D&D 5E Adding a line to Dual Wielder feat...


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Mobile feat is nice and I was going to take it as well.

My opinion is two-weapon fighting is pretty poor in 5e for any class but fighter or ranger and not all that great for those classes.

Still I'll stick with it for a few and maybe take 5 lv of EK and the rest AT.

Fighting with two weapons is very useful for Rogues - it gives you the option of using your sneak attack if you fail to hit with your first attack. This is different from the Fighting Style if that's what you meant though.

Which Race is your Rogue, and what archetype are you taking at 3rd level? Swashbuckler makes the Mobile feat a little less necessary and combine it with Tabaxi Feline Agility (double movement pretty much every other turn) even more so. The 20' Climbing speed is great for mobility and natural weapon makes drawing two weapons unnecessary, with the bonus of giving you a slashing weapon when piercing is less effective - you add your strength modifier rather than Dexterity, though.

I am really enjoying my Tabaxi Swashbuckler, Jean Clawed...

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Mobile feat is nice and I was going to take it as well.

My opinion is two-weapon fighting is pretty poor in 5e for any class but fighter or ranger and not all that great for those classes.

Two-weapon fighting, as an activity, is pretty decent for a rogue in any scenario where hiding is not an option and where you can still get sneak attack damage (e.g. because swashbuckler). It becomes quasi-advantage, which tends to be around a 35-50% damage boost. (More against high-AC targets, less against soft targets.)

Two-Weapon Fighting Style is pretty lame though. Maybe I'd go for it on a Fighter 2/Bladesinger X because Bladesingers are already pretty tanky. But I probably wouldn't play a Fighter/Bladesinger in the first place; I'd rather play a Rogue 2/Bladesinger X which has better synergies.


Another option that is viable in my mind is to allow an additional feat (Two Weapon Fighting) to add your damage modifier on the off hand. That allows rogue swashbucklers to go that option if they want, generally at higher level where their damage is tapering off more than other melee characters, and reduces the need to dip Fighter. It also gives players a choice if they want to choose the feat that gives them better defense and quickdraw, or go with harder OH attacks. I like choices.


You could offer to allow him to either get the +1 AC bonus from the feat (more defensive style) or add the offhand +damage bonus (more offensive style), having him choose one or other at the start of his turn if he has the feat. Balances it and allows him the flexibility to choose. Sacrifice some defense to be a little more aggressive and do some more damage. The choice lasts until the start of his next turn, when he can choose again.


Fighting with two weapons is very useful for Rogues - it gives you the option of using your sneak attack if you fail to hit with your first attack. This is different from the Fighting Style if that's what you meant though.

Which Race is your Rogue, and what archetype are you taking at 3rd level? Swashbuckler makes the Mobile feat a little less necessary and combine it with Tabaxi Feline Agility (double movement pretty much every other turn) even more so. The 20' Climbing speed is great for mobility and natural weapon makes drawing two weapons unnecessary, with the bonus of giving you a slashing weapon when piercing is less effective - you add your strength modifier rather than Dexterity, though.

I am really enjoying my Tabaxi Swashbuckler, Jean Clawed...

My character is a human variant Arcane Trickster.


Small Ball Archmage
My current solution to the twf problem is to make ability mod on the bonus action attack default, give the "dual-wielding non light weapons" benefit of the feat to the fighting style and then theoretically add a new feat benefit, the last step isnt as important though, i also technically give a second attack off the bonus action at level 11 if you have thd extra attack feature- it was suggested by someone on reddit who was running numbers comparing it to gwf, i say technically because i haven't seen it in action yet, so im witholding an endorsement until i do.

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Or you could tell the rogue character to dip one level of fighter.

Even better he could dip two levels for action surge.

Three levels gets him either and expanded critical range, superiority dice and special combat manoeuvres, or a handful of spells.

Voidrunner's Codex

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