Sean Hillman

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Sean Hillman

Sean Hillman

Source books can be tricky to produce. At their best they provide a solid setting full of potential situations; at their worst they can be impenetrable text that doesn’t give up any of the setting's real secrets. A Rough Guide to Glamour lands among the former examples by providing a look into the heart of the Lunar Empire and some of those who shape the empire over the short and long term.
Role-playing magazines or zines are a fundamental means of communicating content throughout the history of the art. They touch the underground roots of the art and provide a discrete package of content. In itself, the content can range from pure aesthetics to something subversive and inspirational. A great many zines, big and small, try and recapture those early days of hit-or-miss articles...
Welcome back to our monthly DMs Guild Review! We have been away for a while but we are back and with a new look. Hope this finds you well and eager to check out what the community creators have to offer you. Let’s dive in. As always if you have some content of your own or that you find interesting, drop us a line for a review.
Do you like your sword-wielding sociopaths to be princes who are doomed to die? It is a popular theme in literature and in role-playing games, as is the eternal chaoskampf between the forces of Law and those of Chaos. The works of Michael Moorcock and his eternal champions are the oft-cited ur-artifacts of these idioms, though one does not have to dig far to find others. But what Kobayashi and...
Entromancy is a cyberpunk game using the 5E game engine that we have reviewed in a previous article. The creators reached out to let us know that there have been some supplements made for the game and did we want to take a look? Of course we said yes! Entromancy has been busy growing as a system and setting over the last few years. Today, we take a look at two modules expanding the game, Rise...
Welcome to the Myths of the Jonstown Compendium, the new and ongoing article to cover the Jonstown Compendium community content program. This is content that focuses on Chaosium’s Glorantha related games, Questworld (formerly Heroquest) and Runequest.
Welcome to this month’s DM Guild Roundup! We talk about what is hot and new on the DM’s Guild, as well as micro reviews of products sent to us or that we pick up.
Have you already picked up Mythic Odysseys of Theros and are wanting to dive into some content? Are you unsure about MOoT and are waiting to see what extra content springs up to support it? Well The Gallant Goblin has you covered with The Gray Merchant of Asphodel: 100+ Theros Magic Items!
As we close out 2020, we wanted to offer up some last bits available for you on the DM’s Guild. In the coming year we will try and delve deeper into DM Guild offerings in more detail, with roundups and quick reviews and extras.
Following in the wake of their Miskatonic Repository team up, DriveThruRPG-OBS and Chaosium have created the Jonstown Compendium for their Glorantha properties. Here, players and game masters can flex their content creation muscles and upload the enormous amount of Your Glorantha May Vary lore they have accumulated over the years. Those who are not as familiar with Glorantha and its associated...
Thanks to a great response from the community, we can bring you some more reviews from the DM’s Guild. Today we have three smaller offerings. One of these is an enhancement for your campaign, while the other two are adventures that can be set in your campaign. The creators provided EN World with copies of their creations for us to review. If you have a current or upcoming DM’s Guild product...
We at EN World love our indie RPG crowd and the wide range of interesting games produced with resources far more limited than a major company can access. Supporting the indie crowd is as important as ever, especially in these tougher times.
Coming at you like an April Shower to wash away the blues (or green pollen), we have the latest DM’s Guild Roundup! As always we like to showcase items and do reviews of DM’s Guild products that don’t always get the spotlight. If you have a current or upcoming product, contact us here and we can see about getting it reviewed in the round or one of our extended reviews.
We are talking with Zach Barcus and Law Johnson of Slap Dash Studios to talk about their actual play podcast, The League of Ultimate Questing as well as some other projects. Zach and Law were kind (and patient) enough to answer our questions over email.
A couple years ago we spoke to the folks at Quality Games in two interviews (here and here) about the re-launch / 2nd edition of Italy’s most successful RPG: Lex Arcana. The kickstarter for Lex Arcana: An Empire Without End was a fantastic success and folks are excited to see what this game is all about.
There are a number of players, old and new, who have affection for the original Basic and Expert (and more) B/X or BECMI rules and modules. Already, Goodman Games has given both Keep on the Borderlands and Isle of Dread a modern shake, converting the modules into big book versions with 5E conversions and reprints of the originals. This got me thinking about five other modules that could get...

This Week in TTRPG


TREY is a new solo set of rules and The Comae Engine is a d100 RPG with a versatile conflict resolution system both from FrostByte Books.
A moody game in a dark city full of spies, revolutionaries and strange magic.
Ever since Toy Story debuted, I've wanted rules to play with army men. Now we can!
Knave 2e offers great resources for any OSR style game.

Dungeons & Dragons

Get an elemental familiar, resist the elements, clear the air, or become the mountain.
The team was responsible for content feedback and the implementation of book content on the online platform.
New Dungeons & Dragons and Magic: The Gathering comics coming in 2025
The randomized set of minifigs hits retail this September
A collection of short adventures ranging from 10th to 16th level--dragons, kobolds, giants, even the dreaded River Styx!
From libraries to trading stalls this secretive order uses what they know to influence entire kingdoms.

Industry News

Tabletop Mirror with integrate the chat features of Role Gate into its platform
Hight previously oversaw the World of Warcraft franchise.
Your backing helps Owen's fight against cancer and gets you a book of cartoons by Stan!
DEI grants for publishers and retailers open for applications

Voidrunner's Codex

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