A business/industry you would not work in?

Vyvyan Basterd

But that's because it's dying.

A fitting end. I think people should have a choice as well. But, if you're going to smoke, at least stay away from the chemical cocktail of addiction that industry serves up. It's funny thinking back to the fast food thread, wondering how many people there that railed against process foods smoke over-processed tobacco products. Instead you saddle yourself with an addiction that former cocaine addicts often say is harder to overcome than cocaine.

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First Post
It's funny thinking back to the fast food thread, wondering how many people there that railed against process foods smoke over-processed tobacco products.
Do they really? I don't think there's a lot of overlap between people who eat fresh and local and people who smoke cigarettes. People who smoke other stuff, maybe.


First Post
A fitting end. I think people should have a choice as well. But, if you're going to smoke, at least stay away from the chemical cocktail of addiction that industry serves up. It's funny thinking back to the fast food thread, wondering how many people there that railed against process foods smoke over-processed tobacco products. Instead you saddle yourself with an addiction that former cocaine addicts often say is harder to overcome than cocaine.

For the record, I don't smoke cigarettes any more. When I smoke it's cigars - not nearly as processed. Pipe tobacco is my all time favorite but it's too much work to smoke a pipe even casually.

I'd have no problem with the death of the tobacco industry if it were a natural one. It's not exactly facing that, though. Then again, it's not as though it made it to where it is by hard, honest work so whatever. Still, I hate it when 'our betters' actually think they know what's best.


Oh, lotsa peeps saying they wouldn't work in the tobacco industry. I wouldn't, either, but that's because it's dying - not over some personal statement. I like choice and people should have it.

I wouldn't work in the sales/marketing end of the tobacco industry, but there's pretty much no industry I'd do that in anyways. I'd be OK growing it or processing it.

Vyvyan Basterd

Do they really? I don't think there's a lot of overlap between people who eat fresh and local and people who smoke cigarettes. People who smoke other stuff, maybe.

I dunno. I'm sure some people get a bug up their butt about the problem du jour but ignore their own unhealthy behaviors. The guy at the local homeopathic/natural market telling me all about the virtues of omega-3 oils, vitamin D, probiotics, and a wheat grass-like supplement sure smelled like a whole bunch of cheap cigarettes though. But that's a sample of one. I'm not much for quizzing smokers on their eating habits. :)


First Post
I'm not much for quizzing smokers on their eating habits. :)
Well, that is much closer to my field. I don't specifically know the stats on it, but there are a number of examples. For example, it's always been difficult to tell if vegetarianism provides health benefits because the average vegetarian also does a number of non-diet healthy behaviors as well (including lower rates of smoking). It's hard to meaningfully study these things experimentally, so a lot of the literature on various diets and lifestyles concludes with "well we can tell that vegetarians are living longer, but we can't tell which part of their lifestyle is causing it".

With regards to smoking, it's definitely lower with increased education, and highest in people with mental illness (as one of many forms of self-medication, perhaps). To me, it seems unlikely that a particularly large number of people are anti-fast food, pro-smoking, though the world has all kinds of people in it.


Anything involving social work. I don't have the mental and physical constitution for that work.
Anything involving a significant risk to life and limb.
Debt collection (see above).

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