• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Adv: The Path of Light; DM: ScorpiusRisk; Judge: Ozymandias79


But fish aren't supposed to jump into the boat even if they are this healthy Georg says slightly too loud to Rurdev.

[sblock=OOC] 1d20+13=16 Nature
Well, even if Hadrack succeeds, Georg fails with a 3!

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First Post
[sblock=ooc]Late Saturday night I come on the boards and read Dane's post. I think to myself 'Well that's creative and entertaining. Wait. . . .a heal check.' The DM reads it again. 'Well he is talking about healing I suppose. I'll let him do it, no it's ridiculous. . . .maybe I should go to bed and read it in the morning.'

DM wakes up and has a brilliant idea. 'It's a success only if someone else can come up with a supporting bluff or nature check!' THen the DM got busy, and now here we are. Luckily, there's a clear failure afterwards, so I don't have to make a decision![/sblock]

Dane goes to pick up one of the fish and starts to show it off like a Price is Right reject. He then starts to give a public service announcement to educate these fine sailors the health benifits of fish. Dane is no Dr. Koop, but to these men he may sound like he is an expert on the matter.

Tis indeed a blessin'. Dees fish, when eatin' heal sores, reduce da swell, stave' da chills', n' sharpin' yer eyes fer battle. Dey say, da scales washed wit wine din placed on wounds make dem heal fasta' n' stronga. Just don't eat de eyes on sea. Dey eyes 'r mighty power-fer. De make ye fertile like a b!tch n' heat. I tels ye, we arse been prepared fer war, not have it sent against us in spite!

The sailors's responses are mixed. Some seem rather excited about this remarkable fish. The others captain included, seem skeptical.

What do you think of these fish, Rurdev? Georg whispers before speaking.

-''Okay, not rum. No rum. Calm down. What do you want? Hum... ale, right?'' Hadrak asks lamely. He seems to anger the skeptics.

"Y-Y-Yes," the shifter says pointing to the fish, "l-l-look how their scales shine in the l-light and their are c-clear not cloud-d-dy. If this was an ill o-omen, the fish would be s-s-sickly"

But fish aren't supposed to jump into the boat even if they are this healthy Georg says slightly too loud to Rurdev.

"That's right!" Screams one sailor overhearing. "Now they're trying to trick us! Throw em off I say!" The others seem convinced now.

"Hold!" Calls the captain. He looks worried but you don't think he's too sympathetic towards you. His eyes keep darting back to the fish. "There's no need to feed the seas, else Netari would have taken them himself." He turns to the party. "Yield you're weapons to me. We shall head back to Daunton."

The Warden turns away from the group looking out at the seas. "So much time will be wasted."

[sblock=Skill Challenge/OOC]
Round 2

Successes: 5(7)/10
Failures: 3(5)/3

The party fails!

This next part does not require skill checks. The party has a choice to make. They can either surrender their weapons and be returned to Daunton, fight the crew, or think of something the DM did not.


Georg grips his staff very tightly.

[sblock=OOC] My vote is for fighting, we always have the option to incapacitate instead of killing according to the rules. [/sblock]

Mal Malenkirk

First Post
-''No captain. If we can't get along, you surrender to us. Be serious here. You are sailors. We are warriors. You will use machetes and sabers to fight us, we wil use enchanted weapons, magic spells and the will of the gods.''

Hadrak underscores the last point by blasting one of the fishes with a bolt of radiant light.

-''We'd never surrender to you. Frankly, I'd rather not hurt your crew and if it comes to a brawl I'll do my best no to kill anyone. But we had an agreement and you just broke it. You demand of us a course of action that would shame our honor and put the world in danger by delaying our mission. And why? Because you are gutless!''

Hadrak's voice is rising with his temper. But the end of his speech, he is genuinely angry.

-''You know what? If you are scared of fishes jumping onboard that maybe annunces a storm, I cannot comprehend why you would dream of fighting us. We are far more dangerous than any storm you have ever survived.

Incarnation, care to show them?''

Intimidate assist (1d20+5=7)

Eh. Yeah, all that was a lead up to a real specialist of intimidation (Incarnation or anyone else with something in the +10 neighborhood).

And as you can see, being in verve means squat to IC!

That's 3 piss poor skill check in a row. Surely I am going to rock the fight with all the good rolls Karma owes me! ;)


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Touching the iron flask at his side, Incarnation flicks his wrist in dismissal. Be gone. The fish, seemingly of their own volition, begin jumping free of the boat. He turns to the crew, as the fish continue their exodus.

Your fear weakens you. Your fear rules you. You see shadows where their is light and cast out those that would defend you. A fight is not what we desire, but fate cannot be denied. You have your roles to play, but if you refuse, they will be taken from you. Do you really believe ones such as ourselves are not protected?

As he speaks, ropes move about deck, the sails tack randomly, and the wheel spins without the Captain's control.

A darkness that threatens all of the isles beckons us onward. Any who try to stop us are complicit in its destruction. DO NOT make that mistake.[sblock=OOC]Use his Iron Flask (the Prisoner of Salzacas) to telekinetically start throwing fish overboard, messing with the rigging, the steering, etc. as part of his "demonstration" leading to demoralization. Intimidate (1d20+12=25)[/sblock]


First Post
The Captain's eyes the fish as they are moved from the deck, and he seems in contemplation for a moment before his sword appears in his hands. The crew gives a shout of courage before charging in.

[sblock=Insight 15]The Captain seemed remorseful before drawing his sword but seemed nothing but determined afterwards.[/sblock]

[sblock=ooc]Your intimidate checks only serve to anger and rally the crew, so convinced they are now of their course.

Most of the sailors have either a cutlass or a club, and then either a dagger or a crossbow as well. Sailor's 3 and 6 both have their crossbows out instead of a melee weapon. Sailor 3 is in the Crow's nest and Sailor 6 is has an elbow wrapped around the wheel of the ship.

Between his vest and jacket the captain is effectively wearing hide armor. He also has a longsword.[/sblock]

[sblock=Perception 18]The Captain also has a hand crossbow[/sblock]

The crew moves quickly, obviously used to working together. The captains slides around Raiyek to the side then scores a solid hit through the armor, which sends up another cheer from the crew.

The sailors at the bow advance on Hadrak and Incarnation. One slices at Hadrak but hits only metal. The other tests his blade against Incarnation and lands his blow. He motions to his ally toward the warforged.

The crewman in the crow's nest fires down on Raiyek following the captain's lead, but the elf's shield deflects the bolt. Amazingly he keeps his defenses up as he blocks then parries two blows from two more opponents. He can only move in so many directions though and bolt soars in from the helm.

[sblock=ooc]Captain shifts to J11.
Attacks Raiyek with Longsword. 30 vs AC, 14 damage and Raiyek is marked TENT.

Sailor 1 shifts to I7. Attacks Hadrak. 17 vs AC, Miss

Sailor 2 shifts to J7. Attacks Incarnation. 22 vs AC, 14 damage

Sailor 3 fires at Raiyek. 14 vs AC, Miss

Sailor 4 shifts to H12. Attacks Raiyek 21 vs AC; Miss

Sailor 5 shifts to J12. Attacks Raiyek. 20 vs AC; Miss

Sailor 6 fires at Raiyek. 26 vs AC, 10 damage.

Raiyek has Resist 1 all.[/sblock]



Round 1

22; Enemies; Acted
Captain; J11
Sailor 1; I7
Sailor 2; J7
Sailor 3; I9(Crows Nest)
Sailor 4; H12
Sailor 5; J12
Sailor 6; I14
21; Hadrak; I8; 52/52
19; Rurdev; G9; 51/51
18; Raiyek; I12; 34/56; Marked TECNT
11; Georg; H9; 44/44
9; Incarnation; J8; 39/53
6; Dane; H10; 60/60
5; Warden; K9;

[sblock=Map 'Starting Positions']http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h265/ScorpiusRisk/Path%20of%20Light/ship01.png[/sblock]


Main Mast is at I9. Provides cover. Square is inaccessible.

All furniture, crates and stairs are difficult terrain. The inside of the main deck is in the corner of the map. There's more below it but I haven't drawn it yet.

The brown dotted lines represent a shroud (rope ladder) and the mainyard (big pole the sail hangs on). It takes a DC 12 Athletics check to climb (half speed) the shroud/mainyard or a DC 19 Acrobatics check to move along either at full speed. Regular climbing rules apply, including falling off.

There is a low wall around the entire ship, and crows nest, except where indicated by the blue lines. A Bullrush or any power that forces movement requires that you beat the defense by 5 or more in order to move them over that wall. They still get a save to avoid falling, but if its over the wall they aren't prone, they're(you're) hanging on the other side.

It takes a Minor action, Athletics/Acrobatics DC 14 check to get over the wall, and that provokes OAs.

The deck of the ship is considered 0 ft for our purposes with the half deck 7 and a half feet up, and the crows nest 7 and a half feet above that.

Mal Malenkirk

First Post
Hadrak steps back and summons Eefaystos' power. He sends a wave of divine light that weakens three sailors while bolstering Incarnation and the Warden.

-''Who do you think the gods favor now? Superstitious nitwits or those who faithfully accomplish their duty?''

Move: Shift to H7
Standard: Divine Glow, I7:K9
Divine Glow vs Sailor 1, 2 and 3. (1d20+11=23, 1d20+11=16, 1d20+11=28, 1d8+10=18) vs Reflex, dmg 18 radiant


The Warden and Incarnation get +2 to all attacks for their next turn

Hadrak gains +1 to defenses TENT

52/52 9/9 surge, AP
AC: 20+1
Ref: 16
For: 17
Will: 22

It's a new day right? Otherwise, scratch one surge and the AP.
Last edited:


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Stepping in the midsts of the sailors, there is a hisss as Incarnation calls forth his weaponry. Raising his rod high, the warlock glances around him. This is the price of your failure. He then speaks one syllable, whispers it really, but it resonates with power in the minds of those around him. Their fear suddenly finds form, the form of the flame and shadow-clad warforged before them. They knew now their mistake.[sblock=OOC]Shift to J9. Minor to draw rod & dagger. Tyrannical Threat w/ Divine Glow Bonus (S1–5; Captain): Will 24, 22, 15, 30, 20, 17 for 16 psychic damage (8 if missed) and all target are under Incarnation's warlock curse. Until the end of the encounter, anyone cursed by Incarnation that attacks him takes 2 psychic damage. Nonlethal. Note, it is burst 3, so it should reach S3.[/sblock][sblock=Incarnation]Incarnation—Male Warforged Infernal Warlock 5
Initiative: +3, Passive Perception: 11, Passive Insight: 16
AC: 17, Fort: 18, Reflex: 16, Will: 16 — Speed: 6
HP: 53/53, Bloodied: 26, Surge: 13, Surges left: 11/11
+2 save vs. ongoing damage
Action Points: 1/1, Second Wind: Not Used, Milestones 0
Powers -
Eldritch Blast
Hellish Rebuke

Fiery Bolt
Chains of Levistus

Tyrannical Threat
Tyranny of Flames

Warforged Resilience
Beguiling Word

Shadowdance Leather Armor +1 (daily)
Spidersilk Mantle +1 (encounter)
Prison of Salzacas (encounter)

Full character sheet - http://l4w.wikia.com/wiki/L4W:PC:Incarnation_(stonegod)[/sblock]


First Post
Rurdev, seeing combat breaking out now, thanks to his inability to see, draws out his axe. The shifter activates the weapon's magic, which causes his blood to rush through him, as if the battle was already half over. He draws upon the rush and shifts, his muscles surge, and his teeth and fingernails lengthen. "You've started the wrong fight..."

Minor: Draw blood fury battleaxe
Minor: Activate encounter power of blood fury battle axe: Act as bloodied until end of next turn
Minor: Activate Longtooth Shifting: gain regen 2 while bloodied and +2 to damage until the end of the encounter.

Immediate Reaction: If hit by an attack use Yield Ground to shift to G12 and gain a +2 to all defenses as well as an additional +1 to AC and reflex(boots of fencing master)[/sblock]

Rurdev - Male Shifter Ranger 5
Passive Perception: 20, Passive Insight: 15; Low-light vision
AC:21, Fort:18, Reflex:17, Will:16 -- Speed:5
HP: 51/51, Bloodied:25, Surge Value:12, Surges Left:8/8
Resist 10 Force
Action Points: 1, Second Wind
Twin Strike
Marauder's rush
Disruptive Strike
Off-Hand Strike
Yield Ground
Longtooth Shifting
Blood Fury Battleaxe

Jaws of the Wolf
Snarling Wolf Stance
Brooch of Shielding
Lightning Battleaxe

Voidrunner's Codex

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