D&D 5E A melee Hexblade

Backing to the previus build, probably it work better without getting any fighter lv.

HB 5/DS 4/HB x it's probably already ok.
I'd had that same thought.

Getting asi's: elven accuracy, GWM, Sentinel, for lv 12 it have all this, with 18 Cha true, but that shouldn't hurt so much with elven accuracy. He have slots, he have SW, he have easy reaction attack,
For a more defensive version I really like this. Keep in mind enemies will also often have disadvantage to hit you. Slots for shield is great. I think sentinel is a good move because your fey has pretty low hp and only moderate AC. So this will help keep it alive.

he can use the shield spell and if we really want to get back the damage from superiority die he can get smites just for some nice crit.
I don't think you'll have enough slots to worry about smiting on a crit. At least not till way later. So while cool, it's not something i'd worry about. Though building a warlock around this idea could be cool.

Unluckly it lose CON saves, but it still have advantage from eldricht mind and the 2 times a day +2d4 from DS, and he get WIS saves that are anyway needed. At lv 12 maybe can be more convenient to get resilient (con) instead than sentinel?
I'd do sentinel. Your fey is too low of hp to risk it being attacked very much. Sentinel can at least serve as a deterrent. Against some enemies it could die in 1-2 hits and it would be hit pretty often. Which really should be an overall criticism of build.

Im not sure about it becouse with 16 con already the +1 is useless, however the proficiency would be really appreciate anyway.

PS without fighter it lose blind figthing style, so devil's sight would really help, but at lv 5 we need eldricht mind, we need improved pact weapon if we want use a two handed weapon and we need thirsting blade, this can be a serius problem for the summon fey combo for grant advantage, as we have to delay an invocation till lv 11, probably the best option we have is delay improved pact weapon to lv 11 and get GWM at lv 12.
Very good point. Starting hexblade 8 could solve that problem. As you'd get your 4th invocation. Also would grant summon fey the extra attack some more hp and ac. I mean your primary tactic gives enemies disadvantage to hit you, so delaying shield a bit longer seems okay IMO.
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For a more defensive version I really like this. Keep in mind enemies will also often have disadvantage to hit you. Slots for shield is great. I think sentinel is a good move because your fey has pretty low hp and only moderate AC. So this will help keep it alive.
I didn't think it could work also to keep the fey alive but yea, if we add this aspect i think it's better than resilient-
I don't think you'll have enough slots to worry about smiting on a crit. At least not till way later. So while cool, it's not something i'd worry about. Though building a warlock around this idea could be cool.
I wasn't really serius about it, it's kinda overkilling probably :p but on higher levels can be cool.
Very good point. Starting hexblade 8 could solve that problem. As you'd get your 4th invocation. Also would grant summon fey the extra attack some more hp and ac. I mean your primary tactic gives enemies disadvantage to hit you, so delaying shield a bit longer seems okay IMO.
Yea, till when it don't fight things with blindsight it gonna work, but once it start to meet many enemies that don't rely on sight for attacks that combo need to be changed with something else and having no familiar it would be difficult also to get advantage (but using the flanking rule this would be easier), Protection from evil and good give disadvantage to almost everything not relying on sight for attacks, so it can be a good alternative, however it last only 10 minutes regardless which slot you gonna use. Intellect fortress against casters it's very good and the duration is enough long...the real thing it seem to miss is a font of advantage against things not relying on sight over flanking, but maybe it's not something to be too worry about using some party tactics.
Other option is to use hex more often, as it have lots of attacks anyway, but this can be done better once being able to use the shield spell more frequently, as they not gonna have disadvantage to hit, haste would be nice too due the +2 AC and again other attack withou using any kind of action, unluckly it last only one minute.
I'd do sentinel. Your fey is too low of hp to risk it being attacked very much. Sentinel can at least serve as a deterrent. Against some enemies it could die in 1-2 hits and it would be hit pretty often. Which really should be an overall criticism of build.
Yep, it can be a problem, i was also thinking to get warding bond for protect it, at cost of a slot and half the damage it take i protect it enough well, but im not sure when it start to be worth to spend a slot for it, probably i can fill it feeling the need while playing it.
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Yep, it can be a problem, i was also thinking to get warding bond for protect it, at cost of a slot and half the damage it take i protect it enough well, but im not sure when it start to be worth to spend a slot for it, probably i can fill it feeling the need while playing it.
Warding bond only lasts 1 hour for a level 2 slot. I think it's too expensive to rely on as a way to increase fey's survivability.

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