A Look at the Jonstown Compendium

Following in the wake of their Miskatonic Repository team up, DriveThruRPG-OBS and Chaosium have created the Jonstown Compendium for their Glorantha properties. Here, players and game masters can flex their content creation muscles and upload the enormous amount of Your Glorantha May Vary (YGMV) lore they have accumulated over the years. Those who are not as familiar with Glorantha and its associated games may not be aware of the loyalty and interest the world has spawned over the last forty-odd years. Jonstown Compendium is an opportunity for some of that material to see not only the light of day, but the authors to earn something for their creations. Remember, if you are a content creator and would like EN World to review or give an overview of your product, contact us and let us know!
Games Supported

The Jonstown Compendium does not yet support content creation for 13th Age Glorantha. However, the compendium does support material created for Runequest: Glorantha, HeroQuest: Glorantha, and Runequest Classic. This variety should ensure that authors who prefer the previous editions are able to offer their content alongside the newest game editions.

What’s Selling and What’s Hot

As of this writing, there are 44 items for sale on the Jonstown Compendium. The variety is impressive, with everything from adventures to character sheets to tokens for your VTT. Below is a list of the top five current best sellers and beneath that, a few of the newest additions to the Jonstown Compendium lineup that caught our eye.


Five Hottest Community Titles
  1. A Rough Guide to Glamour By: Chris Gidlow, Mike Hagen, Nick Brooke, Michael O'Brien, Jeff Richard, Greg Stafford
  2. Elgar’s Blade: Part 2 of Red Deer Saga By: Paul Baker
  3. White Stone Ruin: Part 1 of Red Deer Saga By: Paul Baker
  4. The Armies and Enemies of Dragon Pass By: Martin Helsdon
  5. The Duel At Dangerford By Nick Brooke
The ‘This Is Interesting’ File

Tusk Raiders and Other related products
By: Dario Corallo

Dario has created a selection of token products for use with various VTT platforms. These products cover several of the well known creatures and characters of Glorantha.

Hunters of the Sky, Monster of the Month #4 (April 2020) By: Akhelas, Austin Conrad

Another interesting series of products. This one introduces a new beast for Glorantha GMs to use in their adventures and for players to encounter. Each of these entries looks like it could be a useful addition to your Glorantha game.


Capsule Review: Tales of the Sun County Militia: Sandheart Vol 1. By Jonathan Webb

I grabbed this adventure as it looked interesting to me and while I have interest in Sun County, I do not know that much about it. Jonathon Webb has written an interesting introduction to the area of Sandheart, an area of his own creation. The author talks about some of the glory and pitfalls of this Yelmalian culture in the brief introduction, encouraging players and GMs to interact with some of the ideas and challenge those ideas that seem outdated. Jonathan Webb takes a brief dip into the YGMV (YGWV) territory to explain Sandheart’s potential place in your Glorantha lore.

The first part of the supplement deals with Sandheart, establishing the details of the community and of the Sandheart Militia. There are maps and some art that give greater details about the arms and armor of the Yelmalian farmers. Inspiration is and, historically has been, Hellenistic Greek. A number of NPCs are included as is information on several plinths that are important to the settlement.

In addition there is an adventure, No Country for Cold Men. The adventure sets the players and the Militia against some illegal trafficking in and around Sandheart. Stat blocks are included for the adventure and together with the encounters, these take about about half of the book. There are more maps of course and a few handouts and tables. Overall, I liked Tales of the Sun County Militia, Vol 1 and will be getting a group together to play through it. Volume 2, Corn Dolls, is out as well.

I hope you enjoyed this brief look into the Jonstown Compendium. We may continue to look over the various community content programs that we have not previously covered. If you have any thoughts, please let us know!

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Sean Hillman

Sean Hillman

Following in the wake of their Miskatonic Repository team up, DriveThruRPG-OBS and Chaosium have created the Jonstown Compendium for their Glorantha properties. Here, players and game masters can flex their content creation muscles and upload the enormous amount of Your Glorantha May Vary (YGMV) lore they have accumulated over the years. Those who are not as familiar with Glorantha and its associated games may not be aware of the loyalty and interest the world has spawned over the last forty-odd years. Jonstown Compendium is an opportunity for some of that material to see not only the light of day, but the authors to earn something for their creations. Remember, if you are a content creator and would like EN World to review or give an overview of your product, contact us and let us know!
Games Supported

The Jonstown Compendium does not yet support content creation for 13th Age Glorantha. However, the compendium does support material created for Runequest: Glorantha, HeroQuest: Glorantha, and Runequest Classic. This variety should ensure that authors who prefer the previous editions are able to offer their content alongside the newest game editions.

What’s Selling and What’s Hot

As of this writing, there are 44 items for sale on the Jonstown Compendium. The variety is impressive, with everything from adventures to character sheets to tokens for your VTT. Below is a list of the top five current best sellers and beneath that, a few of the newest additions to the Jonstown Compendium lineup that caught our eye.

Five Hottest Community Titles
  1. A Rough Guide to Glamour By: Chris Gidlow, Mike Hagen, Nick Brooke, Michael O'Brien, Jeff Richard, Greg Stafford
  2. Elgar’s Blade: Part 2 of Red Deer Saga By: Paul Baker
  3. White Stone Ruin: Part 1 of Red Deer Saga By: Paul Baker
  4. The Armies and Enemies of Dragon Pass By: Martin Helsdon
  5. The Duel At Dangerford By Nick Brooke
The ‘This Is Interesting’ File

Tusk Raiders and Other related products
By: Dario Corallo

Dario has created a selection of token products for use with various VTT platforms. These products cover several of the well known creatures and characters of Glorantha.

Hunters of the Sky, Monster of the Month #4 (April 2020) By: Akhelas, Austin Conrad

Another interesting series of products. This one introduces a new beast for Glorantha GMs to use in their adventures and for players to encounter. Each of these entries looks like it could be a useful addition to your Glorantha game.

Capsule Review: Tales of the Sun County Militia: Sandheart Vol 1. By Jonathan Webb

I grabbed this adventure as it looked interesting to me and while I have interest in Sun County, I do not know that much about it. Jonathon Webb has written an interesting introduction to the area of Sandheart, an area of his own creation. The author talks about some of the glory and pitfalls of this Yelmalian culture in the brief introduction, encouraging players and GMs to interact with some of the ideas and challenge those ideas that seem outdated. Jonathan Webb takes a brief dip into the YGMV (YGWV) territory to explain Sandheart’s potential place in your Glorantha lore.

The first part of the supplement deals with Sandheart, establishing the details of the community and of the Sandheart Militia. There are maps and some art that give greater details about the arms and armor of the Yelmalian farmers. Inspiration is and, historically has been, Hellenistic Greek. A number of NPCs are included as is information on several plinths that are important to the settlement.

In addition there is an adventure, No Country for Cold Men. The adventure sets the players and the Militia against some illegal trafficking in and around Sandheart. Stat blocks are included for the adventure and together with the encounters, these take about about half of the book. There are more maps of course and a few handouts and tables. Overall, I liked Tales of the Sun County Militia, Vol 1 and will be getting a group together to play through it. Volume 2, Corn Dolls, is out as well.

I hope you enjoyed this brief look into the Jonstown Compendium. We may continue to look over the various community content programs that we have not previously covered. If you have any thoughts, please let us know!

It's good to see RQ back on its feet again, BRPS is a great system and deserves to be very popular again. I am worried though that Glorantha is becoming a little too niche, with the conversion to a Pendragon style campaign, the majority of stuff being 'this is my clan, this is how we support Argarth (in the end)' and the loss of some of the ethical balance that was a big draw for me, that and the grit. RQ was for me, a world that didn't have good and evil tattooed on peoples foreheads, no alignments necessary. Because you were fighting for your family, your home, your beliefs, But so was your opponent. It seems to have drifted further and further away from that, with Good Argarth vs Bad Empire.

Sandheart vols are as yet one of the few rays of sunshine.

It's cool to see the JC getting highlighted! I've been subscribed to ENWorld's newsletter for some time, and it's usually an interesting read. It's great to see Glorantha getting some more exposure.

As a content creator, I'd be happy to have my work reviewed on ENWorld. Who should I reach out to?

@Breathe I can assure you, even if the official world drifts more toward "Good Argrath/Bad Empire" there'll be plenty of stuff from other perspectives in the fan community. (And I'm not entirely convinced that a black-and-white distinction will forever be the official line, too.)

It seems to have drifted further and further away from that, with Good Argarth vs Bad Empire.
We used the Jonstown Compendium to publish a tourist guide to the capital city of the Lunar Empire, A Rough Guide to Glamour, that's also an insidious work of pro-Lunar propaganda: I hope you enjoyed it! The same authors are hard at work on a sequel of sorts, which is also entirely Lunar-themed.

And while the scenario I'm currently writing (more of a mini-campaign, to be frank) features Argrath, he's not quite the way you expect him to be. It should be out later this year, if only I can get the last bits playtested...
Sandheart vols are as yet one of the few rays of sunshine.
Aren't they great? I'm helping Jon Webb remaster the first two books, and we're really proud of the recently published Sandheart Volume Three: Tradition. It features loads of art from Mark Baldwin, the first artist to illustrate Sun County (MOB sent Mark's sketches along with his manuscript submission to Avalon Hill), and we hope a print-on-demand version will be available in less than a month.

If anyone wants to know what's available on the Jonstown Compendium, I've been maintaining an index of everything in the store with some details you won't necessarily find on DriveThruRPG (eg: analysis of page counts and prices, notes on expected characters and scenario complexity, a map of scenario locations, short summaries of reviews and ratings, etc.). Yours for just fifty cents; I update it whenever a new title goes live, and it's currently 23 pages long (most titles get a half-page, except for smaller stuff like tokens, monsters and maps).

I read this as "Jonestown Compendium" and thought about Kool-Aid. Is that wrong?
RuneQuest & Glorantha fans are dedicated, but I don't think we've ever gone that far...

In Glorantha, the Jonstown Compendium is a massive lorebook to which any passing Grey Sage can contribute their own notes. It's the prize of the Library at Jonstown, one of the free cities of the Bronze Age kingdom of Sartar, recently liberated from Imperial occupation and wondering what to do next...

(Jonstown will also be the detailed setting for the RuneQuest Starter Set, coming later this year from Chaosium, or so we devoutly hope!)

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