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D&D 5E A New Frontier [IC]


Ramas is awoken with a jolt at the sound of the screams he quickly gets from his bunk and takes a few steps back towards the hull of the ship. Looking around he sees others aawoken without their armour... Ramas let's out a sigh maybe he would need to become the front line. He flexes the hand on his good arm and summons up his magical energies and waits for the onslaught.
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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"Of course it has to be at night." grumbles Luthor as he startles up and realises what is happening.
"Do I have time to put the armor on?" he wonders even as he prepares to put it on...
He looks around for his shield, at least some protection is in order.

OOC: not by the books right now, how long to don a suit of armor?

Tarukka jumps out of his hammock, immediately going for the fishmen. As he draws his sword, he starts ancient elven battle song, sword and elf (or in this case tiefling) joining into a single deadly whole.


At sea
28 Kythorn/Night
Round 1

Roused by the screams, Arjhan rolled out of his bunk, landing in a crouch, tail lashing out behind him. He glanced to his armor nearby, but there was no time to put on the heavy chainmail, or strap on his shield. So instead he clutched his holy symbol and felt his scaly skin tighten, hardening into a bark-like strength. He grabbed up his spear and headed for the five figures emerging from the hole in the ship.

“Stand back!” he urged the others.

Concentration: Barkskin

HP: 27/27
AC: 18 (chainmail, shield) 16 (Barkskin)
Spear: +7 1d6+5/P (2H: 1d8+5) Range 20/60
Greatclub: +7 1d8+5/B (2H)
Dagger: +7 1d4+5/P Range 20/60
Light Crossbow: +3 1d8+1/P Range 80/320
Breath weapon (1/R): 15’ cone Con DC 13 half
Spells: +5/DC 13

Cantrips: Guidance, Light, Sacred Flame, Thorn Whip
L1 (4/4): (Animal Friendship, Speak with Animals), Bless, Cure Wounds, Guiding Bolt, Healing Word
L2 (1/2): (Barkskin, Spike Growth), Prayer of Healing, Spiritual Weapon
Channel Divinity (1/R)
Turn Undead
Charm Animals and Plants


Ramas clears his mind before pointing at one of the abominations in front of him, Ramas exerts his will as the sorcerer glows a blueish colour the same colour as Gheedon fish man he was pointing at.
OOC: Casting hold person if one looks like a clear leader ill target them if not the closest target to him. Wisdom save DC 15 or paralyzed.
Wild surge rolls [roll0][roll1]


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Preparing for combat right after sleep is not something Luthor wants to repeat.

He calls upon High Captains power once more. St.Elmos fire appears around the attackers and at large area behind the wall of the ship. Immediately afterward, Valkurs own weapons appears and slashes at the back of the attackers.

Action: Cast Faerie fire as far behind the attackers as he can see. The idea is not to affect the ship except the attackers, but the catch as many unseen attackers as possible.
(everything inside 20' cube is outlined in blue fire) DEX save DC 14 to avoid

Bonus: Spiritual weapon: Spiritual weapon attack; force damage: 1D20+6 = [15]+6 = 21
1D8+4 = [7]+4 = 11


Effects: everyone has advantage on attacks against those who fail DEX DC 14 save - [MENTION=6814006]Thateous[/MENTION], roll please, let us know - also if I caught some others outside of the ship
Faerie fire concentration 1/6 rounds
Sword duration 1/6 rounds

River Song

Thren shakes the foggy cloud of sleep from his mind and centring his Ki he launches himself forwards at the creatures.





Even as The Song starts, Tarukka flings the blade toward attackers and icy copy of it flies into the attackers. It misses the intended target, but stil explodes flinging shards of ice into surrounding creatures. He dances around the hold, coming at the attackers from an oblique angle and blocking their access deeper into the ship or toward the stairs.

"Keep them bottled up!"

Bonus action: activate bladesong (+3 AC; +10' move; advantage on Acrobatics and +3 on concentration checks
Standard: Ice Knife with advantage; piercing damage; cold damage: 1D20+5 = [5]+5 = 10
1D20+5 = [7]+5 = 12
1D10 = [1] = 1
2D6 = [4, 6] = 10
- second roll if the target fails the check against faerie fire
On miss, no piercing damage, but the ice knife still explodes

Tarukka targets the enemy surrounded by most others (the center one) - the target and everyone within 5' takes 10 damage (DEX DC 13 for half)

Move: using his enhanced move, he moves around the sleeping quarters coming on the attackers from the side.


Voidrunner's Codex

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