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[Adult] Guide to Unlawful Carnal Knowledge, thread 2

Zelda Themelin

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There is reason for rule problems with spells.

When we started translating/re-writing this guide, kolvar did most of the work, if not all, alone to translate spells from existing guide.

That's great lot of work, and rule-corrections take time and though, especially many spells, like riot gear points out, were just plain badly written. This was actually pretty common problem with 2nd edition spells, since they lack consistancy, and don't always seem to use similar rules.

I think, that when we have decided themes and, renamings, and what's out permanently from next version of our guide, we could try to rework these spells and other stuff we wanted to keep.

Hehheh, I have few new/old spell ideas, in badly written zelda-style of course. Want to see?

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Reading through Zelda's list, I find myself agreeing with her on most issues. The problem with these spells isn't so much the intent but the execution (ok, and the names). My biggest beef with them is that there are too many of them that do the same thing basically, but at wildly different spell levels. There should definately be a Seduce Person Spell, and one that induces lust, and one that makes targets orgasm, but we don't need 30 spells to accomplish it!

The only thing i can really contribute to the tweaking of the rules side is a lot of the spells make up their own rules as to how the effects are demonstrated. We now have a set of mehanics for how sex works, and also defined states of being, like "aroused," "Peaked" and "Sexually Delerious." I think the spells should refer to these for effects, to take advantage of the system we have created and present a seamles, consistant product.

And oh yeah, as for the recondite: Thanks to a freindly playtester, I finally got to take one of these babies out for a test drive. =) Fun! A little tweaking rule wise may be in order, but a good monster who can easily overpower most oppenents and defeat them, yet leave lots of ways for the DM to have the PC's survive the encounter. I like it.


First Post
When are the basic rules finalized?
One of the problems (apart from being stupid, knowing to little about the rules, having a lot to do and hoping to be done with it soon) was, that while I had my first go with the spells, the basic rules changed. The next person, that wishes to have a go on the spells, should have fixed rules.

@Zelda: Just lists? Your explanations are good, but the intend of the first lists was, just to get something we could start with (everything we drop, we have not to worry about again). About Layla: As you can see, the both Spells you mentioned I would personally keep.

@Arcady: Would you take the magic items and rework them?

Zelda Themelin

First Post

By 'just lists' I just meant, do you want just lists, because I wanted to make longer explanation. There are few spells, that are IMO worth while (naah, none of them mine :) ), and I'd like to keep them, but not as such.

I mostly went through just with those spells on list (ok, I checked them all), items I didn't read except those Isawa mentioned.

Lists are very good, hopefully my comments are of some help too.

I don't want to kick every spell mentioned out. Few need rules changing, or reworking, name change, or kicking them to hentai-guide. Removing some silly/offensive comments, that are just 'extra' are in place also, Chains of Lust, anyone?

Needlessly stupid material components I'd remove/change, but that's my personal bias. Some of them seem to be 20th century culture jokes, and I don't get few them at all.

Prices for magic items are a bit off.


IMO there can be many spells for causing lust/ecstasy, after all, there are many different versions of basicly same attack spell. I think this is cool as long as they are somewhat different in flavor/purpose, and their spell-levels are logical compared to each other.

Many peoplë, who bother to read spells beyond PHB, love spell-variations. I love them very much, as long as they compare logically in level/effect/balance. Not all spells has to be equally balaced of course, dm:s want their 'evil dm'-spells. I want mine, at least.

Also, there might be different love/hate/lust/insanity curse-effects, that actually go under bestow curse, but no harm writing 'few examples', though I don't know if they must be separate spells. How you like idea of making Bestow curse (insanity is under this spell)-variations?

I most certainly agree on existing mechanics use, like arousal states, etc, but we also need to say effect in terms of 'normal game', and that means -4 to all actions and stuff like that. Also, IMO certain spell effects take subject beyond normal scale of human feeling, or can be compared to at least 'drugged state'. Such effects are IMO harmful, causing damage, subdual damage and/or addiction, besides potential arousal effects, that must be mentioned, if any, since such affect our 'sex system' rulings.


Good idea for 'losing family jewels'. How do rest of you like it?

Also, there needs to be taken into account, does for example spell do this in way, that causes actual damage, besides pain-trauma, saying, lost of hit points. How about subdual damage, if not that? This is something, that needs to be covered with spells, that cause such effect. Otherwise I'd say it to be just normal or maybe critical (probably on criticals only effect) weapon damage.


First Post
The Lost Jewels are nice, though it just have to think about the rack rule (I think it was called) where all man seeing it are agonized or at least make a face.


First Post
I pretty much agree with everything said since my last post.

Spell variations are nice and fine, but if something is already pretty well covered by exitsting spells (see all the prestidigitations or the countless variations of seductions and charms), let's just put it into the "New Uses for Old Spells" section. Dragon Mag or Tome&Blood had a list of uses for Prestidigitation, so we can just expand on that with a sexual twist.

Also, Sorcerer's and Bards have a limited number of spells, I think most people would go with the more general PHB spell instead of a slightly specialized "sex version". Again, more stuff for the "New Uses" section.


Definitely check prices and prerequisite spells. The weapon and armor stuff is pretty limited, and not too great in any case. Probably could be dropped without anyone missing it. Tentacular staff should go into the Tentacle Madness book. Phallic Wand could stay IMHO, although it is a bit of a rulesbreaker (since there is normally no way to "recharge" wands).

The Rings are fine for the most part, except for possibly the :):):):) ring.

Other things that need some work:

The pregnancy section is rather rules-light and essay-heavy. It reads more like an Anthropology textbook than a gaming supplement. More race/fantasy specific stuff needs to be added. I'll peruse that section later today and see if I can come up with any improvements. I'll also double-check the Prestige CLasses and see if everything conforms to the current standards (e.g. spellcasters get +1 level at certain intervals instead of customized lists/prerequisites allow for 6th level)

I really like the Eromancer, and that could easily take the spot of the Pimp if we decide to give it the axe.

The Transgender Shaman is another one of those PrC's that doesn't really fly. Most cultures that have Shamans usually just kill or exile people deviating from the norm, so I doubt there would be too many TG Shamans.


First Post
Rewritten Feats from the Guide

Aroused Casting becomes Sexual Spell (Fits more with the format for metamagic feats - "Adjective" Spell.)

Sexual Spell [Metamagic]
You can cast a spell through the act of sex.
Benefits: You may cast a spell without somatic components, verbal components, or material components that cost less than one GP, but you can only cast it within one round of experiencing an orgasm. Additionally, spells affected by this feat can be cast during sexual activity without a Concentration check.
Spells affected by this feat take up a spell slot no higher level than usual, altered as usual by other metamagic feats.

Sex Appeal [General]
You are sexy enough to drive a person to distraction.
Benefits: In a situation where you can bring your physical and mental charm to bear, you can gain an advantage over those attracted to you. All people in your presence distracted by your wiles receive a -2 penalty to Appraise, Listen, Sense Motive, and Spot checks. In addition, you gain a +2 bonus to Bluff, Diplomacy, and Pick Pocket checks against all such victims.
Distracting someone with your wiles requires you to consciously use provocative mannerisms, clothing, or conversation on a target whose mental structure allows them to be attracted to you. If they notice any hostile action towards them on your part, the effect is immediately broken.
At the DM's discretion, certain situational modifiers may increase or decrease these bonuses.

I think it would be best to combine all of the various sexual psionic feats in to one big feat. Think about it - a feat is a big thing, and a psionic feat is even more so. At the moment, my personal opinion is that they're too weak.

Psionic Sexuality [Psionic]
You've devoted your mastery of your inner strength and mental power to becoming a sexual powerhouse.
Benefits: As long as you have at least 1 PP remaining, you gain a +4 bonus to all Sexual Prowess checks.
Special: This feat can be taken multiple times and stacks - Each time, the required PP increases by +8, and the bonus increases by 1. For example, a Psion could have taken Psionic Sexuality three times, gaining a total bonus of +15 (+4, +5, and +6) to Sexual Prowess checks, but would need at least 25 PP. If his PP dropped below 13, the bonus would reduce as though he has lost feats - First to +9, then to +4, then to nothing.

Arcane Coitus
You can transfer magical power to or from yourself through a sexual encounter.
Requirements: Spontaneous spellcasting, Sexual Spell, Caster Level 3
Benefits:You can leech magical energy out of your lovers, or infuse your lovers with your own magical energy, through sexual intercourse. You must engage in sexual intercourse with a single, willing lover who has the ability to spontaneously cast spells, and choose whether you want to give or take magical energy. Your lover need only be willing - They don't have to know that you intend to take power. However, if they have this feat as well, they will immediately realize what you're doing.
If you decide to give magical energy, you immediately lose the ability to cast the highest level of spells you can spontaneously cast for one day, but your lover gains a single bonus spell per day of the same level spell that you lost the ability to cast. If you decide to take magical energy, the process is exactly the same but reversed.
If you use this feat multiple times in one day, you can only do it once per day per person, and you can only gain a single bonus spell in each level spell you can cast.

That's all for now.
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