First I've ever heard of this...I think I joined after the second to last post! I'll read the entire thread tomorrow when I have more free time. But yay, Telsa!
Just a quibble- as I recall, after the DC vs AC battle, Tesla and Edison weren't on the best of terms, so I'm a bit puzzled by your use of the name "EdiTech." I realize that the CEO who founded this company wasn't the Wizard of Menlo Park, but the RW Tesla was whacky and stubborn enough to harbor a grudge about the possibility of his and Edisons names being linked again, esp. without his name being featured.
Why is it whacky and stubborn?
I know Tesla was eccentric, probably had OCD, and maybe was a bit crazy, but I don't understand how he's so uniformly considered a mad scientist and yet no one tends to accuse a man who calmly murdered defenseless animals on stage as a matter of spectacle to be one.
Back to the thread topic, I am still a little confused as to the Tesla/Edison relation in this setting, too.
G.T. Edison is not his uncle, Thomas.