A note marked with SKULLS


First Post
The hooded and cloaked figure who posts this note limps slightly, and hunches a great deal. After posting the note, it slinks away unnoticed.

This is the word of the mighty Baron Massacre Von Hackenslash!

It has come to the attention of the great Warlord that some of you do not take him seriously.

You do so at your peril!

There have been countless others who, in their hubris, have mocked the Baron. Those that survived are broken husks who spend their lives drooling and cleaning the Baron's samovar! Be forewarned, then, that though he is possessed of malevolent patience, all those who set themselves against him are splintered like a cheap toothpick against the molars of ultimate evil!

The Baron also wishes to state that he is greatly amused by your antics, and shall continue to observe them with the disdain that only he can muster. Tremble with gratitude that you have pleased him, and thus are spared a few more moments of your useless lives.

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Pauses, looking at the message board, and then smirks, and yawns, wandering off to get a pen and ink from the golem, with which she pens the following reply

You're kidding right? Are we supposed to take you seriously mixed in with all of the other would-be evil that wanders through here like snowflakes in a blizzard? The undead halfling is more threatening than you...not that that's all that hard mind.

And really, are we supposed to take you seriously when you wear your cod-piece open like that?

The note is signed
Lady Sullivan.

Toni smirks, nods at her bit of mischief, figuring those three idiots deserve one another, and the show might be amusing, and wanders off to return pen and ink to the golem.

*peers at her boards and laughs suddenly*

oO( Who is this clown? Self esteem troubles seems to me. At least he provides a bit of a laugh now and then.)

*wanders back upstairs*

*A young elf strolls up to the boards, eyes drawn to the note at hand. She lifts a gloved hand to her lips stiffling her laughter as best she can before scribbling her own note.*

Come now, surely you can come up with a better moniker than Massacre Hackenslash . . . Perhaps "Mister Bojangles, the Harmless Toy Poodle". Yes, yes, that would strike more fear into the hearts of people than the joke of a moniker you chose.

Tell me though, your name. Was it granted to you for having the lowest marks in the Regional Academy of Evil No-Goodniks? Or perhaps it is the title granted from the Fraturnal Order of Lame Arses. No, no, it must be your initiation name to whatever Fraturnity of Evil Slobs you belonged to at your facility of higher bad person learning.

Anyhow, how was Bubba in the county gaol? I heard you and he got to know each other quite well. Well, at least until he was hung . . . Is that why you're acting so? Longing to join the incarceration buddy you mourn?

*The elf pauses her writing for a moment, snickering, still managing to not laugh aloud.*

Scurry on now little one, and come back when you decide to be 'Mister Bojangles' instead.

*She scrawls her name on the note swiftly, and yet in a decently readable mannor.*

Babylon Logos.

*The elf quickly tacks up the note, hurrying out, her face betraying her need to laugh, a lot.*

A man dressed in full armor and helm stands there and reads the note. He writes..

Baron Massacre Von Hackenslash?

thinks a moment

Well it seems that you are a pathetic attempt of someone evil. How come I have never seen your face around?

You call yourself a great Warlord?

You are as pathetic as all those other "evil" people.


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