A Keep On The Borderlands: Arrival


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As they neared the meeting place, Bastian made sure to place himself ahead of Arcata. She probably wouldn't like it, but he wasn't about to let her put herself in front of a blade when the situation was this unstable. She could talk just fine from behind him, and he could do his job better, as well.

Bastian smiled--an expression filled with an easy menace--when Haxmar made obvious note of his arms. Whatever threats he managed to imply, however, he held his tongue. The Lady Dulat might yet pull a diplomatic miracle, and he didn't want to be the one who sabotaged it.

Still, he was more than ready to take that blue stone off Hexmar's neck along with the smug head that hovered above it.

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Arcata put the palms of her hands together gently and said, "Gentledwarves, this puts me in a delicate position. I'm not here to take sides in what looks like an internal affair of the dwarf kingdom. However, my goal in coming here is to open a line of communication to the larger dwarf community...so determining which of you actually represents the King is of great interest to me."

She spread her hands then, a gesture showing her peaceful and open intent.

"So. With your kind indulgence, Haxmar, I would hear both sides of this dispute. Maybe a neutral arbitrator will bring all this to a peaceful conclusion?" She bows her head, as if in gratitude. "To that end...tell me how you came to know that Rexun was a spy and a traitor, and who you think he works for if not the King."

Dr Simon

Haxmar looks like he is about to say something else, take a breath, lets it out.

"Very well," he says. "Amongst our people there is a faction, the Copper Dwarves, who support a rival claimant for the Deep Throne and are opposed to King Eisenbart. This one," he points at Rexun, "came to us claiming to be a messenger from the king, but he failed to provide the correct passwords. The Copper Dwarves would like to gain control of Fanjyr as it gives them access to the south. I was in the process of interrogating this one to find out if he had, indeed, come from the Copper Dwarves." He smiles a self-satisfied smile. "As is my right as Master of Fanjyr."

Rexun looks flustered.

"But, I gave the correct passwords," he says. "You told me they were wrong, you're the one working for the Copper Dwarves."


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"All right," Arcata says quickly, "Lets hold off on the accusations here for a second. I obviously can't verify any passwords, but let me present a possibility. We know the local fey have been meddling in various affairs. Could they be behind this? Haxmar, what if the passwords changed, but your notification was intercepted?"

Dr Simon

Haxmar rubs the blue stone around his neck as he ponders Arcata's question.

"It's possible, My Lady," he says. "Possible indeed. Although how we could prove this..." he lets the question hang. "Perhaps we should leave this for tonight and contemplate it afresh tomorrow." He nods towards Rexun. "This one I'll turn over to your care. Watch your back with him." With a bow and a self-satisfied smile, Haxmar turns and walks back to the broken inn. His soldiers remain.


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Bastian sighs, an mixture of relief and disappointment. He gave Arcata a slight smile and small nod as congratulations on her diplomatic acrobatics.

Then he turned back to the soldiers and raised an eyebrow expectantly, blade still held loosely at his side. He wanted to make sure they weren't just waiting for their leader to leave to cause trouble.

Dr Simon

The dwarves return the same look to Bastian, waiting to see if he causea any trouble, but they partially settle into a guard stance, one of either side of the tower door.


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Satisfied that no immediate attack is forthcoming, Bastian gives Arcata a nod indicating he thinks it's safe enough to return to their rooms for now. At least there, they can discuss this little diplomatic summit in private.


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Hearing the conversation downstairs finish, and the front door close Sh'aah makes his way back down. With nothing to add to the conversation he stands in a corner with arms folded, staring at the dwarf like he is trying to read his mind.


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Arcata closes the door and looks back at the others.

"This isn't over. I don't know why he's leaving...I didn't even come close to convincing him, I don't think. It feels like he's playing for time."

She looks at Rexun, and gestures.

"Lets head up to the rooms. I need a more detailed account from you about what happened here. What were you expecting to find...why you came...and what exactly took place. And...what is that amulet he's wearing?"

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