D&D 5E 5e Updates: Monstrous Compendium


OK, sorry to get to this so late. First a few quick general thoughts:
  • I like that you are trying to make Slaad more unique and chaotic. The lore works.
  • I worry that there is a lot of dice rolling to determine what this creatures. That is not something I would want to do at the start of an encounter. Not such a big deal if it is something I roll during adventure prep. I would remove the "at the beginning of the encounter language.
  • I didn't check the math - I trust you got that correct
  • As noted in my previous response, I'm not feeling very creative, so my suggestions may be lacking - sorry:(
So I made this Slaad for use in my game last year, and I thought it was time to give it your special treatment, stat block it, clean it up and give it some spit shine. So would welcome feedback, ultimately my goal is to provide that feeling is true chaotic randomness without requiring SO many rolls. What I have done is try to split the DM load between several rolls at the beginning of the fight, and then only a few random rolls during the encounter. But definitely could use thoughts here.

True Slaad
True Slaad are the real children of chaos. Ever shifting, the only thing that unites them is one common purpose....to spread. True Slaad often look like some type of large frog like creature, but no two Slaad look alike. They take on a wide array of colorations and hues, with an ever changing number of limbs. What are more commonly known as Slaadi is actually a variant spawned from a True Slaad, a variant that lost some of its chaotic energy and shifted into more stable color coded forms.

Culture: True Slaad are some of the most fickle creatures in the multiverse, even Demons find them too volatile to work with. As such, True Slaad are normally solitary or in small numbered hunting parties. True Slaad have no true concept of "self", they recognize that they are a separate entity from other creatures, but their thoughts shift so frequently that one realized self is quickly changed to another.

True Slaad
Large Aberration, Chaotic

Armor Class 15
Hit Points 170
Speed 30 ft (see Morphic Form)

12 (+1)12 (+1)12 (+1)8 (-1)6 (-2)12 (+1)

Saves See Children of Chaos
Skills See Children of Chaos
Senses Darkvision 60ft
Languages Slaad, Telepathy 60ft
Challenge 8

Ever-Shifting Instinct: At the beginning of an encounter, roll a d6. This determines the True Slaad's behavior for the encounter.
1: Alternate. The DM determines some alternate behavior for the creature.
2 - 5: Spread. The True Slaad will attack a humanoid to spread Chaos Phage, and will switch targets after infection. Non-humanoids are ignored unless they are hostile.
6: Destroy. The True Slaad attempts to kill any non-Slaad creature it can see.
This doesn't really seem appropriate for a stat block, more like the general monster info lore. However, I have no issues with content. My one suggestion would be - more options. It doesn't feel chaotic enough to me. I believe it was during 4e that had "conversation with a Slaad" in Dungeon or Dragon or the Planes Below or some somplement and it was pretty awesome, you might want to see if you can find that.
Morphic Form: At the beginning of an encounter, roll a d6 and adjust the True Slaad based on the notes below.
1 - Reduced. Size is reduced by 1 category, and damage is reduced by 1d6.
2 - Enhanced. Size is increased by 1 category, and damage is increased by 1d6.
3 - Swim. Can breathe water and gains a swim speed equal to its speed.
4 - Fly. Has wings and gains a fly speed equal to its speed.
5 - Altered Speed. Add (1d6 - 2) x 5 to the speed.
6 - Roll 2d6 and consult the chart twice.
Personally, I would like damage to go up or down with the size change
Entropic Resistance: At the beginning of an encounter, roll a d6 for each chart below twice. The Slaad has resistance to the types selected for the encounter. If a type is selected twice, the Slaad is immune to that damage type.
1 - Bludgeoning, Piercing, Slashing
2 - Fire
3 - Cold
4 - Acid
5 - Lightning
6 - Reroll. The True Slaad becomes vulnerable to the new result.

1 - Thunder
2 - Force
3 - Psychic
4 - Radiant
5 - Necrotic
6 - Reroll. The True Slaad becomes vulnerable to the new result.
How would a resistance be selected twice. I like the idea, but I don't see how it is possible as described.
Children of Chaos: True Slaad add 1d6 to all attacks, saves, checks, saving throw DCs, and damage rolls (already adjusted).
I like the idea; however, it seems like needless rolling to me. This is not something that affects the players at all. It may feel more chaotic to the DM, but to the players it is just a hit or miss. I think finding some way to imply chaos to the players would be better, Not sure how though.
Regeneration: The True Slaad regains 3d6 hit points at the start of its turn if it has 1 hitpoint. When a True Slaad reaches 0 hitpoint, roll a d6. On a 6, the True Slaad immediately performs regeneration. If the True Slaad gets the maximum result on this special regeneration roll, it instead becomes a Perfect Slaad at full hp.
I don't understand how it becomes a Perfect Slaad, unless it means if your roll 18 on the regen. Also, does it regenerate only if you roll a 6? It is a little confusing.
Enigma: Because a True Slaad is constantly shifting, it is impossible to assess its current abilities through Knowledge checks.

Chaos Phage: While infected with this disease, the target cannot regain hitpoints. After 1d20 days, the target dies and becomes a True Slaad.
That could be interesting.
Make 3 Limb attacks.

Limb. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 +1d6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 3d6 bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage. If the target is humanoid, it must make a DC 12 + 1d6 Constitution Saving Throw or be infected with Chaos Phage.
I would like to see more attack options. Then maybe to choice of attack is determined by a die roll to get some of that chaos feel.
Surge of Chaos
: When the True Slaad fails a saving throw or takes a critical hit, choose a target within 150 ft.
Within 150 ft. of the slaad?
Any 3rd level or lower spell on the target ends (as if hit with Dispel Magic). The target takes 3d6 force damage and must succeed on a DC 12 + 1d6 Constitution Saving Throw or be infected with Chaos Phage.

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Strahd Von Zarovich (WIP)
14 (11,500 XP)
General abilities feel pretty solid, it feels Strahdy.

The damage looks on the low side. I'm calculating a 56 DPR if I assume staggering smite as the bonus action....and that's a CR9 at best.

Also, if you want to make Strahd more unique, you could try a few other mechanics:

  • Half his regen instead of negate it. Strahd is more powerful than a normal vampire.
  • After a bite, his regen doubles for a few rounds. Really make radiant damage a key factor in stopping him.


General abilities feel pretty solid, it feels Strahdy.

The damage looks on the low side. I'm calculating a 56 DPR if I assume staggering smite as the bonus action....and that's a CR9 at best.

Also, if you want to make Strahd more unique, you could try a few other mechanics:

  • Half his regen instead of negate it. Strahd is more powerful than a normal vampire.
  • After a bite, his regen doubles for a few rounds. Really make radiant damage a key factor in stopping him.
FYI, I haven't updated anything in the stat block yet. This is just a copy and past from the Vampire Lord. I will keep your suggestions in mind when I turn it into Strahd. With VRGtR coming out I feel like making stats for the Dark Lords



True slaad are some of the most fickle creatures in the multiverse, even Demons find them too volatile to work with. As such, true slaad are normally solitary or in small numbered hunting parties. True slaad have no true concept of "self", they recognize that they are a separate entity from other creatures, but their thoughts shift so frequently that one realized self is quickly changed to another.

Super Spreaders. True slaad exist primarily to foster and spread chaos. Their primary method for this task is by inflicting humanoids with a virulent disease called Chaos Phage. A humanoid creature can be afflicted with Chaos Phage after being wounded by a true slaad. A creature infected with Chaos Phage cannot regain hit points and will transform into a true slaad in 1d20 dies. Once per day, a Lesser Restoration can be used delay the disease by 1 day, allowing the person to regain hit points during that time. A Greater Restoration or Wish spell is required to heal the disease permanently.

Chaos Incarnate. Few creatures embrace chaos as thoroughly as willfully as slaads do. When characters first encounters a true slaad, roll a d12 and apply the behavior to the slaad as listed in the Ever Shifting Instincts table. After 10 minutes, or any significant change in the character's interaction with the slaad, roll on the Ever Shifting Instincts table again. The slaad's behavior changes as indicated on the new roll.

Ever Shifting Instincts
1ParlayThe slaad is inquisitive and wishes to talk. Characters have advantage on Persuasion and Diplomacy checks when interacting with this Slaad.
2FrightenedThe slaad is convinced the characters are powerful threats and uses all of its speed and actions to get away from them.
3IgnoreThe slaad believes the characters do not exist and ignores them unless attacked.
4-9SpreadThe slaad will attack any humanoid it sees with the into to spread Chaos Phage. Once a target is infected, it will switch to another, non-infected target. If all targets are infected, it will leave. Non-humanoids are ignored unless they are hostile.
10WorshipThe slaad believes the characters are emissaries of Chaos and is Charmed by them.
11-12RageThe slaad attacks any non-slaad creature it can see. It will continue fitting until it or its targets are dead.

Morphic Form. True slaad are the real children of chaos. Ever shifting, the only thing that unites them is one common purpose....to spread. true slaad often look like some type of large frog like creature, but no two slaad look alike. They take on a wide array of colorations and hues, with an ever changing number of limbs. What are more commonly known as Slaadi are actually a variant spawned from a true slaad, a variant that has lost some of the true slaad's chaotic energy and shifted into more stable color coded forms.

When using the True Slaad stat block provided below, modify it by rolling a d12 and apply the result in the True Slaad Form table.

True Slaad Form
1ReduceThe slaad's size becomes Medium, its hit points are 150, and damage is reduced by 1d6.-1
2EnlargeThe slaad's becomes Huge, its hit points become 190, its strength becomes 22, its reach becomes 10 ft. and its damage increases by 5 (1d6 + 2).+1
3SwimmerThe slaad gains a swim speed equal to its speed and it can breath water.--
4FlierThe slaad has wings and gains a fly speed of 50.--
Increase the slaad's speed by 20 ft.
6Thick Skin.Increase the slaad's AC to 19+1
7Extra LimbsIncrease the number of attacks in the slaad's multiattack by one. The additional attack must be a limb's attack.--
8Vitriolic SpittleThe slaad can spit acid. The attack bonus, targets, and damage is the same as a limb attack, except the damage type is acid and the range is 30 feet.--
9Leaper(Recharge 4-6) The slaad can use a bonus action to jump 30 ft. long and 15 ft. high. This leap does not provoke opportunity attacks.--
10two-headedThe slaad has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks and on saving throws against being blinded, charmed, deafened, frightened, stunned, and knocked unconscious.--
11Potent ChaosIncrease all saving throw DCs by 2+1
12Multi-RollRoll twice on the chart and apply both results. Reroll one die if you roll a 1 & 2.varies


True Slaad
Large Aberration, Chaotic

Armor Class 15
Hit Points 170 (20d10 + 60)
Speed 30 ft.

18 (+4)12 (+1)16 (+3)8 (-1)6 (-2)12 (+1)

Saves See Children of Chaos
Skills See Children of Chaos
Resistances psychic; see variable resistance
Senses Darkvision 60ft, passive perception 8 (+1d6)
Languages Slaad, Telepathy 60ft
Challenge 8 (3,900 XP)

Children of Chaos. The slaad adds 1d6 to all attacks, saves, checks, saving throw DCs, and damage rolls (included in the attack).

Chaotic Regeneration. The slaad regains 10 (3d6) hit points at the start of its turn if it has at least 1 hit point. If the slaad reaches 0 hit points, roll a d20 with disadvantage. On a 20, the slaad instantly transforms into a Perfect Slaad with full hit points.

Enigma. Because a True Slaad is constantly shifting, it is impossible to assess its current abilities through Knowledge checks.

Magic Resistance. The slaad has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

Magic Weapons. The slaad’s weapon attacks are magical.

Variable Resistance (1/Rest). When the slaad first takes cold, fire, force, lightning, poison, radiant, or thunder damage, it must roll a d6, which determines how the damage effects it as indicated in the table below. The effect rolled last until this ability is used again.

1Vulnerable to the damage type
2-3No change, damage effects the slaad normally
4-5Resistant to the damage type
6Immune to the damage type

The slaad makes three melee attacks.

Limb. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 (5+1d6) to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 14 (3d6 + 4) bludgeoning or slashing damage, the slaad's choice. If the target is humanoid, it must make a DC 15 (12 + 1d6) Constitution saving throw or be infected with Chaos Phage.

Surge of Chaos
: When the True Slaad fails a saving throw or takes a critical hit, choose a target within 150 ft. Any 3rd level or lower spell on the target ends (as if hit with Dispel Magic). The target takes 3d6 force damage and must succeed on a DC 12 + 1d6 Constitution Saving Throw or be infected with Chaos Phage.


A DM who wants to give more variety to a True Slaad's attack option to use the multiattack variant below in place of the standard Multiattack and Limbs actions.

Multiattack. The slaad makes three of the following attacks at random (reroll duplicates), choosing one to three targets it can see within range. On a hit, if the target is humanoid, it must make a DC 12 + 1d6 Constitution saving throw or be infected with Chaos Phage.
1.Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 (5+1d6) to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 14 (3d6 + 4) slashing damage and the target must make a DC 15 (12 + 1d6) Dexterity saving throw or be grappled.
2.Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 (5+1d6) to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 14 (3d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage and the target must make a DC 15 (12 + 1d6) Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
3.Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 (5+1d6) to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 14 (3d6 + 4) piercing damage and the target must make a DC 15 (12 + 1d6) Constitution saving throw or be diseased for one day. While diseased in this way the target has disadvantage on Constitution checks and saving throws.
4.Gore. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 (5+1d6) to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 14 (3d6 + 4) piercing damage and the target must make a DC 15 (12 + 1d6) Strength saving throw or be restrained. The target, or an adjacent helper, can use an action to attempt a DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check to end the condition for it. Additionally, the condition ends for the target if the slaad uses this attack again.
Last edited:


I have taken a stab at revising your True Slaad concept. It was heavily inspired by your take, but I pushed it a bit. It is still a WIP, but I would be interested in hearing your thoughts.
Most of the changes I think are improvements. I will cut back onto a few of them, mainly to remove DM complexity. Again when running such a unique creature I really want to remove as much DM thought process as I can...within the flavor of the creature.
  • I think your Shifting Instincts and Morphic form are a solid improvement over the draft, especially the CR inclusions. I would just remove the recharge from leaper (one less thing to worry about, its a cool ability but nothing crazy for a CR 8).
  • I like the original model of just 3 limb attacks better. Again, its simple.... slaads don't need two separate types of attacks, besides, they may not even have a head in certain iterations. Just simple damage and disease spread, that's what slaads do. Its the energy type variability that makes this fight interesting.
  • The note about spells delaying and stopping the disease is a nice value add. A greater restoration is a bit steep though for a CR8, so maybe a lesser restoration adds 1 day to the total time and lets you heal, and a greater restoration lets you recover completely. That leads to some cool plot hooks, the PC that must have a lesser restoration every day....or they will die and become a True Slaad.
  • Regeneration: Your note here is a lot cleaner than mine, thank you. However, it does make the perfect slaad "too common", aka 1 in every 20 slaad that dies becomes a Perfect Slaad....that's a bit more than I think the standard death slaad narrative would want (for context my old version was 1 in 1,296). So to compromise, lets just do the d20 with disadvantage. That's 1 in 400, still pretty rare but would be really crazy when it comes up in game.
  • Variable Resistance: So one aspect I want to highlight with True Slaad.....chaos isn't always an "advantage". I've always liked the concept that chaotic creatures can't help themselves, they don't choose when to be chaotic....they simply are. so the idea that I have a 3/day ability I can use when I want to I think is not in the spirit. That said, I think your language is cleaner and works simpler than mine, so a slight adjustment and I think we are getting close:

Variable Resistance (1/rest): When the slaad takes cold, fire, force, lightning, poison, radiant, or thunder damage, it must roll a d6, which determines how the damage effects it.
1 - Vulnerable
2-3 - No change
4-5 - Resistance
6 - Immune

The effect lasts for 10 minutes.

Surge of Chaos - "normal effects"..... and the Slaad recharges Variable Resistance.


Here's my latest draft taking in your adjustments and countering with a few additional ones.

TRUE SLAAD (WIP) - Draft 2

True Slaad are some of the most fickle creatures in the multiverse, even Demons find them too volatile to work with. As such, True Slaad are normally solitary or in small numbered hunting parties. True Slaad have no true concept of "self", they recognize that they are a separate entity from other creatures, but their thoughts shift so frequently that one realized self is quickly changed to another.

Super Spreaders. True Slaad exist primarily to foster and spread chaos. Their primary method for this task is by inflicting humanoids with a virulent magical disease called Chaos Phage. A creature infected with Chaos Phage cannot regain hit points and will transform into a true slaad in 1d20 days. Once per day, a Lesser Restoration will delay the disease by 1 day, allowing the person to regain hitpoints during that time. A Greater Restoration or Wish spell is required to heal the disease permanently.

Chaos Incarnate. Few creatures embrace chaos as thoroughly as willfully as True Slaads do. When characters first encounters a True Slaad, roll a d12 and apply the behavior to the Slaad as listed in the Ever Shifting Instincts table. After 10 minutes, or any significant change in the character's interaction with the slaad, roll on the Ever Shifting Instincts table again. The slaad's behaviour changes as indicated on the new roll.

Ever Shifting Instincts
1ParlayThe slaad is inquisitive and wishes to talk. Characters have advantage on Persuasion and Diplomacy checks when interacting with this Slaad.
2FrightenedThe slaad is convinced the characters are powerful threats and uses all of its speed and actions to get away from them.
3IgnoreThe slaad believes the characters do not exist and ignores them unless attacked.
4-9SpreadThe slaad will attack any humanoid it sees with the into to spread Chaos Phage. Once a target is infected, it will switch to another, non-infected target. If all targets are infected, it will leave. Non-humanoids are ignored unless they are hostile.
10WorshipThe slaad believes the characters are emissaries of Chaos and is Charmed by them.
11-12RageThe slaad attacks any non-slaad creature it can see. It will continue fitting until it or its targets are dead.

Morphic Form. True Slaad are the real children of chaos. Ever shifting, the only thing that unites them is one common purpose....to spread. True Slaad often look like some type of large frog like creature, but no two Slaad look alike. They take on a wide array of colorations and hues, with an ever changing number of limbs. What are more commonly known as Slaadi are actually a variant spawned from a True Slaad, a variant that has lost some of the true slaad's chaotic energy and shifted into more stable color coded forms.

When using the True Slaad stat block provided below, modify it by rolling a d12 and apply the result in the True Slaad Form table.

True Slaad Form
1ReduceThe slaad's size becomes Medium, its hit points are 150, and damage is reduced by 1d6.-1
2EnlargeSize becomes Huge, its hit points become 190, its reach becomes 10 ft, it gains advantage on Strength saves and checks, and its damage is increased by 7 (2d6).+1
3SwimmerThe Slaad gains a swim speed equal to its speed and it can breath water.--
4FlierThe slaad has wings and gains a fly speed of 50.--
Increase the slaads speed by 20 ft.
6Thick Skin.Increase the Slaads AC to 19+1
7Extra LimbsIncrease the number of attacks in the slaads multiattack by one. The additional attack must be a limbs attack.--
8Vitriolic SpittleThe slaad can spit acid. The attack bonus, targets, and damage is the same as a limb attack, except the damage type is acid and the range is 30 feet.--
9LeaperThe slaad can use a bonus action to jump 30 ft long and 15 ft. high. This leap does not provoke opportunity attacks.--
10two-headedThe slaad has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks and on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws.+1
11Potent ChaosIncrease all Saving Throw DCs by 2+1
12Multi-RollRoll twice on the chart and apply both results. Results 1 and 2 cancel each other out.varies


True Slaad (WIP) - Draft 2
Large Aberration, Chaotic

Armor Class 15
Hit Points 170 (20d10 + 60)
Speed 30 ft (see Morphic Form)

18 (+4)12 (+1)16 (+3)8 (-1)6 (-2)12 (+1)

Saves See Children of Chaos
Skills See Children of Chaos
Resistances psychic; see variable resistance
Senses Darkvision 60ft, passive perception 8 (+1d6)
Languages Slaad, Telepathy 60ft
Challenge 8 (3,900 XP)

Children of Chaos. The slaad adds 1d6 to all attacks, saves, checks, saving throw DCs, and damage rolls (included in the attack).

Chaotic Regeneration. The slaad regains 10 (3d6) hit points at the start of its turn if it has at least 1 hit point. If the slaad reaches 0 hit points, roll a d20 with disadvantage. On a 20, the slaad instantly transforms into a Perfect Slaad at full hit points.

Enigma. Because a True Slaad is constantly shifting, it is impossible to assess its current abilities through Knowledge checks.

Magic Resistance. The slaad has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

Magic Weapons. The slaad’s weapon attacks are magical.

Variable Resistance (1/rest): When the slaad first takes cold, fire, force, lightning, poison, radiant, or thunder damage, it must roll a d6, which determines how the damage effects it.
1 - Vulnerable
2-3 - Normal
4-5 - Resistance
6 - Immune

The effect lasts until the ability is used again.

The slaad makes three limb attacks.

Limb. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 (5+1d6) to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 14 (3d6 + 4) bludgeoning or slashing damage, the slaad's choice. If the target is humanoid, it must make a DC 12 + 1d6 Constitution saving throw or be infected with Chaos Phage.

Surge of Chaos
: When the True Slaad fails a saving throw or takes a critical hit, choose a target within 150 ft. Any 3rd level or lower spell on the target ends (as if hit with Dispel Magic). The target takes 3d6 force damage and must succeed on a DC 12 + 1d6 Constitution Saving Throw or be infected with Chaos Phage. Variable Resistance is immediately recharged.


Most of the changes I think are improvements.
Glad I could help and sorry it has taken me so long.
I will cut back onto a few of them, mainly to remove DM complexity. Again when running such a unique creature I really want to remove as much DM thought process as I can...within the flavor of the creature.
  • I think your Shifting Instincts and Morphic form are a solid improvement over the draft, especially the CR inclusions. I would just remove the recharge from leaper (one less thing to worry about, its a cool ability but nothing crazy for a CR 8).
Good point about leaper.
  • I like the original model of just 3 limb attacks better. Again, its simple.... slaads don't need two separate types of attacks, besides, they may not even have a head in certain iterations. Just simple damage and disease spread, that's what slaads do. Its the energy type variability that makes this fight interesting.
IDK, I just see that big mouth and I want to give it a bite. Also, if it could be headless, couldn't also be limbless?

Regardless, my original thought was to give it several different attack options and then have the DM roll a 3d4 or 3d6 (one for each attack) to determine which attack it uses similar to the beholders eye ray. I still think I like the randomness of that idea best, but I wasn't up for writing it up yet (and I worried it would add to much DM workload before I finished the rest of the design). I guess to me is seems odd that a creature of chaos makes the same attack three times every round. I think if I get time I may go back to my original idea as I think it is better than either of the present versions. What are your thoughts?
  • The note about spells delaying and stopping the disease is a nice value add. A greater restoration is a bit steep though for a CR8, so maybe a lesser restoration adds 1 day to the total time and lets you heal, and a greater restoration lets you recover completely. That leads to some cool plot hooks, the PC that must have a lesser restoration every day....or they will die and become a True Slaad.
That works for me.
  • Regeneration: Your note here is a lot cleaner than mine, thank you. However, it does make the perfect slaad "too common", aka 1 in every 20 slaad that dies becomes a Perfect Slaad....that's a bit more than I think the standard death slaad narrative would want (for context my old version was 1 in 1,296). So to compromise, lets just do the d20 with disadvantage. That's 1 in 400, still pretty rare but would be really crazy when it comes up in game.
Sounds good
  • Variable Resistance: So one aspect I want to highlight with True Slaad.....chaos isn't always an "advantage". I've always liked the concept that chaotic creatures can't help themselves, they don't choose when to be chaotic....they simply are. so the idea that I have a 3/day ability I can use when I want to I think is not in the spirit. That said, I think your language is cleaner and works simpler than mine, so a slight adjustment and I think we are getting close:
That works for me. I had the same thought about "Children of Chaos" and wondered if it could maybe subtract too, but then I realized it has not bonus inherently so simple adding was the right way to go. Regardless, I am with on the negatives of being chaotic
Variable Resistance (1/rest): When the slaad takes cold, fire, force, lightning, poison, radiant, or thunder damage, it must roll a d6, which determines how the damage effects it.
1 - Vulnerable
2-3 - No change
4-5 - Resistance
6 - Immune

The effect lasts for 10 minutes.

Surge of Chaos - "normal effects"..... and the Slaad recharges Variable Resistance.
Looks good!


I guess to me is seems odd that a creature of chaos makes the same attack three times every round. I think if I get time I may go back to my original idea as I think it is better than either of the present versions. What are your thoughts?
We could probably do this justice through the morphic form quality. Maybe increase the options to a d20 and allow for some extra attack options there. You noted the acidic ranged attack already as one option. That way again, the DM starts the fight knowing what they have to do, instead of adjusting themselves every round (and of course they are welcome to just tailor the slaad at the beginning to their liking and use that instead of rolls if they so choose).

Probably the easiest way to do this would be "3 limbs", and then have some of these morphic form option swap out an attack.

"Powerful Jaw: The Slaad may substitute 1 limb attack for the following - XYZ"

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