Eh, no. WotC dropped the easy column and shifted everything to the right. The new Low is equivalent to 2014 medium; moderate is old hard and 2024 hard is old deadly. A few content creators have already released videos about it.I'm gonna give them a try, definitely, but they still don't take into account if your PCs are bare or sparkling Christmas trees loaded down with magic items. The raw player attack and ACs didn't change in the 5.5 rules, so I don't suspect monster attack and AC to be altered too much (except to bring this in line to where they should be), unlike damage and HP numbers.
Other than the multiplier being gone, I thought the new DMG numbers were very similar to the old easy, moderate, and hard.
Also, Dungeon Dudes in their video about encounters said their working theory is that WotC is going to make monsters in the MM more like glass cannons based on the few stat blocks released so far