95% of you didn't need the OGL and you don't need ORC


They make money off of claims to uncertainty... and WOTC posts here. (Why no that isnt a conspiracy theory why ever would you ask?)
I'm not sure I understand what you mean... Do you think the OP makes money off of uncertainty, or the lawyers who are posting on reddit?

If it's the latter, that doesn't make sense to me. Most of the lawyers who are commenting don't work in copyright law (some of them live in other world countries and have some interest in US copyright law). So how could they make money off of uncertainty regarding US copyright laws on copyrighting TTRPG rulesets?

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This actually also raises another complexity with Paizo's plan for ORC - namely, they are also doing a bit of a WotC with respect to the OGL v 1.0a, namely, claiming a unilateral power to move their works out of that licensing framework even though they have made contractual promises to all their licensees to keep it in there.
where is there a clause that it needs to stay under the OGL? There are some dual licensed RPGs, so as long as none of the OGC is required, also having it under ORac should be fine.

Also, if WotC de-authorizes it, that obligation disappears, doesn’t it?
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But if Paizo repudiates the licence in respect of PF2, then they would not have the contractual defence against copyright infringement provided by the licence.
and if WotC deauthorizes it, then it would not offer that protection anyway.

I agree that until that is settled, it is safer to include it, but if in the end you will have to argue copyright anyway, then you might as well rip off the band aid and get it over with

I agree that until that is settled, it is safer to include it, but if in the end you will have to argue copyright anyway, then you might as well rip off the band aid and get it over with
But that's his point: You won't necessarily have to argue copyright. You have contractual rights granted by the license, until and unless a court agrees that WotC can "deauthorize" or otherwise revoke it.


But that's his point: You won't necessarily have to argue copyright. You have contractual rights granted by the license, until and unless a court agrees that WotC can "deauthorize" or otherwise revoke it.
I agree, this has not been decided yet, in fact I do expect the license to hold up in court if anyone defends it - and I’d rather do that than fall back on copyright right away

So yeah, badly phrased.

My point was supposed to be that since Paizo is going to publish under ORC anyway, they might as well just fight over the copyright there and bypass the 1.0a battle.
If this is contingent on 1.0a being revoked then they would have to fight over the revocability first, obviously
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Just looking at projects that were in mid-flight and are now on hold plus projects that were about to go up on Kickstarter: yes, yes we do need #ORC.

WotC should not have the ability to throw hundreds of people's careers and jobs into limbo.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Just looking at projects that were in mid-flight and are now on hold plus projects that were about to go up on Kickstarter: yes, yes we do need #ORC.

WotC should not have the ability to throw hundreds of people's careers and jobs into limbo.
ORC doesn’t solve the problem for those making 5E-SRD derived products. It helps publishers share their systems with their own creator communities, and it will provide access to many SRDs, including the new Pathfinder they make presumably, but it won’t be useful for accessing the 5E SRD.


It also separates them from the OGL, which is entangled to WotC rather than controlled by an independent organization.

It's about remaking what was there without the mistakes that have come to light.


ORC doesn’t solve the problem for those making 5E-SRD derived products. It helps publishers share their systems with their own creator communities, and it will provide access to many SRDs, including the new Pathfinder they make presumably, but it won’t be useful for accessing the 5E SRD.
You are correct.

But I don't care one shinny copper about the SRD.

I care about the people that make the cool stuff I want to buy.

If they see #ORC as solving problems, they (and #ORC) will get my support.

Voidrunner's Codex

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