D&D 5E 5e Updates: Monstrous Compendium


Hot damn, now THAT is the king of monsters! I'm wondering if that's the most powerful monster I've seen in this thread yet, it looks insanely powerful. I love all the bonuses against fellow colossal, its definately a monster slayer. I think CR 30 may actually be too low.

My one critique is that this guy seems to be super overkill with the immunities. He already has a lot of weird immunities (charmed, petrified, exhaustion....why is he immune?). Then he has limited magic immunity that removes all magically imposed conditions. Then he can use unstoppable on top of that. That feels a bit much.

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Hot damn, now THAT is the king of monsters! I'm wondering if that's the most powerful monster I've seen in this thread yet, it looks insanely powerful. I love all the bonuses against fellow colossal, its definately a monster slayer. I think CR 30 may actually be too low.
I used the CR 30 HP and damage calculations and pretty much ignored everything else. So yes, it probably should be a higher CR. I will update it a some point, but I just did this quick and dirty.
My one critique is that this guy seems to be super overkill with the immunities. He already has a lot of weird immunities (charmed, petrified, exhaustion....why is he immune?). Then he has limited magic immunity that removes all magically imposed conditions. Then he can use unstoppable on top of that. That feels a bit much.
That is probably true. Godzilla is a weird one as its near indestructability is kinda its thing. Yes, unstoppable is probably enough, but I didn't want to give it protection from charms and such. I will revise it a bit.


The avatar of Tiamat in this thread only has one "mythic stage." The 5-stage version was moved to my Immortals rules thread and will updated to that format in the not to distant future. However, that version will be truly godly and much more powerful than Godzilla. As a rough example, this Godzilla with 10 mythic stages effectively has just a little under 8,000 HP. The updated Tiamat will likely be around 4 Exalted Stages and have an effective HP of about 30,000-40,000.
By Moradin's beard! In theory, how would you prevent your players (and yourself) from experiencing combat fatigue from fighting either of these? my players kinda dislike long combats, we fought your epic Sthrad in his castle and it was about 6-7 hours of combat over two sessions.


Hot damn, now THAT is the king of monsters! I'm wondering if that's the most powerful monster I've seen in this thread yet, it looks insanely powerful. I love all the bonuses against fellow colossal, its definately a monster slayer. I think CR 30 may actually be too low.

My one critique is that this guy seems to be super overkill with the immunities. He already has a lot of weird immunities (charmed, petrified, exhaustion....why is he immune?). Then he has limited magic immunity that removes all magically imposed conditions. Then he can use unstoppable on top of that. That feels a bit much.
OK, I got rid of some condition immunities and removed the limited magic immunity.


By Moradin's beard! In theory, how would you prevent your players (and yourself) from experiencing combat fatigue from fighting either of these? my players kinda dislike long combats, we fought your epic Sthrad in his castle and it was about 6-7 hours of combat over two sessions.
For Godzilla, I guess you need an army of 20th level PCs! Which sounds about right.

For Exalted Tiamat, you need to be deity. Deities of the same level as Tiamat will be doing 1,000+ DPR easily and Tiamat would have an effective HP of only 15,000-20,000 to them. So a party of greater gods is putting out 4-5,000 DPR. The battle could last as little as 4-5 rounds, so about 30 minutes or so of game time the way my group plays.


For Godzilla, I guess you need an army of 20th level PCs! Which sounds about right.

For Exalted Tiamat, you need to be deity. Deities of the same level as Tiamat will be doing 1,000+ DPR easily and Tiamat would have an effective HP of only 15,000-20,000 to them. So a party of greater gods is putting out 4-5,000 DPR. The battle could last as little as 4-5 rounds, so about 30 minutes or so of game time the way my group plays.
My group was looking into making our own epic system cause we have three campaigns that will eventually need to go further beyond "mere" level 20s. I love the idea behind Ascension but It doesn't really "fit" one of my settings.


The other potential issue with Godzilla is his Mythic Pulse. Realistically knocking PCs out to 1000 feet is going to take them out of combat for several rounds (could be 10 or more if they just have their own speed to rely on), unless they have teleport abilities constantly. Which means they will get back to the big G just in time for it to use its pulse again. Considering the mythic ability is kicking in "very early in the fight" (aka the 1st out of 10 HP recharges)....that could get very very tedious for players.

I feel like that might be better as an automatic once per fight kind of ability, a cool shakeup, but not something that he can spam out over and over again. Maybe he uses it for free when he spends his 5th recharge or something, no action cost, but a one and done thing).


The other potential issue with Godzilla is his Mythic Pulse. Realistically knocking PCs out to 1000 feet is going to take them out of combat for several rounds (could be 10 or more if they just have their own speed to rely on), unless they have teleport abilities constantly. Which means they will get back to the big G just in time for it to use its pulse again. Considering the mythic ability is kicking in "very early in the fight" (aka the 1st out of 10 HP recharges)....that could get very very tedious for players.

I feel like that might be better as an automatic once per fight kind of ability, a cool shakeup, but not something that he can spam out over and over again. Maybe he uses it for free when he spends his 5th recharge or something, no action cost, but a one and done thing).
Yes, that is a good point. Honestly, I wanted it as a one combat use, but completely forgot about Big G having multiple uses of its mythic trait! I will figure out how to get that corrected.


My group was looking into making our own epic system cause we have three campaigns that will eventually need to go further beyond "mere" level 20s. I love the idea behind Ascension but It doesn't really "fit" one of my settings.
FYI, there are several post level 20 systems for 5e out there already. Have you looked at them?


The other potential issue with Godzilla is his Mythic Pulse. Realistically knocking PCs out to 1000 feet is going to take them out of combat for several rounds (could be 10 or more if they just have their own speed to rely on), unless they have teleport abilities constantly. Which means they will get back to the big G just in time for it to use its pulse again. Considering the mythic ability is kicking in "very early in the fight" (aka the 1st out of 10 HP recharges)....that could get very very tedious for players.

I feel like that might be better as an automatic once per fight kind of ability, a cool shakeup, but not something that he can spam out over and over again. Maybe he uses it for free when he spends his 5th recharge or something, no action cost, but a one and done thing).
OK, I adjusted a few things including revise Pulse. I gave it terrain destroying movement trait (which I somehow forgot to add originally), I also revised its claw attack to be mostly Colossal only. Basically, Godzilla just stomps on puny humans.

Voidrunner's Codex

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