A Simple Job (Erekose13 Judging)


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Irrinaer shrugs and makes himself comfortable on top of the wagon.
"Wake me when you are feeling tired" he asks the halfling, and he starts to meditate.

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"I'll go take something to eat, I'll be back in an hour" tells Benedict and he enter the Inn where he take a simple meal and relax a bit before returning to hsi duty.


Later in the day at the Vigilant Wyrm, Hubble requests your presence at his table for dinner. Sitting at the large rectangular table is Hubble, Swift, a half-orc and two humans.

"...That is not the price we agreed upon. Are you trying to rob me of house and home, Karg?"

"No, no," the half-orc responds. "This is more than a fair price for your goods. Besides, you owe me a favor anyway."

Hubble looks and sees you approaching. "Welcome gentlemen," he says. "This is Karg," he continues, pointing to the richly dressed half-orc. "Unfortunately, he's trying to rob me again."

"Not true," Karg says. "You are being unreasonable. Anyways, let's dine and we can discuss later."


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
The lizard tries to determine if their employer's statement is one asking them to kill this 'Karg'. It does not appear so, apparently it is just another foolish trait of softskins to use false labels.


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As long as we get paid for what we have done. thinks Benedict. "I don't want to disturb your discussion, but if you need me, I'll be over there, taking a meal." poitning an empty table out of range to overhear whispers but in straigth line so he can easily see a sign made by his employeer.


"...I think you need to cut me some slack," Karg continues.

"That is as low as I'm going," Hubble replies.

[sblock=Listen DC 15]
You hear the front door close quietly.

[sblock=Spot DC 10]
Karg gives a signal.

"It was foolish of you to meet me in a place that I own. Get him!"

If you made the Listen or Spot check you are not surprised.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Thral'k, crouching in a corner, is generally sneering at the others in the room it sees the man the boss had decided not to kill make a signal. As the chaos broke out, it grinned, ready to make the softskins pay for ancestral slights.

OOC: Spot 10; Listen 9


First Post
Benedict, turns back and starts to walk to his table. As he hears the lock, he turns around, his hand reflexivly getting to his chain. He doesn't miss the signal, and put himself on his guard but hesitate to draw his weapon before the first hostile action have not been made and that hesitation make him lose precious moment but draw his chain as he hears Karg order.

[SBLOCK=OOC]Spot: 18, Listen: 21, initiative: 4[/SBLOCK]

Voidrunner's Codex

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