betraying my 1-hp 1st level wizard character in my first AD&D game.
Dagger 20
Flail 20
Glaive 20
Greataxe 20
Greatclub 20
Greatsword 20
Halberd 20
Handaxe 20
Javelin 20
Lance 20
Light hammer 20
Longbow 20
Longsword 20
Mace 20
Maul 20
Morningstar 20
Net 20
Quarterstaff 20
Pike 20
Rapier 20
Scimitar 20
Shortbow 20
Shortsword 20
Sickle 20
Sling 20
Spear 20
Trident 20
War pick 20
Warhammer 20
Whip 20 + 1 = 21 Indiana Jones can't be wrong.

Battleaxe 20
Blowgun 20
Club 20
Crossbow, hand 20
Crossbow, heavy 20
Crossbow, light 20
Dart 18
Dagger 20
Flail 20
Glaive 20
Greataxe 20
Greatclub 20
Greatsword 20
Halberd 20
Handaxe 20
Javelin 20
Lance 20
Light hammer 20
Longbow 20
Longsword 20+1=21 A katana by any other name...
Mace 20
Maul 20
Morningstar 20
Net 20-2=18 Not a weapon
Quarterstaff 20
Pike 20
Rapier 20
Scimitar 20
Shortbow 20
Shortsword 20
Sickle 20
Sling 20
Spear 20
Trident 20
War pick 20
Warhammer 20
Whip 21

Battleaxe 20
Blowgun 18 - has anyone anywhere ever used this in DnD?
Club 20
Crossbow, hand 20
Crossbow, heavy 20
Crossbow, light 20
Dart 18.
Dagger 20
Flail 20
Glaive 20
Greataxe 20
Greatclub 20
Greatsword 20
Halberd 20
Handaxe 20
Javelin 20
Lance 20
Light hammer 20
Longbow 21
Longsword 20
Mace 20
Maul 20
Morningstar 20
Net 18
Quarterstaff 20
Pike 20
Rapier 20
Scimitar 20
Shortbow 20
Shortsword 20
Sickle 20
Sling 20
Spear 20
Trident 20
War pick 20
Warhammer 20
Whip 22 whip it good

and thanks @RealAlHazred , you crazy man

Battleaxe 20
Blowgun 18
Club 20
Crossbow, hand 20
Crossbow, heavy 20
Crossbow, light 20
Dart 18.
Dagger 20
Flail 20
Glaive 20
Greataxe 20
Greatclub 20
Greatsword 20
Halberd 20
Handaxe 20
Javelin 20
Lance 18 - awkward
Light hammer 20
Longbow 21
Longsword 20
Mace 20
Maul 20
Morningstar 20
Net 18
Quarterstaff 20
Pike 20
Rapier 20
Scimitar 20
Shortbow 20
Shortsword 20
Sickle 20
Sling 20
Spear 20
Trident 21 - a nice treat for a Sea Elf Abjuration Wizard
War pick 20
Warhammer 20
Whip 22

Battleaxe 20
Blowgun 18
Club 20
Crossbow, hand 20
Crossbow, heavy 20
Crossbow, light 20
Dart 18 + 1 = 19 I miss 3/1 attacks with these things...
Dagger 20
Flail 20
Glaive 20
Greataxe 20
Greatclub 20
Greatsword 20
Halberd 20
Handaxe 20
Javelin 20
Lance 18
Light hammer 20
Longbow 21
Longsword 20 - 2 = 18 A katana by any other name ... is wrong (and where is my Bastard Sword?)
Mace 20
Maul 20
Morningstar 20
Net 18
Quarterstaff 20
Pike 20
Rapier 20
Scimitar 20
Shortbow 20
Shortsword 20
Sickle 20
Sling 20
Spear 20
Trident 21
War pick 20
Warhammer 20
Whip 22

<fixing for last post>

Battleaxe 20
Blowgun 18
Club 20
Crossbow, hand 20
Crossbow, heavy 20
Crossbow, light 20
Dart 19
Dagger 20
Flail 20
Glaive 20
Greataxe 20
Greatclub 20
Greatsword 20
Halberd 20
Handaxe 20
Javelin 20
Lance 18
Light hammer 20
Longbow 21
Longsword 18
Mace 20
Maul 20
Morningstar 20
Net 18
Quarterstaff 20
Pike 20
Rapier 20
Scimitar 20
Shortbow 20
Shortsword 20
Sickle 20
Sling 20 - 2 = 18
Spear 20
Trident 21
War pick 20
Warhammer 20 + 1 = 21
Whip 22

Battleaxe 20
Blowgun 18
Club 20
Crossbow, hand 20
Crossbow, heavy 20
Crossbow, light 20
Dart 19
Dagger 20
Flail 20
Glaive 20
Greataxe 20
Greatclub 20
Greatsword 20
Halberd 20
Handaxe 20
Javelin 20
Lance 18
Light hammer 20
Longbow 21
Longsword 18
Mace 20
Maul 20
Morningstar 20
Net 18
Quarterstaff 20
Pike 20
Rapier 20
Scimitar 20
Shortbow 20
Shortsword 20
Sickle 20
Sling 18
Spear 20
War pick 20+1=21 underrated.

Warhammer 21
Whip 22

Battleaxe 20
Blowgun 18
Club 20
Crossbow, hand 20
Crossbow, heavy 20
Crossbow, light 20
Dart 19
Dagger 20
Flail 20
Glaive 20
Greataxe 20
Greatclub 20
Greatsword 20
Halberd 20
Handaxe 20
Javelin 20
Lance 18
Light hammer 20
Longbow 21
Longsword 18
Mace 20
Maul 20
Morningstar 20
Net 18
Quarterstaff 20
Pike 20
Rapier 20
Scimitar 20
Shortbow 20
Shortsword 20
Sickle 20
Sling 18
Spear 18
Trident 20 Ave Caesar

War pick 21
Warhammer 21
Whip 22

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