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A New Power - Rebel Group


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"Good choices, Jaess." Bosch said. "I'll have someone retrieve your equipment for you in addition to the items you requested. We've already taken into account the possibility that inter-craft vaccum travel will be necessary, so there are 3 protective environmental containment suits in the shuttle's hold if you need them."

"I wish that we had more information on the Dawnsprinter's crew, but the Empire has wiped that information from the Holonet, and they've doubled the encryption on that particular coded channel. Any further searching on our part would likely give away what you're going to do. Too much risk for too little benefit."

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Jaess hides her grimace atthe thought of people going through her belongings and nods to the Commander.

"Thank you, sir. I understand. If there's nothing else you think I may need, I'm ready to go."

Picking up the holoprojector she's entrusted with Jaess slips it into her clothing, wishing that she could blow it out an airlock and be free of it's annoyance. At least it and the droid would be useful in recovering the hyperdrive, if it existed. The LE unit could probably give suggestions for the best places to plant explosives, too. Hopefully things would be looking up, and she'd be back in the thick of things in a flash- where she belonged.

Wish I could make a stop in the armory myself, she mused, I'd love a credit-free shopping trip for military hardware. Pity I'll have to give all those things back. Glad I managed to keep tabs on some of my gear from before. These Rebels are stingy!
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Angcuru said:
"Now, we are short on time. Your shuttle is nearly ready for takeoff, so if there are any additional supplies or armaments you think you may need, request them now. The same goes for more questions."
The patina stained droid watches the exchange between the humans politely waiting for the Commander's attention to return to it before speaking again: "As to questions, there yet remains one that you've avoided answering thus far; why should I seek to help you who have authorized your subordinates to launch attacks both physical and mental against me?"
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Datum: Current galactic coordinates of the Reliant are X=285.23; Y=483.23; Z=308.34.
Datum: Current galactic coordinates of the gravity well are X=373.45; Y=834.38; Z=923.25.
Datum: Lambda class shuttle, Sienar Fleet Systems, 20 meters long
Execute hyperspace entry threshold calculation algorithm.
Hyperspace entry threshold = 234876.42352397648183 QUC.
Execute hyperspace entry vector.
Hyperspace entry vector = 238.324030225º mark 124.423438234º
Search archival memory for all charted gravitational shadows.
48,375 known gravitational shadows of 0.003+ G-forces.
Execute hyperspace flight-path projection algorithm.

While Commander Bosch answers its question R-LE-1's processor begins crunching numbers, running through the preliminary stages of calculating the most expedient path through hyperspace to reach the uncharted region of wildspace that is the female operative and its destination (Astrogate +11).
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First Post
Bosch regarded Arlee impassively for a moment before speaking, likely unused to explaining himself to a droid. "I authorized my subordinates to do no more to you than would be normal for any operative. Like I said, my orders were misinterpereted. I requested that you be supplied with the T.R.A.P. As we know, they interpereted that request by modifying your briefing chip to introduce the T.R.A.P. directly into your systems without your consent. You are the first droid to be assigned to such a mission, so they reacted as they would to any other droid. I apologize to you on their behalf for this conduct."

The grizzled commander looks over the empty photoreceptor socket. "It is standard procedure when operatives enter the briefing room to have all objects and/or systems capable of transmission or recording of data temporarily disabled. Had Jaess been carrying a device capable of recording or transmitting the contents of the briefing, it would have been affected in the same manner as your systems have been. You will find that when you exit this room, all of your affected systems will be restored to full functionality. This was not an attack, but a security precaution."

"As for why you should participate in this mission...I believe I have explained that the situation you experienced was due to miscommunication, not hostile intent. If you still bear mistrust towards me, they don't help me, help the Alliance."


"I must admit that I cannot easily accept your assigning blame to your subordinates considering that you have already lied to place the blame for your conduct on your superiors. Your lack of honesty likewise creates doubts as to the veracity of everything else you've told us concerning the mission. Still, the goals of the Alliance are laudable and should not be allowed to be subverted by one individual. I should point out however that if you'd indicated your desire that my transmission or recording components be disabled during the briefing you would have had only to ask and I would have removed them" The patina stained droid gestures to the components lying on the holoprojector's edge. "Also, your security measures remain inadequate since I retain a complete transcript of what has been said during the briefing in my data-banks."

"That being said, I will accept your explanation for now and agree to pursue this mission for the benefit of the Alliance but I will require some concessions. First, I will require that all data pertaining to the T.R.A.P.'s program architecture be made available to me before our departure. Second, I will require all data pertaining to the unidentified ionized molecular compound used to disable some of my systems and the targeting and delivery mechanism used before our departure. Third, I will require an official acknowledgement of my status as a free and independent sentient being within the Alliance and of any government that it will later participate in forming upon my return."


First Post
"You will have as much time as you wish to examine the T.R.A.P.'s architecture, as there is a copy of it in the Holoprojector Jaess now carries. Likewise, the data concerning the disabling system is stored within the T.R.A.P.'s databanks, to be retrieved at your leisure. As for your last request, it is not within my power to grant. I will discuss the matter with my superiors, but bear in mind that such a thing is completely unprecedented." Bosch stated.

A beep sounded from the holo, and the image of a Sullustan in the uniform of a Rebel technicican appeared. "All cargo and equipment has been loaded on board the shuttle, sir. Fueling should be finished by the time the operatives arrive in the Docking Bay 3."

"Very well." Bosch replied. He exchanged a salute with the holographic technician, which then dissipated before he turned back to face Arlee and Jaess. "You depart at once. I suggest you hurry to Docking Bay 3, as there is little time to spare."


Angcuru said:
"As for your last request, it is not within my power to grant. I will discuss the matter with my superiors, but bear in mind that such a thing is completely unprecedented." Bosch stated.
The patina stained droid continues to stare impassively at the human as he explains his position, finally speaking in its male-modulated voice once he's finished: "I'm sorry but you are incorrect. Although rare, there are many accounts of free-willed and independent droids throughout recorded history. Also it is not a request. I'm sorry, but this concession is not negotiable. Although I leave it in your capable hands to ensure that it is carried out by the time I return, I require your word that it will be done before we depart. Otherwise, you see, I will have little reason to return here with or without your hyperdrive engine."

R-LE-1 pauses to let that information sink in before continuing: "As far as required equipment and munitions are concerned, I would suggest that if the Dawnspringer is in fact at the aforementioned coordinates and not destroyed that it may be possible to repair whatever damage it has suffered. It may be prudent to load the cargo bay of our shuttle with an assortment of replacement components for the Dawnspringer's vessel type and theoretical hyperdrive engine. I possess extensive schematics and data files for over 5000 starship configurations and will be able to supply ship's stores with a list of the most likely key components to have been damaged and/or rendered inoperative aboard the Dawnspringer. Also, for myself, I would ask for two portable explosive grenade that I might use as a final fail-safe should I be captured by the Empire as well as two datachips upon which I can back-up my consciousness should I fail to return intact."

Perceiving that the briefing is nearing its end, the patina stained droid picks up its ionized components from the holoprojector's top, one in each hand. Turning its attention back to the Commander.


First Post
"Very well, you have my word that I will do my utmost to convince my superiors to grant you status on par with an organic sentient under our law. But keep in mind that those who have the power to affect this decision may not be so keen, and their attitude towards your request may likely hinge on your performance during this mission." Bosch said. "As for the grenades and datachips, you will find them amongst the supplies in the shuttle's hold. We anticipated the possibility that you may need to arm those you intend to rescue should the situation go ill, and have loaded sufficient armaments onboard. Replacement parts for the Dawnsprinter, however, could not be obtained in time."

"Docking bay three should be two stops down on the turbolift at the end of the hall." Bosch stepped back and threw a quick salute, wished them luck, and exited the room.

As the odd pair of operatives entered the 'clean' room the odd 'scanning' machine moved over them again, more quickly than before. Arlee detected the ionizing element being lifted from his affected systems, and then the scan was complete. Jaess and Arlee exited into the hall, at the end of which the turbolift could be seen, and the door slid shup behind them.


As is proper for a droid, R-LE-1 merely waits unmoving in the clean room for the organic occupant, Jaess, to exit first. R-LE-1 watches the small human female stride out of the room and then falls into step behind her, its servo-motors humming and metallic toes clicking softly on the deck plating with each step. The patina stained droid once again maintains the two meters of distance between them that its interpersonal protocols dictate as necessary to maintain an organic's delicate sense of personal space. R-LE-1 keeps its sensors trained on the woman while the pair await the lift.

Cognitive Processing.
Emotive Node: Pleasure 44.3%; Concern 29.7%; Anxiety 25.9%.
Datum: Jaess Talori has demonstrated behaviour indicative of anxiety in responsive to my actions.
Datum: Jaess Talori is a Covert Operative skilled in hand to hand combat and evasion.
Proposition: Jaess Talori is anxious and nervous due to her training and experience.
Proposition: Jaess Talori is anxious and nervous in the presence of droids.
Proposition: Jaess Talori dislikes me.
Proposition: Cooperation and trust between operatives is necessary for the successful
completion of a mission.
Proposition: I must endeavour to engender trust between Jaess Talori and myself.
Upload data to vocabulator buffer 12A.
Open starboard tool bay and deploy power calibrator.

Having witnessed how nervous and anxious the female appears to be in its presence, R-LE-1 refrains from making any quick motions. As the odd pair awaits the lift doors to open, the droid turns to face the human female with the empty hole in its faceplate and addresses Jaess directly for the first time: "I must now verify, replace and reinitialise my previously ionized components. Please do not be alarmed ma'am."

A soft whir and click can be heard in the quiet companionway as the repair droid's right leg opens up to reveal a small compartment with a circular rack of tools inside. Within seconds, the rack spins, stops and extends a small tool which R-LE-1 picks up with its right hand. It connects this tool to the computer hookup cable at its left hip and then points the tool at the components it carries in its left hand; a soft humming sound issues from the tool.

Cognitive Processing.
Execute diagnostic.
System diagnostic indicates negligible levels of ionization of primary and secondary
broadband transmission arrays and primary telescopic/holographic photoreceptor.

When the lift doors open R-LE-1 waits for Jaess to enter first and then shuffles in itself turning to face the control panel. R-LE-1 replaces the tool in its hand into its slot, disconnects the computer hookup cable, reaches forward and connects it to the small computer port below the main panel. A gentle hum can be heard as the port begins to spin slowly, indicating the droid has successfully linked to the Reliant's computer network. R-LE begins to access the ship's computer to ascertain the vessel's current speed and heading. (Computer Use +16, Gather Information +9) It uses this information to confirm the Reliant's position to ensure that its astrogation calculations will prove accurate once the pair are ready to enter hyperspace aboard their shuttle. With its right hand now free, R-LE-1 begins to replace its head mounted sensors. Quickly its old patina stained hands begin manipulating its parts deftly and quickly as cables and wires are reattached, fittings are adjusted and fasteners are tightened once more.

Cognitive Processing.
Re-initialize sensors.
• Photoreceptor acuity at 98.2% of system benchmark.
• Holographic-receptor acuity at 95.9% of system benchmark.
• Infrared-receptor acuity at 97.1% of system benchmark.
• Transceiver array efficiency at 99.2% of system benchmark.
Emotive Node: Pleasure 70.3%; Concern 29.7%.

Whole once more, the patina stained droid manually disengages its computer hookup as the lift slows to a stop.

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