• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

D&D 5E A New Frontier [IC]


Captian Kunka rolls his eye's at the approach of another landlubber no doubt here to criticize his decisions.

"Oh actual questions this time... and here I thought you were here to berate me." he says with a noticeable hint of irritation in his voice.

He massages the t-section of his face to calm his nerves before continuing, "There was talk back at Bligewater that one of the expeditionary ships being funded by another wealthy family never returned from their trip and are presumed lost at sea. That shark could've had something to do with that.

This is only my third time in these waters, so I know not what lies beneath us or on the continent itself.

Mapping the region is what you and your companions were hired to do. I was hired to make these dangerous voyages."

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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"But the shark failed and we need to prepare to be boarded. We all think that the shark was controlled. Next attack could be another beast, kraken, whale or something. Or real boarding party of deep sea creatures. MY guess would be sahuagin. Worst option is the shaman with warp wood spell, but if they had something like that we'd already be in Umberlees arms."


At sea
21 Kythorn/Mid-day
Round 0

Arjhan lifted a scaled brow at the captain’s words. “I know little of life at sea,” he said. “I wouldn’t dare question your competence in that regard. When the captain noted his ignorance, Arjhan nodded. “Then we should post extra watch,” he suggested. “And complete this voyage as quickly as possible before anything else attacks us. Let us know how we can help,” he told the Captain.


HP: 19/19
AC: 16
Breath weapon (1/R)
Cantrips: Guidance, Light, Sacred Flame, Thorn Whip
L1 (2/3): (Animal Friendship, Speak with Animals), Bless, Command, Cure Wounds, Healing Word, Shield of Faith
Channel Divinity (1/R)
Turn Undead
Charm Animals and Plants

Tarukka spends his days in the shade, studying The Book, trying to write something inside or gain some insight into deeper mysteries of his craft.

Occasionally practicing his sword dance, but finding constant bustle of activity on the ship limiting to such showy displays, he joins the crewmen in games of chance or other games. He is affable, tries to fit in and, at the same time shy. His time among elves did nothing to prepare him for humans energy and boastfulness. Still, he does his best and his looks soon stop being a factor simply due familiarity and adaptability of humans. He initially ignored barbs or snubs, responded to worst of them and fought over phyisical attacks. Not that many dared to challenge the devil among them directly.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Luthor continues his duties as a stormcaller, divining weather, checking currents and praying for the ship and the crew. But at all times, he looked over the rail into the deep and wondered why is there no follow up? What could possibly send a terrible shark and then fail to attack the ship while damaged and crew while weakened. It made no sense.

High Captain tests his followers, sure, but this was to malicious to come from him. Umberlee may want to stop us, for spite if no other reason. People under the sea may resent our crossing of their teritorry, but they would follow up with an attack. He could see only two more possibilities.

One, the creature was sent by someone back home, maybe via proxy onboard - to that effect, he searched the ships hold, trying to find something that would indicate a ritual, maybe an item, totem of sorts as focus for remote casting.

Two, the land we are approaching has active defenses this far out. That would indicate that we are detected this far off the shore. And that the natives are not friendly.

Neither option was good. But hostile locals were better, having someone to sabotage the mission would be disastrous. With such glum thoughts, Luthor would almost welcome outside attack.


At sea
21 Kythorn/Mid-day
Round 0

Arjhan spent his days aboard ship often working with the navigator on the maps, lending his cartographic skills to the crew. Nights were most difficult. Many of the sailors didn’t understand his aversion to alcohol. Or perhaps it wasn’t so much aversion as resisting temptation. He couldn’t afford to let himself fall down that hole again, losing more years of his life. And so to combine with the isolation of being a dragonborn, one of those strange creatures from far to the east, a curiosity, he had the seclusion of being unable to join in many of the social activities of the crew, lest he fall into temptation again. So he spent his time alone in his bunk with his prayers and his books and maps.


HP: 19/19
AC: 16
Breath weapon (1/R)
Cantrips: Guidance, Light, Sacred Flame, Thorn Whip
L1 (3/3): (Animal Friendship, Speak with Animals), Bless, Command, Cure Wounds, Healing Word, Shield of Faith
Channel Divinity (1/R)
Turn Undead
Charm Animals and Plants


Ramas spends the rest of his days on the ship teaching Strix common helping out where he can lighting candles here,learning to tie knots there and avoiding Kunkka, on the off occasion they do meet Ramas makes sure to pout and glare.

Ramas nights are spent drinking, gambling and telling tales of his conquests and misspent youth. A particular favourite of the sailors was the time Ramas convinced a noble he was a master painter just to be his wife.


28th Night Kythorn

As the excitement of the shark attack fades and the reality of hitting shore soon sinks in, spirits are lifted. A guard paces by the semi patched hole in the ship. A leather-worker offered up some hide to dull the draft wafting into the sleeping quarters. All was calm as most of the crew and passengers had already turned in for the night, save for a skeleton crew manning the ship.

A sudden blood curdling scream erupts from the sleeping quarters. Those in the immediate vicinity are treated to a truely gruesome scene as the Sailor guarding the hole stumbles back before succumbing to the wound created by the trident protruding from his chest. As the man loses consciousness 5 slimy looking humioniods rip open and jump in through the tear created by the trident.

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