A Keep On The Borderlands: Arrival


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Sh'aah roared, and launched himself at the closest of the pair of beastmen in front of him, axe held high for a heavy overhead chop.

The axe connected, though it glanced off the creature's collarbone with a cracking sound. Yanking it free of the flesh, the half-orc snarled in the creature's face "You should run far!"

Charge attack, straight forward 20' vs beastman 29.

Pity about minimum damage. :(
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Greggory was still pulling his blade free from the giant beastman when Bastion thundered forward into the next wave of creatures. He wiped the beasts foul ichor from his face with the hem of his cloak.

Damn blue bloods. Think a horse and a bit of castle forged steel makes them invincible.

He caught sight of one of the platoons led by one of his crows coming around a building on the west flank.

We've got the bastards now....WEST FLANK, close off their escape. Men with me! Advance!

[sblock=ooc]Greggory orders the platoon on the west flank to move in and attack the center group from behind, flanking the enemy.[/sblock]

Greggory urges the men with him forward, following Comoray and Bastion to clash with the beastman line. He dodges to the side, narrowly avoiding a wicked beastman maul, before counter attacking. Greggory's short blade gets caught up in the creatures makeshift armor, deflecting off a piece of bone strapped to its arm, but does manage to leave a shallow gash on his bicep.

Dr Simon

At the centre of the attack, Bastian and Comoray lead a powerful charge into the ranks of the beastmen, followed by Gregorry and the rest of the Dulat troops around them. The two skurgs are battered by the assault, and trooper Zane is so bouyed up that he severs the left arm of one of the Skurg, causing the skurg to miss an attack on Comoray. Comoray is distracted enough that one of the lesser beastmen is able to draw blood. Meanwhile the other skurg, still standing despite Bastian's charge, smashes a devestating axe-strike down onto the Last Lion, slicing through armour.

Dack fires his crossbow and then sends the Dulat troops on the western flank into a charge, the archers exhchanging bows for swords. Another beastman goes down. To Bastian's left, four Dulat troopers face up against three beastmen but they fare less well, with trooper Trey falling under the axe of one of the beastmen who tramples forwards over his fallen body.

On the eastern flank, Tye leads his squad of men in a narrow gap between buildings at the foot of the keep, surviving a volley of crossbow bolts from above. They are met by a charge from the beastmen from the eastern rampart, who pour down with no discipline, some heading towards Sh'aah, some towards Tye's group. Trooper Setto holds off three beatsmen at the head of the charge, but at the cost of terrible injuries.

Meanwhile, Sh'aah lops the head off one the beastmen before him whilst the Dulat troops follow his lead and cut down another. The archers behind him on the wall send a volley into the oncoming mob but despite some hits don't slow them down. Cassie, badly wounded, moves towards Sh'aah's abandoned horse, and in the centre of the Dulat lines Janson moves to take the reins of Arcata's horse, his sword drawn he stands guard. "My lady," he says with an ironic-looking leer.

Those who are paying attention to the beastmen on the unfinished keep notice that the one in the corner [#37] points towards Arcata. The big skurg disappears inside whilst the others reload their crossbows.


Not going to give out all the rolls for the NPCs for clarity's sake. You can tell which beastmen remain and who is where from the map.

Dulat causalties
D1 stable on -3 hp
D3 is down to -2 hit points and bleeding
D7 on 1 hp
D9 on 4 hp

P3 (Cassie) on 2 hp

Comoray is hit by B20 for 4 damage
Bastian is hit by S2 for 17 damage.

Bastian causes 18 damage to S2
Comoray causes 10 damage to S3
Sh'aah causes 7 damage to B29 (dead)
Greg causes 1 damage to S3
[MENTION=4936]Shayuri[/MENTION] Arcata still to act this round



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Arcata's attention is a bit divided as she keeps an eye on the battles to the flank and center...but she notices the beastman aiming a crossbow at her and quickly sends another blast of magical energy up to zing between the ramparts and slam into the crossbowman!

(Magic Missile!)

Dr Simon

Arcata's magic missile slams home, even though the beatsman attempts to swat it aside with its sword.

Sword? Arcata realises that it wasn't aiming a crossbow at her, but pointing her out. And a sword seems a sophisticated weapon for these creatures, most of whom are using primitive axes or spiked clubs. There is something about the beastman on the corner that sets it above the others.

And aroundwe go again. I think initiative order is:

Centre party:

Sh'aah is so removed from the rest that he can act whenever.

The "odd" beastman is #37


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Sh'aah laughed as the beastman's head separated from it's former owner's shoulders. THIS is freedom! he thought passionately, watching blood stain the ground darkly and the morning mists turn slightly pink.

Striding forwards with a bestial grin on his face to meet the oncoming reinforcements Sh'aah swung his axe in a lazy, two-handed arc at a beastman that was either too slow for the first wave or faster than it's kin in the second wave.

He laughed again as the straggler caught the blow in the chest with a bone shattering crunch, collapsing in a heap at the base of the ramparts. Sh'aah turned, and roared his defiance at the onrushing beastmen - daring them to try his strength.

Moving to be SW of #16 , standard action attack (one day I'll get to make a full attack...)
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Greggory could tell the fight was starting to take its toll. Their initial charge had taken the beasts by surprise, but the creatures were fully engaged now. Every man lost would be a tragedy. There would be no reinforcements this far out on the frontier. They had to end this now. Greggory hoped the men flanking the center rank of beastmen would be enough to break them.

He cursed his luck. The giant brutes were so close together he couldn't get in position...he would have to attack them from the front yet again.


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Greggory's blades were not particularly effective against such a large foe, but one blade bit flesh. The beast hardly even reacted as blood trickled from its meaty thigh.


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"Archers!" Arcata barked, knowing that Bastian was deep in his own fight and couldn't be distracted, "Fire on my target!"

It would be a small miracle if they could take out the beastman leader this early. He seemed more perceptive and smarter than the others. And there was the effects on morale too. Even if they forced him to withdraw, that would be something.

She sent another shining torpedo of pure magical force winging up the side of the keep, arcing high and then diving back down onto the sword-bearing beastman's head!

(Penultimate magic missile. :/)

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