• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Adv: The Path of Light; DM: ScorpiusRisk; Judge: Ozymandias79


First Post
The shield of faith falls over Rurdev and his mount as they wait for the demon. The shifter feels the divine power fall over him like a gentle rain. He knows, his companions were here to protect him, and together they could strike this thing down.

The ranger narrows his eyes at the demon, his confidence and keen vision keeping an eye on it's movements, so he can better predict where it's vitals lie. Then he digs his heels into his magical mount, ready for a pair of swift counterstrikes and a magnificent manuver of horsemanship.

Minor: Quarry the demon
Minor: Activate Snarling wolf stance(if attack with melee/close attack make a melee basic and shift 3 squares, must end not adjacient to an enemy).
Standard: Ready twin strike to attack if demon comes in melee range.
Rurdev - Male Shifter Ranger 5
Passive Perception: 20, Passive Insight: 15; Low-light vision
AC:21, Fort:18, Reflex:17, Will:16 -- Speed:5
HP: 41/51, Bloodied:25, Surge Value:12, Surges Left:7/8
Resist 10 Force
Action Points: 0, Second Wind
Twin Strike
Marauder's rush
Disruptive Strike
Off-Hand Strike

Yield Ground
Longtooth Shifting
Blood Fury Battleaxe

Jaws of the Wolf
Snarling Wolf Stance
Brooch of Shielding
Lightning Battleaxe
Obsidian Steed

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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Incarnation could not assault the demon at this distance, but a brief shadow passed over it as Incarnation whispered the dark secrets of his pact. He kept low, waiting for his chance.[sblock=OOC]Minor to curse demon. Ready an action (any ally engages the opponent in melee): EB: Ref 23, 15 damage[/sblock][sblock=Incarnation (Shield of Faith)]Incarnation—Male Warforged Infernal Warlock 5
Initiative: +3, Passive Perception: 11, Passive Insight: 16
AC: 19, Fort: 18, Reflex: 16, Will: 16 — Speed: 6
HP: 47/53, Bloodied: 26, Surge: 13, Surges left: 11/11
+2 save vs. ongoing damage
Action Points: 0/1, Second Wind: Not Used, Milestones 0
Powers -
Eldritch Blast
Hellish Rebuke

Fiery Bolt
Chains of Levistus

Tyrannical Threat
Tyranny of Flames

Warforged Resilience
Beguiling Word

Shadowdance Leather Armor +1 (daily)
Spidersilk Mantle +1 (encounter)
Prison of Salzacas (encounter)

Full character sheet - Incarnation[/sblock]
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Georg moves to his horse and mounts it. He looks grimly at the far giant and mutters Not many spells left, but the flaming sphere.

[sblock=OOC] Not back from vacation quite yet, wow, uh... do I have any Temp HP left from earlier in the encounter or was that the last fight?
Move: Walk to E11
Move: Mount Horse


First Post
-''Warden! Gather around. Come on!'' Hadrak shouts

Raiyek feels the weight of his javelin once more. "This is probably a waste of time, but I guess it's worth a shot." With a shrug he heaves the spear towards the demon, watches it sail through the air ... and land a perfect blow. "Well ... I didn't expect it to turn out like that," he says in muted surprise as he draws his sword once again. "May Palladys guide the rest of our strikes likewise!"

[sblock=Actions]Minor: draw javelin
Standard: throw javelin: Crit for 9 damage. You're kidding me, I blow a crit on the javelin?? Ah well, better than nothing I guess, haha.
Minor: draw sword[/sblock]

Incarnation could not assault the demon at this distance, but a brief shadow passed over it as Incarnation whispered the dark secrets of his pact. He kept low, waiting for his chance.

[sblock=OOC]Minor to curse demon.[/sblock]

Georg moves to his horse and mounts it. He looks grimly at the far giant and mutters Not many spells left, but the flaming sphere.

[sblock=OOC] Not back from vacation quite yet, wow, uh... do I have any Temp HP left from earlier in the encounter or was that the last fight?

**I dont have any thp marked for you**
Move: Walk to E11
Move: Mount Horse

The Warden rushes forward, joining the line. His sword crackles with electricity and he mutters a resigned curse under his breathe.

[sblock=ooc]Warden moves to J4/K5[/sblock]

Once the Warden is within twenty-five feet, Hadrak begins an incantation.

-''Keep a stiff upper lip, people. And stiffer armors, courtesy of the Great Forger!''

Hadrak raises his fist and a halo of light briefly surronds each of his allies and himself, reinforcing their armor.

He then climbs into the cart, stepping over Incarnation to hide next to him.

-''Oops, sorry, ouch. Move a bit. Hey, is that yesterday's meal? Eeww. There. I am settled. You did such an awful job at hiding, Carny, that my theory is that if I hide next to you the beast will overlook me. Clever, huh?''

Of course, what is not so clever is that the top of both Hadrak and Incarnation's head is showing over the box of the cart.

Wait until the warden has moved within 5 square (his init is higher anyway). Since the DM control him, I couldn't really wait until he acted before posting...

Standard: Shield of Faith
Target: Everyone including Hadrak in a 5 square close burst (Which is the entire party).
Move: I10 and stealth
Stealth (1d20+3=9)

Eh. Worth a shot. But if there is no way to get full cover from the box of the cart, the point is moot anyway since you can't become hidden from just partial cover.

Everyone gains +2 power bonus to AC until the end of the encounter. And that is why I hope most attacks are against AC!

Dane waits until Hadrak performs his enchantment then yells out, Split up until he comes near. Once he's picked da fight, swarm in on the flanks like ants. Rurdev, you get the far side of da beast on your horse.

Dane then moves north, banging his axe against his shield trying to draw the demon's attention towards him.

[sblock=Actions] Move to I1.[/sblock]

The shield of faith falls over Rurdev and his mount as they wait for the demon. The shifter feels the divine power fall over him like a gentle rain. He knows, his companions were here to protect him, and together they could strike this thing down.

The ranger narrows his eyes at the demon, his confidence and keen vision keeping an eye on it's movements, so he can better predict where it's vitals lie. Then he digs his heels into his magical mount, ready for a pair of swift counterstrikes and a magnificent manuver of horsemanship.

Minor: Quarry the demon
Minor: Activate Snarling wolf stance(if attack with melee/close attack make a melee basic and shift 3 squares, must end not adjacient to an enemy).[/sblock]

The demon barely notices Raiyek's attack as it charges forward, using its massive arms to launch itself forward. The javelin gets pushed out of his skin, the wound quickly healing over. It head around the top of the blocking border, charging into Dane.

[sblock=ooc]Demon regenerates 9 hp.
Demon moves to bb-6/0-4.
Charges to f1/H3 to attack Dane, but first.[/sblock]

Dane's axe comes down hard on the Demon, but it bounces right off the thick skin of his leg. Incarnation leans out of the wagon a blasts the beast with a bolt of arcane energy, but the demon doesn't seem to notice as he slams into the dwarf, bruising his shield arm, and sending a ripple of pain down his spine.

The Warden shouts and spurs his mount forward, slicing into the demon with his lightning blade, seeming to get his attention.

Standard = Trigger: If the demon comes within melee range of Dane, he will perform Probing Attack on him.
**23 vs Reflex, Miss

Ready an action (any ally engages the opponent in melee): EB: Ref 23, 15 damage

**Also Misses**

Demon's charge attack vs Dane 31 vs AC, 14 damage.

Warden charges to H4/I5. Attacks 28 vs AC, 7 Lightning damage.

Rurdev's readied actions are not triggered.



Round 7

21; Dane; I1; 46/60; +2 power bonus to AC;
19; Raiyek; E9; 51/56 +8 thp; +2 power bonus to AC;
18; Georg; F11/G12; 41/44; Mounted, +2 power bonus to AC;
18; Incarnation; H10; 47/53; Superior Cover, +2 power bonus to AC;
18; Rurdev; G7/H82; 42/51; Mounted, +2 power bonus to AC;
12 Hadrak; I10; 52/52; +2 power bonus to AC, probably not hidden;
11; The Warden; H4/I5; Mounted, +2 power bonus to AC
10; Big Demon; F1/H3; -7 hp; Cursed, Quarry


AC 28



The thick black lines on the sides of the wagon represent the top cover on the wagon. They block Line of Sight.

Moving in and out of the wagon cost an additional square of movement.

You can also move the wagon, by getting in and driving it.

The boulders are about ten feet in height. Anyone who is not huge, and is adjacent to the rock can use it for superior cover. Anyone who is huge, and adjacent to the rock still receives cover.

You can climb a rock with an athletics check of some sort.
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Mal Malenkirk

First Post
-''Distract him, guys, distract him!'' shouts Hadrak as he seeks an opening to lanch his most powerful spell.

[sblock=OOC]Aid another can be stacked!


Up to four person can stack up on aid another. I don't even see a DC for aiding attacks, just for skills.

This early in the fight, I dare say landing my daily 'Iron to Glass' would be the single most decisive step toward victory. Even a miss gives a fair chance, but a hit would make me very confident. It could take a huge chunk out the damage dealt by the beast. I attack at +11 vs reflex. With +19...

You have to be adjacent to aid the attack so it would really help if most melee character took one for the team and aided me for my next attack.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Incarnation chews a low curse as his magic is ignored by the beast. Its regeneration was troubling; they had to find a way to counter it. The warlock quickly tried to determine what if anything he knew. But he soon turned to the dwarf beside him.

Hide then attack. I shall distract it. May Fate realize your moment. The warlock then channeled a stream of dark energy at the beast, attempting to disorient it, before ducking down again to hide.[sblock=OOC]Not sure if another Arcana check is needed after the one I already rolled to see if he knows if anything stops the regen, but here it is: 21.

EB Misses. Then try to hide: 16 (unlikely, but better than 5).[/sblock][sblock=Incarnation (Shield of Faith)]Incarnation—Male Warforged Infernal Warlock 5
Initiative: +3, Passive Perception: 11, Passive Insight: 16
AC: 19, Fort: 18, Reflex: 16, Will: 16 — Speed: 6
HP: 47/53, Bloodied: 26, Surge: 13, Surges left: 11/11
+2 save vs. ongoing damage
Action Points: 0/1, Second Wind: Not Used, Milestones 0
Powers -
Eldritch Blast
Hellish Rebuke

Fiery Bolt
Chains of Levistus

Tyrannical Threat
Tyranny of Flames

Warforged Resilience
Beguiling Word

Shadowdance Leather Armor +1 (daily)
Spidersilk Mantle +1 (encounter)
Prison of Salzacas (encounter)

Full character sheet - Incarnation[/sblock]
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First Post
Raiyek, git to mi flank! Rurdev, git in position across da Warden. Box'em in. Keep him distracted so da Hadrak can break him. Din crash upon him wit yur steel!

Dane shakes off the blow and tries to focus on dodging the next blow. You are da rock in da storm.

[sblock=Actions] Well, Dane almost got through 2 combats without taking any damage. Didn't want to jinx myself, but with this battle I knew the pain was coming.

Standard= Aid Hadrak's attack. +2 to hit Forge-brother. Make'em cry. [/sblock]


First Post
Rurdev turns his mount towards the demon, coming up on it opposite the warden. His mount kicks out at the demon, but can't hurt it through it's infernal hide. The shifter distracts the demon waving his deadly axes around while he waits for his allies to strike a mightly blow.

Free: command horse for move action to CD/01
Move: shift with horse to right DE/01(activates boots of fencing master)
Free: command horse to kick: horse kick demon (1d20+8=23, 1d6+5=11) as expected...
Standard: Aid another on Hadrak's attack: aid another for hadrak vs demon (1d20+12=32)...of course I crit this one....+2 to hadrak's next attack

Immediate Reaction: Snarling wolf stance free attack

[sblock=Stats; Snarling Wolf Stance; Shield of Faith; boots of fencing master]
Rurdev - Male Shifter Ranger 5
Passive Perception: 20, Passive Insight: 15; Low-light vision
AC:24, Fort:18, Reflex:18, Will:16 -- Speed:5
HP: 41/51, Bloodied:25, Surge Value:12, Surges Left:7/8
Resist 10 Force
Action Points: 0, Second Wind
Twin Strike
Marauder's rush
Disruptive Strike
Off-Hand Strike

Yield Ground
Longtooth Shifting
Blood Fury Battleaxe

Jaws of the Wolf
Snarling Wolf Stance
Brooch of Shielding
Lightning Battleaxe
Obsidian Steed


First Post
[sblock=OOP-EvolutionKB]when aiding another's attack you don't roll, you just Aid, maybe SR(dm) will let use that roll on an actual roll since you have already rolled[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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