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[AA] Part 1-The Academy

[OOC: Got nothing better to do, 9+6 = DC 15 :p And GWolf could you check the recruit thread, still questions left and stuff. THanks/OOC]
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Sorry about the delay. (What happens next is important) Will update by 10pm est (GMT -5)
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Hmm...a lot of people are going to those gnomes. Maybe I should check them out. Eh..In a minute, I'm comfortable. Well..if someone other than that dwarf goes, then I'll go too. In the meantime, it's time to relax.


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Marn Stoneforge

Save, 17 roll, +4 Reflex = 21, with Evasion;
Spot, 6 roll, +2 Wis = 8 (12 if it's a Listen check).

Marn looks around quickly to try to spot the source of the power after skipping nimbly aside. But fails to see from whence it came. He stands and stares around the room trying to locate the culprit.

To the gnomish relatives, Marn tries to gracefully decline their offer, "I'm afraid I cannot sit. Someone is playing tricks here. Obviously someonenot taking the Guild seriously.

The last part Marn projects loudly into the room.


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[OOC: you can't spot a psionic manifestation without it having a visual display :D So that differs per power and the sound is hearable at equal strength within 100ft so no pinpointing the source (and it originates from the target at manifesters disgression :p) Just gotta love psionics :p /OOC]

[EDIT: crap, different standard login name on my laptop then on my home PC.. sorry mates. I'm TFO]
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In a few seconds all the chating comes to a halt. All eyes focus on the big double doors to the main hall, which have just opened. In walks what appears to be a middle aged man with a trace of elf blood about him. He wears neat and upkept blue and white robes, and it appears that a fancy long sword is attached to his belt.

He walks up through the isle and up onto the stage stopping behind a podeium. "Hello and welcome to the Adventurers Training Guild! I know you are all tired and have traveld far aswell as paying a decent sized fee to be here" there is a small laugh, "So I will make this breif, My name is Travis Leforne and I am the owner and operator of this Academy. What I will do now is assigin each of you your rooms. Your rooms are modestly, but comfortably Furnished, feel free to palce anything you have brought with you or you may acquire in your room. it is your space whiel you are at the ATG. In your rooms you will find a meal schedule and the Academy's Policies. please read them. The instructors will be introduced at tonighs dinner. And nwo on with the list."

He pulls out a lengthy list and begins reading out names. You wait patiently to hear your names. It appears that you are all In Room C12 on the second floor. When he finishes There is apluase, Travis walks out and the other students begin packing up their things to bring them to their rooms. Some hang aroudn and continue talking.

Felosial listens carefully and then get's up from her seat. She takes a quick glance at those who appear to be in the same room as her, according to their reactions when certain names got spoken.

Hmmm interesting lot. Let's see what they have to offer... Wonder if they can appreciate some.. unorthodox methods.

Grinning widely she gets her bag and tosses it over her shoulder while still twisting her crystal idle in her left hand. With a quick glance at her room mates and a spark in her bright green eyes she heads for the stairs. Her long raven black hair trailing on the draft behind her.

[OOC: Deceleration really should be at least medium range. Anyone with me on that one? /OOC]

Lets get settled beautifull. I'm sure they'll admire you as much as I do, but you're mine... mine... You'll be safe with me. Let's jsut hope they won't get any crazy ideas about you...

With a greedy look she graps her crystal tightly and feels its cold smooth facets and a feeling of passionate rage eminates from inside her grasp.

Soon... soon precious. Very soon we'll have the oppertunity to endulge ourselves in hostilities once more. But we'll have to wait a little longer, for with time our power shall grow and we shall gain the respect we deserve. Mother will be proud...

She ditches her stuff in her room and walks over to a window and glances outside, pondering for a moment.

Patience precious, patience. Good things are worth waiting for. And all that's good comes to those who wait. Coincidence....?

She whipes a lock of hair out of her face and with a smile she peers outside.

Time is our ally, and in time I shall master it. And it will be mine and none...

**gets interrupted in her thoughts as one of her room mates enters, crashing his bag on the stone floor.***

[OOC: Are us four the only ones in the room or are there more? Me being the only girl should be fun with the lawful goodies around :p Now lets see if they are some real gents as well living together with an Elven beauty :D No peeking guys :p /OOC]


Bokaru dumps his bag on the floor beside his bed, followed by the bundle that holds his armor.

"Good morning, my lady." Bokaru bows to Felosial, his accent strange to her ears. "I am Bokaru Kitsuki, currently of the Eagle Clan. May I have the honor of knowing your name?"
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00C You are the only four in the room.

There is two medium sized tables, a bathroom complete with a shower liked device, and a interesting plumming system as it appears. There are 2 bed lined up against the wall and a bunk-beds in the back. There is also a metal container full of ice. On the desk sits a sheet of paper (for when you are ready, go on talking and w/e)


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Marn Stoneforge

Marn walks into the room labelled C12 and places his meager possessions on the floor, weapons and all.

" If no one objects, I'll take the top bunk, he says. "I am Marn Stoneforge, a student of the Way.". He smiles rakishly at the assembled group

Voidrunner's Codex

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