WOIN Adding a weapon scaling between personal and spaceship.


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In my upcoming home campaign I am thinking of adding a damage scale between personal and spaceship for heavy combat vehicles. Has anybody tried something similar?
My goal is to have something that is not almost immune to personal scale weapons but is also able to threaten some spacecraft.

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Well, that was fun
Staff member
There used to be one, during the playtests. The scaling went x10 then x10. Offhand I can't remember why it didn't work out, but it didn't end up in the final product.


First Post
On page 212 of NEW, you still have the ten times scale for applying starship weapons to personal scale. I still want to keep that scale, but want to have a midpoint scale. Multiplying and dividing by 3 seems like it could work for a not too complicated intermediate scaling. Might have to do some playtesting.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Yeah, it used to be x 10 for vehicles and then x 10 again for starships (so starships were effectively x 100). Meant a photon torpedo could destroy a city block, and a pistol couldn't touch a starship.

I'd be interested to hear how a x3/x10 (or x5/10 scale works). The vehicle rules as they are at present uses larger weapons (4d6 - 10d6) than handheld weapons, so they're effectively kinda doubling there.


First Post
I'd really recommend giving the idea of Mega damage another look - it'd help stuff make way more sense in my head. I wouldn't go with a damage multiplier/divisor myself, though. Instead, I'd have it so that damage from lower stuff (personnel -> vehicle, for instance) can't do anything against higher stuff - after all, a handgun will never be able to completely destroy a house or a tank - while higher stuff pretty much one-hit kills lower stuff - unless you know how to survive getting hit by a tank round :p
It'd also be a nice excuse to include weapons like anti-materiel rifles, for use in situations like that.

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