[5E] The worst race/class combinations?

I just remember an idea I have for a fun "challenge" similar to what you're thinking. I want to make a Lizardfolk Monk. I'd be forced to start with a +2 Dex mod which is not very good for a Monk, and I'd probably spend my first 3 ASIs bumping Dex, but I like the idea of a Lizardfolk Monk that doesn't use a weapon, but bites a lot and has a mean tail whip lol. I'd start with 14 Dex, 16 Con, and 16 Wis. Just a thought.

Lizardfolk monk is actually quite strong, particularly early on, when their unarmed attacks do 1d6 instead of 1d4. And +2 con is great for everyone.

Something to consider when trying to make a bad choice is that small PCs get disadvantage with H weapons. So gnome barbarian with Great Weapon Fighting aint great.

There is a goliath rogue in my group.

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Any anthropomorph (aarakocra, kenku, tabaxi, tortle) ;) Not my thing.

But worst combination...
goliath rogue, dragonborn rogue, tiefling paladin all sound pretty awkward

I think the worst-fit race for a class is the PHB tiefling barbarian. None of the stat bumps have any use, and you can't cast the spells while raging; that is particularly a problem for hellish rebuke since you'd always want to use it in combat.

But fire resistance is still handy (less so for a bear totem barb though!), and barbarian is a solid class in general. So it's not like a tiefling barbarian would be unplayable.

Regarding the gnome paladin, note that Gnome Cunning + Aura of Protection makes you really hard to effect with magic. That's a mechanical hook you could work with.
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I think the worst-fit race for a class is the PHB tiefling barbarian. None of the stat bumps have any use, and you can't cast the spells while raging; that is particularly a problem for hellish rebuke since you'd always want to use it in combat.

But fire resistance is still handy, and barbarian is a solid class in general. So it's not like a tiefling barbarian would be unplayable.

Regarding the gnome paladin, note that Gnome Cunning + Aura of Protection makes you really hard to effect with magic. That's a mechanical hook you could work with.

A tiefling barbarian berserker is not as bad as you might think. +2 Charisma helps you to intimidate or with your level 10 ability later. Using taumaturgy might increase the effect even more. Darkvision is always nice and hellish rebuke helps a bit when yu are not raging, which happens a lot more than one might think.
+1 int is usually a waste, but you can go with it and actually know a bit about nature instead of just surviving in it.

So with standard array, take 15 Str, 14 Dex, Con 13, Cha 14, Wis 10 and int 9 and wear a chain shirt. That will most probably let you play your barbarian well enough. Increase Str everytime you can and if you think you are to squishy increase Con too (which is not the worst idea). At level 12 You already forgot that you started with "terrible" stats. Your 14 Charisma comes in handy before that and if you really want you have some nice multiclass options with warlock or bard or even paladin or sorcerer. I know yu can´t cast spells, but there is a lot to be gained by multiclassing with a spellcasting class, even as barbarian.

A tiefling barbarian berserker is not as bad as you might think. +2 Charisma helps you to intimidate or with your level 10 ability later. Using taumaturgy might increase the effect even more. Darkvision is always nice and hellish rebuke helps a bit when yu are not raging, which happens a lot more than one might think.
+1 int is usually a waste, but you can go with it and actually know a bit about nature instead of just surviving in it.

So with standard array, take 15 Str, 14 Dex, Con 13, Cha 14, Wis 10 and int 9 and wear a chain shirt. That will most probably let you play your barbarian well enough. Increase Str everytime you can and if you think you are to squishy increase Con too (which is not the worst idea). At level 12 You already forgot that you started with "terrible" stats. Your 14 Charisma comes in handy before that and if you really want you have some nice multiclass options with warlock or bard or even paladin or sorcerer. I know yu can´t cast spells, but there is a lot to be gained by multiclassing with a spellcasting class, even as barbarian.

I agree it is not that bad, it is just the worst I can think of. I hadn't thought about Cha and Intimidating Presence, but then, no one said you were playing a berserker... Cha doesn't do much for a totem barb.

I agree it is not that bad, it is just the worst I can think of. I hadn't thought about Cha and Intimidating Presence, but then, no one said you were playing a berserker... Cha doesn't do much for a totem barb.

Yeah, it is one of the worst... and still good enough. ;)
Good thing for a system.

Make it bear totem so you have redundand fire resistance. ;)

A lot of the advantages that Mountain Dwarf brings are wasted on a Monk and you'll have a slower base move but you still end up with +2 Con and Darkvision. I'll echo others and unless you intentionally sub-optimized your attributes array, you are still going to be effective no matter what race/class combo you play. I think the Tiefling Barbarian is pretty bad.

Frankly, I love playing against type much of the time. Strength rogues are cool...a dwarven wizard would be fun. elven barbarian? not hard to imagine.

if you just want something inept, as others have said, screw yourself with misplaced scores.

I am not into min maxing to a great extent and do not believe most "broken," "trap" hyperbole...missing out on a +2 to STR is NOT game breaking. Having higher stats in nonessential areas? So what?!

I can tells that my dex 14/cha 14 arcane trickster bard can pull his own weight in a 2 pc party. He sometimes hits a bit badly but if he connects it is quite devastating.
14 in a main stat (and 12 con on top) allows you to contribute well enough. You just have to use your extraordinary strengths.

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