D&D 5E 9 New NPCs From Conartists to Serial Killers

Today EN5ider has a roster of solid NPCs to make the next tavern fight something to really remember! Herein are the lowly conartist (CR 1/4), experienced shopkeep (CR 1/4), and pickpocket (CR 1/2), more formidable foes like the bodyguard (CR 1), brawler (CR 1), elite guard (CR 2), rabble rouser (CR 2), and veteran guard (CR 2), and finally the utterly lethal slasher (CR 5) for when it's time to spill blood. Dependably designed by Andrew Engelbrite, illustrated by Rachel Maduro.

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Rachel_Maduro-pick_pockets shrunk.jpg

Lately on EN5ider:
  • 538. Monstrous Menagerie: Unusual Suspects. Fill the next tavern fight with a diverse and rewarding assortment of enemies! Herein are the lowly conartist (CR 1/4), experienced shopkeep (CR 1/4), and pickpocket (CR 1/2), more formidable foes like the bodyguard (CR 1), brawler (CR 1), elite guard (CR 2), rabble rouser (CR 2), and veteran guard (CR 2), and finally the utterly lethal slasher (CR 5) for when it's time to spill blood. Dependably designed by Andrew Engelbrite, illustrated by Rachel Maduro.
  • 537. Mini-Adventure: Adrift in the Astral Plane. Whether the party entered an errant portal, angered the wrong god, or have gone astray while planefaring the result is the same: they are stranded on the Astral Plane! They could be left to starve or die of thirst, but where's the fun in that? Instead hit the adventurers with this three-part mini-adventure and see if they can survive the arduous trek back to the realms material! Driftingly designed by Charlie Brooks for 4–5 PCs of 5th level, illustrated by Indi Martin, and featuring the cartography of Dyson Logos.
  • 536. Intriguing Organizations: Librarians of Truth. There are many libraries in the world run by guilds accumulating trade knowledge, governments keeping their populace happy, or wizards hoarding magical secrets. Then there are the great Library Vaults run by the Librarians of Truth. These massive buildings hold books of every kind, from the most popular copper paperbacks to the rarest magical tome, and the librarians will share these books with anyone who asks—so long as they haven’t accumulated any late fees, of course. Descriptively designed by Michael McCarthy, illustrated by Xanditz.
  • 535. Adventure: Wizards of Grimbilly Hill. The rural village of Wiksby sits along several trade roads. Most folks there are farmers and they have a regional reputation for producing excellent goat cheeses. As of late however the local wizard Fenthrymr is missing and strange creatures wander the roads, blocking the way to his tower. Without the mage's help the settlement is unprotected and a fair reward awaits whoever can find him. Deftly designed by RK Robison, illustrated by Yeysson Bellaiza, with cartography by Kate Moody.
  • 534. Soul Degradation. Magical resurrection is quick, clean, and simple. For those with enough coin deadly mishaps and lethal mistakes are practically nonexistent—the return to life is but a spell away. Consider making resurrections a much more interesting and character building affair. What happens if you attempt to resurrect someone a bit later than you should be able to? What if the soul has been wounded? Or if the soul can't come back, and someone or something else answers the call of the resurrection? Psychopomps rejoice because it's all covered here! Death-defyingly designed by Levi Thompson, illustrated by Xanditz.

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Mike Myler

Mike Myler

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