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[Adult] Guide to Unlawful Carnal Knowledge, thread 2


Half-breed, still living despite WotC racism
I think if we set the silly and hentai aside in some manner we can get by with keeping it.

I would suggest one of three methods:

1. Put them in two appendixes (sp?)

2. Put them as sidebars for relevant topics (so the sidebar on anatomy or something might have a chart for random and overdone physical characteristics, or whatever... a section on 'sex toys' might have a sidebar for illitad blow up dolls, but it would not be in the main text.).

3. Put it in 'shaded paragraphs'. Shaded with a background like a smile or a tenticle or something we all graphically agree on and explain the purpose of in the introduction.

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Ok, perhaps one thing we need to do is change the name of the Hentai supplement to something else. Many of the inspirations for the "hentai" guide actually had little to do with translating Japanese animation cartoons into D&D (other than, of course, my Sex Ninja rules).

I run a website that features erotic fantasy stories, some are hard core and raunchy, some are just adult. Myself and a few of the other authors wanted to write some rules that allow us to translate our stories into D&D, so if we wanted to run campaigns based on the sexually intense stories, we could.

Since most of these stories are fairly hard core, naturally it follows are rules are. Hence the rules for non consensual sex. Calling these rules Hentai, while appropriate in the sense they are very perverted, shouldn't be also connoting all the silliness associated with japanimation.

What's all this apropos of? I'm no longer sure (its late and I am tired), but I guess I just wanted to be clear on what I expect the supplement to be/contain, since my name seems associated with it more than with the main book. I have optional rules for non consensual sex, domination, addiction, sex ninjas, and (yes) tentacles. While my original plan was to have all this, and the humor included in one basic book, if we are going to do two books, I don't really think the silly stuff would mesh too well with the rest of the supplement.


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Riot Gear returneth

From the response on the "Keep or dump the silly stuff," I recommend we pare down the guide. Keep most of what we've got, but throw out all the crap. All the stuff we copied verbatim from the old guide? It's crap. Let's slash & burn it. Here's what I recommend we put in the new guide:

Beguiler, Controller, Chaste Virgin, Dominator, Houri, Seductress, and Tantric Master PrC. All of these need review and work on the boards for balance, even if they ARE icky. The remainder should be cleaned up and released later. Especially the Tentacle Master, which is great.

New skills/feats that give bonuses to interact with those attracted to your gender, bonuses to enchantment spells, etc.

Prostitution tables/costs, 'cause players are always doin' this and the DM's want to make you pay.

Slave tables and costs were mentioned, but I think we should leave that to the Book of Vile Darkness, where the professionals are handling it.

We put way too damn much work in to the rules for getting it on to get rid of them, even if they are silly. Let's clean them up and pare them down a bit if we have to, though.

Take all the spells from the 1st guide and burn them to the ground. Erase everything but their names and work from there - Because some of them are total crap, some of them are awful ideas badly presented, some of them are good ideas poorly presented, and we can remake the ones that are good all around ourselves.

Rules for crazy sexual magic and what not. I've actually worked out a way to simulate this. Aside from simply using Circle Magic from Forgotten Realms, I mean. My way is a little different, once I complete my Eromancer prestige class you'll see what I mean.

Rules on what happens if you become pregnant or impregnate someone while polymorphed outside your own race. Because players are nasty.

"Hot" monsters like the succubus, erinyes, nymph and dryad. Because it's a good way to die. Also, add male equivalents for the ladies. And the Recondite were my girlfriends idea, so they stay.

Venereal disease info for real world diseases and a few new fantasy ones. Because players should cough and bleed and die and get lesions in unmentionable places. Because we can. Because it gives us an interesting chance to create a new kind of disease, a long term illness, which isn't very well simulated in D&D at the moment.

Different courtship and marriage customs from a variety of cultures and time periods (preferably real historical ones) was SUGGESTED, but I think it might be a bit out of the scope of the guide... Nonetheless, it would probably be worth doing.

We should pare down the item list a great deal. Some of them are great and clever, and others are just stupid. Strap on of astounding? Cute. But no one would ever make it.

I'm Riot Gear, so you know. Next up, my idea for the Eromancer.


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"Love and pleasure," began Alrue, "Have a power all their own. They can fuel happiness. They can create life. To some - like me - they are magic. Learn to see the flow of love. Learn to breathe it, and to live it. Make it yours. Love is all you need."

- The eromancer is a mage who has tasted the flow of love and pleasure across the fabric of reality. A master of ritualistic sex magic, he can bestow great boons and heal horrible wounds with an intimate touch, creating magic through the sheer power of his erotic spirit. Frequently acting at odds with established authority, they're also blessed with skill for the roguish arts of running away, hiding, and looking good doing it. Although most eromancers were originally bards, who seem to have a natural affinity for the power of passion, wizards, sorcerors, clerics of the gods of pleasure, or powerful druids of certain primal sects also take this path occasionally.
- As PC's, eromancers usually serve to "buff" other party members before engaging in significant encounters using their sexual ritual magic, as well as occasionally serving as the charismatic "face" of the party. As NPC's, eromancers vary significantly depending on their previous class.
- Bardic eromancers are usually wanderers leaving a trail of broken hearts and jealous lovers as they go. Clerical eromancers are often found working secretly in nations under the control of conservative mores, shaking things up, often at great personal risk to themselves. Druidical eromancers, occasionally called "the primal," often serve as shamans for primitive cultures. Wizardly eromancers are often shy, bookish types looking to find something that they missed in their youth, while sorcerous eromancers often have always powered their spells with sheer erotic energy, attaining the peak of their sorcerous powers early in their teens.

- Prequisites:
- Alignment: Any Chaotic
- Spellcasting: Ability to cast at least three 2nd level spells, one of which must be Detect Thoughts, and the ability to cast Detect Magic.
- Sexual Prowess: 8 ranks.
- Spellcraft: 8 ranks.
- Feats: Sexual Ritual Magic, Aroused Casting
- Special: Must have engaged in sexual activity with a sentient partner while under the effect of a Detect Magic spell, or have observed two sentient partners engaged in sexual activity using a Detect Magic spell.

- Hit Die: d6
- Saving Throws: As Bard
- Base Attack Bonus: As Bard
- Skill Points: 4 + Int modifier
- Class Skills: Balance, Bluff, Concentration, Craft, Diplomacy, Disguise, Escape Artist, Gather Information, Hide, Knowledge (all skills, taken individually), Move Silently, Perform, Sexual Prowess, Speak Language, Spellcraft, Tumble

- Special Abilties By Level
- 1st: Eros Focus
- 2nd: Master of Eromancy 1
- 3rd: Heartwatch
- 4th: Master of Eromancy 2
- 5th: Enduring Love
- 6th: Master of Eromancy 3
- 7th: Perfect Love
- 8th: Master of Eromancy 4
- 9th: Nexus Of Passion
- 10th: Master of Eromancy 5

- Spells Per Day
- 1st: +1 level of Bard
- 2nd: +1 level of Bard
- 3rd: -
- 4th: +1 level of Bard
- 5th: +1 level of Bard
- 6th: -
- 7th: +1 level of Bard
- 8th: +1 level of Bard
- 9th: -
- 10th: +1 level of Bard

Spells Per Day: Eromancers train in a form of magic very similar to that of Bards as they go up in level. On every level that isn't divisible by three, they are considered to gain one level of Bard for the purpose of learning new spells and spells per day only.

Eros Focus: The Difficulty Class for all saving throws for spells with the Erotic descriptor cast by you increases by +2. This doesn't stack with Spell Focus, or any other "Focus" feat.

Master of Eromancy: Because of your burning passion, you count as more than one participant for the purpose of Sexual Ritual Magic. Specifically, you count as your Master of Eromancy level +1. For example, a 4th level Eromancer counts as 3 participants for the purpose of Sexual Ritual Magic.

Enduring Love: You can apply the Extend Spell feat to Sexual Ritual spells that you cast even if you don't have that feat, although it increases the spell slot required normally. If you have the Extend Spell feat, you can apply it to your Sexual Ritual spells without increasing the level of the spell slot the spell requires.

Perfect Love: You can apply the Maximize Spell feat to Sexual Ritual spells that you cast even if you don't have that feat, although it increases the spell slot required normally. If you have the Maximize Spell feat, you can apply it to your Sexual Ritual spells without increasing the level of the spell slot the spell requires.

Nexus of Passion: The fire of your sexuality increasing to a glorious flame that inspires others to incredible new heights of love and desire. All participants in a Sexual Ritual spell that you cast are considered to have Master of Eromancy 1.

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First Post
new feat

You can cast a spell as a sexual ritual, allowing you to cast a spell without losing it for the day.
Prerequisites: Aroused Casting
Benefit: You can cast a spell without expending it from your memorized spells (or spell slots per day in the case of spontaneous casters like the bard or sorceror) but you face some significant restrictions.
The spell can only be a beneficial spell, such as a healing spell or a spell that gives an enhancement bonus - It cannot cause damage, inflict negative levels, or otherwise cause harm. The DM's discretion may be necessary.
Second, the spells casting time is extended by one full hour, during which the sexual ritual orgy or lovemaking must take place. All participants much take part (I.E., make love, bang, screw, yiff, or whatever euphemism you prefer) from the beginning to the end of the hour, or they don't count for purposes of the number of participants in the ritual.
Third, your maximum caster level is limited to the number of participants in the ritual. For example, if you're casting a 2nd level Bard spell, which requires you to have a Caster Level 4, you'd need to have at least four participants in the ritual. This can also limit number of targets, variable healing or duration, and other such things. All participants must be completely willing to take part in the ritual in order to count, although magical coercion can be used.
A Sexual Ritual Spell takes up the same spell slot as the base spell, modified by any other metamagic feats.
Previous: This option for spellcasting is not available.

EXAMPLE: Ryss, a cleric of Sharess, is busy at work healing the many wounded Dragon Knights under her care. Spending an hour in a sexual ritual with each one, she can cast a Cure Light Wounds prepared as a sexual ritual spell with a caster level of two, healing 1d8+2 points of damage. If she had the healing domain, she would heal 1d8+3. She must spend the entire hour in uninterrupted activity in order to successfully cast the spell. Once the hour is up, the spell is cast but is retained in memory.
Elsewhere, Kris is engaged in passionate activity with, oh, let's say Hennet, Mialee, and Jozan. Kris is a Brd5/Eromancer2, and because of this, counts as two participants for Sexual Ritual magic. There are three others besides him, so his maximum caster level is 5 for this spell - Which happens to be an Endurance spell. It'll last 5 hours... he has a long night ahead of him.
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Zelda Themelin

First Post
Great . Our creative power Riot Gear is back. :)

I like 'Eromancer'

I always thought Recondite was very cool and nasty creature. I think anyone who things they are too silly, has just severe allergy to 'anything-tentacled'-thing. ;)
Very scary and nasty monster IMO.

What comes to magic items, different sex toys are IMO something, spellcasters would likely be creating. They would have wanting market, but magic is very expensive, so magic sex toys would probably be made rich people's normal/unusual needs in mind. Like with with any magic items.

If you think RL earth history, sex and all kind of toys accociated with it have been around since dawn of civization.

Still, I don't think people in fantasy world would emulate some stuff existing in our period. We sure would get rid of much crab, if we had access to magic/psionics. At least if we had money to spare. Some things in old guide are just too 'plastic'/too 200th century emulations in material/function.

Many spells from old guide are needless, one example that first come to my mind is that 'Cure spell for *some sexual disease*, now what's the point, when we already have 'cure disease' in phb.


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Hey, thanks Zelda! You make me feel all fuzzy inside. ^_^ I've finished the new feat and the Eromancer. I think this should fit what we're looking for - It provides sexual ritual magic with a niche all of its own, something that nothing else does.


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Silliness and such.

I always thought the main point of the guide WAS to be silly and funny and something to use in non-serious parts of a game. Maybe the serious sections are the ones that need a shaded background or indicator of some sort or their own appendix. I mean who really is going to want to keep this handy to look up prostitute costs or a table of sex restriction laws based on city population and culture, or average frequency of mating for humanoids every game?

If I'm running a serious game and the PCs have enough time to worry about this to the point of where I'm stumped and can't say "Yes you find a prostitute for 5sp." and move on to plot development, then either I'm A: out of material or B: not moving the game along, or C: not moving the game the way the PCs want to go, and they're trying to tell me by doing random crap like picking up prostitutes or raping horses and casting modify memory to get away with it.

BTW, Eromancer kicks ass, and have you read the 3rd party d20 book Legions of Hell? There's some interesting related stuff in there. =)


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Legions of Hell

My friend picked up LoH at DunDraCon, I bought Arms & Armor instead. I've seen some stuff from LoH though, I'll try and borrow it and if it's under open gaming license I'll retype one or two of the nifty ones for you.

A couple things I remember from it:

Succubi with damage reduction 5/leather (so you can whip them).

The king of hell looks like Joe Camel (from cigarette ads) and has weird powers like Cause Spontaneous Orgasm as a ranged touch attack.

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