A Keep On The Borderlands: Arrival


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His foeman defeated, Greggory moves to flank the Skurg that Bastian is currently engaged with. He carefully times his attack for when the beast is most distracted...then strikes!

OOC: I added the damage if relevant...not sure if hit
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The smell of blood and excreta was in the air. Creatures and people alike called their last gurgling sounds, creating a groaning undercurrent to shouted commands and the clash of steel on steel. Sh'aah forgot what it was he was supposed to be doing as the bestial parts of his Orcish nature took over. Nostrils flaring with the intoxicating smell of battle he leapt from the back of his horse, bellowing a challenge at the huge beastman controlling the lesser creatures nearby. "Your house still smells like :):):):)! And you defend it like human girls!! Being a fairly novice rider, the dismount did not go as smoothly has Sh'aah had hoped and he stumbled a little on reaching the ground.

Grasping his double axe securely in both hands the half-orc began striding through the remnants of the mist, seeking the biggest and strongest opponents he could. All else in the battle, even his horse and the majority of his weapons and equipment was forgotten in the heat of the moment.

ooc: I'm getting pretty confused over who and what is where, and what order we're acting in. Any chance of a map update and the like?

Fast dismount is DC20 ride check (duly failed with a +0 modifier). No penalty for failing, just means a move action to dismount instead.
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OOC: I apologize if I've gone out of order...I find when I try and wait I forget that I haven't gone :( as per last time. Feel free to have your action resolve before mine if appropriate. If its causing too much problems I can wait


First Post
OOC: I apologize if I've gone out of order...I find when I try and wait I forget that I haven't gone :( as per last time. Feel free to have your action resolve before mine if appropriate. If its causing too much problems I can wait

That wasn't directed at anyone in particular ahayford. More of a request for a general update so I can see if Sh'aah can charge rather than walk 'calmly' towards his target. :)

Dr Simon

OOC: I'll get something up soon, but as everyone is quite dispersed I don't think precise initiative is going to matter too much; better to get people posting than waiting.

Dr Simon

The breach had worked, the Dulat troops had established a beach-head within the keep; now they just had to drive off the rest of the defenders who were becoming more organised after the initial surprise.

Bastian, Greggory and Comoray clear the last of the foward group, the mighty skurg finally going down thanks to a backstab from Greg. But two more skurgs and a handfull of beastmen were approaching.

From the western flank of the incursion, Janson brings reinforcements round through the outbuildings of the keep. On the eastern flank a veritable horde of beastmen is pouring down from the rampart. Sh'aah stands ready with a handful of Dulat troops, behind him Cassie tries to load her crossbow with one harm hanging limp and bleeding. In the centre, Tye seems torn between advancing to meet the threat or holding position, but his little band is currently exposed to crossbow fire from the keep.

There is still all to play for.

Clearing the decks a little; Skurg #1 was on 2 hp so it was only a matter of time.

Initiative order:

Dulat Troops/Penal Legion

I'm happy to do rolls for the troops if you want to just give orders. Also, it doesn't matter too much if you post out if initiative order.


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Comoray looks around to see if he would doing the nearby Dulat troops or the beastmen a bigger favour by channeling a wave of soothing healing energy, while keeping an eye on the advancing skurgs.

[sblock=OOC]Channel energy (1d6, 30' ft. radius) if our men in the area of effect are looking worse for wear than theirs; otherwise, ready an attack to receive the oncoming beastmen.[/sblock]


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Bastian Sangue, human cavalier

As one Skurg falls, Bastian finds his second wind. He surveys the battlefield quickly, Bulwark steady beneath him.

"Hold the line!" he bellows to the troops closest. "Pin them between us and feed them your steel!" he adds to the group circling to the west. Then, noticing how close in Arcata has moved, he adds "Lady, you expose yourself! Find cover!" In the heat of battle, his blade already wet with Skurg blood, Bastian has lost the conciliatory tone he usually has with his leige; there is no time for it now, though in the back of his mind he knows there will be both time and payment spent on his words later.

Orders given, the Last Lion turns back to the horde. He nudges Bulwark, who seems to already know his target. The cavalier's mount charges forward as his rider uses the momentum to sink his blade deep into the side of one of the paired skurgs in the southernmost clump.

[sblock=ooc]Orders: infantry in the center group to close ranks and hopefully hold off the advancing troops. The leftmost (western?) group should try to circle for some flanking if possible. Archers still trying to pick off unoccupied beastmen.

Bastian, though, is charging Skurk 2. Oh, goodness, now that's a nice roll:

Charge Bless High Ground Power Attack Greatsword; Damage w/ power attack. (1d20+10=28, 2d6+6=18)

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