A "Duh!" Moment


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Last night, after reading TB for the umpteenth time (I'm waiting for my players to -- finally -- tire from their Savage World kick), I realized that TB works beautifully for a non-magical game due to the Rest mechanism.


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And don't forget Action Points and the Action Point Enhancements. In a sense, they "compensate" for the lack of magic items.

In a low-magic game, it can be tough for a DM to design appropriate challenges since it's easy to overwhelm the characters.

Knowing the player's have APs give the DM some breathing room. He won't have to pull punches as much since the players will have a way to "save their butts" from time to time.

And since there may be little to no magic items, I would recommend being much more generous hanging out APs, especially as quest rewards.

The TB low-magic crossover doesn't surprise me though. Wulf calls TB Grim Tales 2.0. I'd still like to do a TB revision of the Grim Tales class and Talent system at some point though. The TB monster book may or may not have a system akin to the talent system. :angel:

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