D&D 5E A 5e Warlord?


So, I'm thinking the draconic sorcerer makes a good starting point for a 5e warlord.

Tweaking the basic class information slightly, we get the following:

Ability Adjustment: +1 to your Strength, Intelligence or Charisma score
Starting Hit Points: 8 + Constitution modifier
Armor and Shield Proficiencies: All armor and shields.
Weapon Proficiencies: All weapons

Hit Dice: 1d8 per level
Weapon Attack: +3 from levels 1 to 5
Willpower: (renamed "Focus") As sorcerer
Spells Known: (renamed "Exploits") As sorcerer, but +1 at 1st level and +1 at 4th level. This is a placeholder until I figure out whether I want to have "Tactical"/"Inspirational"/"Defender" etc. type warlords in place of bloodlines.
Maximum Exploit Level: As sorcerer

Battlefield Instincts: Replaces the bonuses gained by the sorcerer as he spends Willpower. As warlords spend Focus, their intense bursts of heightened mental and physical ability gradually sharpen their intuitive sense of the battlefield, which translates into additional bonuses.

Each day, after a warlord has spent 3 Focus, he gains a +2 bonus to the damage rolls of his melee attacks until he completes a long rest.

Each day, after a warlord has spent 10 Focus, he no longer takes the maximum possible damage from critical hits until he completes a long rest. When an attack roll against him results in a critical hit, damage is rolled normally, but any other additional effects of a critical hit (if any) continue to apply.

Warlord Exploits: At 1st level, a warlord knows two minor exploits and another three exploits. He learns a new exploit every level (and an additional exploit at 4th level), subject to its maximum level being no higher than his maximum exploit level. Unlike a sorcerer, he may choose to learn additional minor exploits when he gains levels.

Guided Attack
Minor exploit
You shout advice to an ally, allowing him to correct a flaw in his attack.
Requirement: You can use this exploit only as a reaction when an ally that you can see and who can hear you misses with an attack.
Effect: The ally re-rolls the attack roll. On your next turn, you cannot take an action.

Guided Defense
Minor exploit
You shout a warning to an ally, alerting him to danger.
Requirement: You can use this exploit only as a reaction when an ally that you can see and who can hear you is hit by an enemy's attack or fails a saving throw.
Effect: The enemy re-rolls the attack roll or the ally re-rolls the saving throw. On your next turn, you cannot take an action.

Guided Movement
Minor exploit
You shout words of advice to an ally who is moving into a better position.
Requirement: You can use this exploit only as a reaction when an ally that you can see and who can hear you moves.
Effect: The ally may take the Disengage action in addition to his normal movement and may do so at any point during his move. On your next turn, you cannot take an action.

Guided Precision
Minor exploit
You shout words of advice to an ally who makes a successful attack, showing him how to hit the enemy where it hurts.
Requirement: You can use this exploit only as a reaction when an ally that you can see and who can hear you hits with a melee weapon attack.
Effect: The ally deals an extra 1d6 damage. On your next turn, you cannot take an action.

Inspire Might
1st-level exploit
You shout words of encouragement to an ally, inspiring him to greater efforts.
Effect: Choose one ally who can hear you. The next time that ally hits an enemy during the next minute, he deals an extra 2d6 damage.

Inspiring Word
1st-level exploit
You shout words of encouragement to an ally, restoring his vigor.
Effect: One ally who can hear you may spend one Hit Dice to regain hit points. When you use this exploit, you can make an attack as part of the same action.

Interfering Attack
1st-level exploit
You press the attack against an enemy, leading it to concentrate on defense.
Effect: Choose one enemy within your reach. That enemy has disadvantage on attack rolls until the end of your next turn. When you use this exploit, you can make an attack against the enemy you chose as part of the same action.

Lead the Attack
1st-level exploit
You distract an enemy, helping an ally to get past its defenses.
Effect: Choose one enemy within your reach. The next ally who makes an attack roll against that enemy before the end of your next turn gains advantage on his attack. When you use this exploit, you can make an attack against the enemy you chose as part of the same action.

Coordinated Strike
2nd-level exploit
You and your ally launch a simultaneous attack.
Effect: Choose one enemy within your reach and one ally who is able to attack the enemy. You and your ally make an attack against the chosen enemy.

Inspire Recovery
2nd-level exploit
You shout words of encouragement to an ally, inspiring him to shake off an affliction.
Effect: Choose one ally who can hear you and who is subject to a condition or effect that he can end with a check. The ally makes a check to end the condition or effect as a free action. When you use this exploit, you can make an attack as part of the same action.

Protective Parry
2nd-level exploit
Using your weapon, you blunt the effectiveness of an attack.
Requirement: You can use this exploit only as a reaction when you or an adjacent ally take damage.
Effect: Before you or your ally take the damage, it is reduced by 10.​
What do you think?

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First Post
I like it, actually. I wouldn't mind seeing a Warlord as a distinct class of its own, but this is a pretty good hold-over until we see what they plan on doing.

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