Homebrew A bit of homebrew: Tome of Variance A5E Edition


Craft homebrewer
It’s early days for house rules in LU: A5E, since it already brings so many great changes to D&D. My groups have mostly now converted to A5E and are loving it. We’ve tweaked our usual rules to fit in with some of the unique features of A5E and we’ve found the transition really easy going.

Our O5E Tome of Variance project has now wrapped up with today's v5.0 release and we've just finished adapting the O5E Open Gaming License version to an LU: A5E edition (also released on reddit), using the LUSRDs. Of course, we need to omit the O5E Fan Content Policy edition's MtG illustrations but that keeps it free and fully shareable under the OGL instead.

I know there are a lot of homebrewers on here so, if you might be interested, here're the links:
Would be very interested in your thoughts and if we've missed any A5E integration that'll crop up as we continue to play!

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As a year-ender, I updated the O5E and A5E versions of our Tome of Variance (ToV) to fit with the new Creative Commons licenses for each and used the opportunity to update and add a couple of new options. With my groups playing both, it's been good to have both O5E & A5E versions. As before, there're quite a few of the O5E options that A5E already has great rules for, so these have been flagged or omitted. And there are gaps where the Fan Content Policy art would otherwise be. For the many homebrewers here, it's probably mostly about ideas for your own brews anyway.

The feedback's been really kind and is always really interesting to receive. Biggest surprise was when we found Kobold Press had borrowed the Mental/Physical Resilience feats for Tales of the Valiant (which I'm going to refer to as TotV...).

If interested, here're the links:

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