D&D General DMs Guild Roundup: January/February

Welcome to the DMs Guild Roundup - End of Year / New Year Edition! We have some gems for your treasure boxes today that we think you will get some play out of. Was the holiday season good? Did you put in a lot of table time over the last three months? Do you have some DMs Guild gems you would like to share or think we should review? Let us know in the comments. Also, take note that a few items below do help out charities.


The Latest From Wizards & The Guild Adepts
  1. Calimsham Adventurer’s Guide By: M.T. Black
  2. Fight Fire With Games From WoTC (Bushfire Emergency & Red Cross of Aus.)
  3. Mordenkainen’s Fiendish Folio Volume 1 From WoTC (Extra Life)

Top 5 Most Popular DM Guild Items
  1. Blood Hunter Class for D&D 5E By: Matthew Mercer (Brushfire Relief)
  2. The Armorer’s Handbook: Equipment Upgrade & Rune Magic By: Heavyarms
  3. The Blackstaff’s Book of 1000 Spells By: Scott Bean, Heath Harris, Jeremy Forbing
  4. Cursed Classes By: Isaac May, Alex Clippinger, Bryan Holmes, Ryan Langr, Jacob S. Kellogg, Ashley May, MAtthew Whitby
  5. Adaptable NPCs II By: Grim Press, Trevor Armstrong, Jeffrey Fischer
What Caught Our Eye?

The Palace of Pain’s Pleasures (Fantasy Grounds) By: Beatriz T. Dias, Travis Legge, Shaun Sides

A galvanice weird has torn apart an Izzet laboratory in the Blistercoils. The weird’s path of destruction leads to Tin Street where the weird was spotted being subdued and taken aboard the notorious Palace of Pain’s Pleasures, a mobile Cult of Rakdos performance stage. To return the weird to its proper owner and discover the mystery behind its bizarre behavior, the party must brave The Palace of Pain’s Pleasures!

7Miniatures Paper Miniatures & Clip Art By: Misosile Bushik (HIZIKI)

Print & Play ready paper miniatures for monsters.

The Guardian of Goldhammer’s Vault By: Christopher J Foster

The elderly wizard, Gilda Goldhammer, has passed away and among her possessions is a page titled "The Vault" with a set of Teleportation Circle sigils and the note "Mind the Guardian". The circle leads to a deadly dungeon full of traps and puzzles; will the party be able to survive it?

Quick Take: The Enchanted

By R.G. Wood; Art By Hannah Tervo; A Grisly Eye Games Monograph

Are you a fan of the fey? Have you been looking for new backgrounds? Are you interested in exploring low-fantasy characters? Well R.G. Wood gives us all three in The Enchanted. This compact monograph offers some interesting options to the DM and players. Note: This product was provided to EN World for review.

The Enchanted starts off talking about some options for a low-fantasy campaign. I thought this was interesting as it limits races, classes, and feats available to the characters. After talking low-fantasy, the authors present information on making unique backgrounds. They provide two examples, Feytouched and Fey Exile, and use the Far Traveler as an example of how to turn a current background into a unique one. The monograph wraps everything up with some hints at some future monographs from Grisly Eye Games.

A special shout out to the art, which I thought was evocative and on point.

Until next time!

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Sean Hillman

Sean Hillman

I absolutely love that fans and Adepts are expanding the Campaign Setting options for FR. Most of this information is either a reprint or summary of existing articles, many of which are very obscure, but at that point its like FR Historiography and I appreciate all the hard work.

For example, there is an awesome book on Cormyr by Matthew Lee Myers, an overview of the Moonshae Isles by Baldman Games, The Border Kingdoms by Gamehole Con and Ed Greenwood (as far as I can tell this is likely just a reprint of some 3rd Edition era articles by Greenwood to a defunct WoTC blog).

Now M. T. Black taking a crack at Calimshan? Sign me up.

Welcome to the DMs Guild Roundup - End of Year / New Year Edition! We have some gems for your treasure boxes today that we think you will get some play out of. Was the holiday season good? Did you put in a lot of table time over the last three months? Do you have some DMs Guild gems you would like to share or think we should review? Let us know in the comments. Also, take note that a few items below do help out charities.

The Latest From Wizards & The Guild Adepts
  1. Calimsham Adventurer’s Guide By: M.T. Black
  2. Fight Fire With Games From WoTC (Bushfire Emergency & Red Cross of Aus.)
  3. Mordenkainen’s Fiendish Folio Volume 1 From WoTC (Extra Life)

Top 5 Most Popular DM Guild Items
  1. Blood Hunter Class for D&D 5E By: Matthew Mercer (Brushfire Relief)
  2. The Armorer’s Handbook: Equipment Upgrade & Rune Magic By: Heavyarms
  3. The Blackstaff’s Book of 1000 Spells By: Scott Bean, Heath Harris, Jeremy Forbing
  4. Cursed Classes By: Isaac May, Alex Clippinger, Bryan Holmes, Ryan Langr, Jacob S. Kellogg, Ashley May, MAtthew Whitby
  5. Adaptable NPCs II By: Grim Press, Trevor Armstrong, Jeffrey Fischer
What Caught Our Eye?

The Palace of Pain’s Pleasures (Fantasy Grounds) By: Beatriz T. Dias, Travis Legge, Shaun Sides

A galvanice weird has torn apart an Izzet laboratory in the Blistercoils. The weird’s path of destruction leads to Tin Street where the weird was spotted being subdued and taken aboard the notorious Palace of Pain’s Pleasures, a mobile Cult of Rakdos performance stage. To return the weird to its proper owner and discover the mystery behind its bizarre behavior, the party must brave The Palace of Pain’s Pleasures!

7Miniatures Paper Miniatures & Clip Art By: Misosile Bushik (HIZIKI)

Print & Play ready paper miniatures for monsters.

The Guardian of Goldhammer’s Vault By: Christopher J Foster

The elderly wizard, Gilda Goldhammer, has passed away and among her possessions is a page titled "The Vault" with a set of Teleportation Circle sigils and the note "Mind the Guardian". The circle leads to a deadly dungeon full of traps and puzzles; will the party be able to survive it?

Quick Take: The Enchanted

By R.G. Wood; Art By Hannah Tervo; A Grisly Eye Games Monograph

Are you a fan of the fey? Have you been looking for new backgrounds? Are you interested in exploring low-fantasy characters? Well R.G. Wood gives us all three in The Enchanted. This compact monograph offers some interesting options to the DM and players. Note: This product was provided to EN World for review.

The Enchanted starts off talking about some options for a low-fantasy campaign. I thought this was interesting as it limits races, classes, and feats available to the characters. After talking low-fantasy, the authors present information on making unique backgrounds. They provide two examples, Feytouched and Fey Exile, and use the Far Traveler as an example of how to turn a current background into a unique one. The monograph wraps everything up with some hints at some future monographs from Grisly Eye Games.

A special shout out to the art, which I thought was evocative and on point.

Until next time!
Got the new Blood Hunter in a charity bundle. But that Enchanted supplement one looks nice. Thanks!

In January I released a 5E D&D conversion of the original Zenopus Dungeon, from the 1977 "Holmes" Basic rulebook. 18-pages, $1.99. It was #6 under $5 at one point, and is a Silver best seller so far.

Where do I send a copy to EnWorld for a review?

The Ruined Tower of Zenopus (DMs Guild link)

Read more about it here on my blog, the Zenopus Archives.

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You can message me on here with a link OR send me a message and I can give you my direct email.


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