A "Why Oh Why" RPG Thread [+]


So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish
So ask and answer, but don't discuss? Why?
That's a great question! I believe that we can discuss any topic as long as it aligns with the purpose of this + thread, which is to learn and gather information through curiosity and questions.

However, I'm concerned that some of the previous comments are starting to veer away from the premise of this + thread.

As a new member on Enworld, I've noticed some argumentative and combative behaviors that can be unproductive and unwelcoming for moderate and thoughtful voices. To address this, I've created this experimental space for discussion while limiting prolonged back-and-forth.
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Snarf Zagyg

Notorious Liquefactionist
Why oh why don't we someone seriously license AI technology for DMing?

Based on what I've seen, I bet that a modified version of ChatGPT could probably run a competent PbP game right now.

...and given the pace of things, I can't imagine that we are more than five years away from having AIs take the places of DMs and/or players.

Heck, pretty soon we can just have the AIs be the DMs and the players, freeing the rest of us up to just argue about the games without having to spend any time at all playing them!!!


So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish
Why oh why don't we someone seriously license AI technology for DMing?
Oh that's easy!



So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish
Well, with ChatGPT to answer all our why-oh-whys, I guess we don't need this thread! :p

But is the AI telling us the whole story? If humans don't keep typing new RPG content, where are the AI going to find fresh content to feed their ravenous algorithms?

Based on what I've seen, I bet that a modified version of ChatGPT could probably run a competent PbP game right now.
Having played with it extensively, it's undeniably impressive... But no, I don't think it could run a game yet. Its responses come across as rather canned, and it has huge trouble staying consistent.

I'll admit to being floored that it can write fairly competent poetry. Not great, by any means, but not terrible either. Its essay-writing, on the other hand, leaves a LOT to be desired. It comes across as a high-school student trying to cover all the bases as vaguely as possible, hoping for the teacher's mercy or inattention.

Another interesting interaction was when I asked it to come up with a magic system for use with Fate. It replied with a lot of vague pablum. So I drilled down and asked it to create a Fate magic system for a setting resembling Renaissance Italy. This time it came up with some actual brief suggestions, one of which was alchemy. I pressed it to tell me more about how alchemy would work in the game, and it actually came up with something that sounded a bit useful and interesting.

Finally, I told it to get specific: What actual aspects, skills, and stunts might be involved? And it came up with some options that weren't terrible! They could be used by a GM as a springboard to come up with something better, no question!
...and given the pace of things, I can't imagine that we are more than five years away from having AIs take the places of DMs and/or players.
I would seriously consider a future AI GM for playing solo games. (Especially if I could feedback what was working for me and what wasn't.) Maybe even for pickup PbP - at least you could count on it not ditching the game without warning! But I wouldn't want it for my regular group, where social interaction is part of the point.


A Title Much Cooler Than Anything on the Old Site
Not sure if you were playing during the 4e era, but that edition did classify monks as psionic but had them different mechanically than the other psionic classes. I actually like how Level Up did their monk equivalent (Adepts). Since a lot of classes get an "exertion pool" for features they just had some of the typical features associated with ki-use rely on the exertion and they get more in their pool than other classes
I skipped from 1e to 5e, so I missed a lot in terms of how the classes, both mechanics and lore, have changed over time. The more I learn about 4e, the more interesting it becomes. Matt Coleville's videos have inspired me to homebrew some 4e-inspired rules into 5e (minions and skill challenges in particular).

To expand a bit on my previous post...

I think the real potential for ChatGPT in gaming, right now at least, is not as a GM but as a GM aid. Things like,

"Come up with a D&D 5e statblock for a CR 10 scorpion-like monster that guards treasure in the desert."

"Give me an idea for a fantasy roleplaying adventure for a group travelling into a mountainous area."

ChatGPT's first answer isn't likely to be great. Heck, its first five answers (as you make clarifying questions) might not be great. But at a minimum, it'll give you enough of an idea to get the mental juices flowing. You'll think, "No, no, no! Not like that, like this!" and you're off to the races.
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