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[Adventure] A Call for Lovers (DM: jbear Judge:Lord Sessadore)

Nemesis Destiny

@Daeja [sblock=ooc]If you want/need to, you can spend a minor action while in my aura (on the same boat as me for this scenario) to allow an adjacent ally, such as a wounded prisoner, to spend a healing surge and gain +1d6 additional hit points. I get two of these every encounter, so don't worry about "wasting" it. :)[/sblock]

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First Post
[sblock=Keeping up the pace] [MENTION=84680]treex[/MENTION] You're up mate. In the interests of keeping the pace if you don't have a chance to update with Themes turn this time tomorrow I will NPC him imagining he will board the junk and carve your way through the crew with your double attack towards either the prisoners or the captain. I can imagine Themes more likely to go after the enemy captain as a kind of Lah'nun pride thing.

Very close to ending this I believe.

[sblock=Zuri] The third prisoner is alive, just barely. His body is trapped under the fallen mast. Athletics or Dungeoneering DC 19 as a move action required to Free him or 2 PCs both at DC 12 . No limit to the amount of attempts per round. [/sblock]


[sblock="OOC"]Okay, so a fail on my part to remember the details, sorry guys! I will now have Zuri use said aura heal on the prisoner trapped under the mast, and just assume she freed one of the guys in the rigging first. [/sblock]

Having freed one of the more mobile prisoners, Zuri looks over the man on the ground, trapped by the mast. He's in rough shape, but Zuri draws on the Skald's Aura , murmuring words of encouragement and hope to him to help staunch the flow of blood... a little....

[sblock="The Roll"]
Using Skald's Aura from Sabynha, healing the prisoner under the mast - one healing surge plus 1d6 → [3] = (3)

Nemesis Destiny

In the heat of battle and her sword-dance, the vistani girl had barely registered that the hairs on the back of her neck stood up, but it was enough warning. With a quick shove, Sabyhna pushed herself away from the first mate just moments before he erupted in hellfire.

Seeing that the first mate was now out of the picture, she was about to turn her attemtion back to the downed captain when she heard Zuri's voice on the breeze, tending the crushed prisoner. "Are zhey well?"

She was torn between pressing the attack on the captain, or rescuing prisoners. Her empathy for their plight would likely get the best of her.

[MENTION=6690636]Daeja[/MENTION] [sblock=ooc]Don't sweat it. You're doing fine! :)[/sblock]


First Post
"Rotten no goods tryin' ta steal mah croo's ship?!"

After making sure the ship is in place, he dashes off into a sprint and leaps across the gap, head first. He narrowly misses Rain and has a rather rough landing but rolls across his shoulder and stands upright.

"ARR! Where be yer Cap'n?!" he roars at the crew. The bumbling pirates are trying to pick themselves up and couldn't manage a good comeback. When he doesn't get a reply, he marches off towards the helm, past Sabynha and a charred corpse, and he sees, who else but the Captain, dazed and lying on the deck. Wat did a jolly good job blowing up their deck, Themes thought to himself.

"YOU!" Themes says. He draws out his blades and swings them wildly for the Captains neck. Both swords sink deeply into the wood of the deck, one narrowly taking off his ear while the other nicks his shoulder and starts to draw blood.

"Yew tell yer men to back off, or yer gonna have a hard time putting YER HEAD BACK ON!" Themes spits in his face. He stares straight into the eyes of the man before him, ready to do cut his face off if he doesn't surrender.

[sblock=Rolls and Mechanics]Minor Action to enter Aspect of the Dancing Serpent
Acrobatics 12 vs DC 8 to board junk ship
Melee Basic Attack MISSED (even with CA)
Dual Weapon Attack HIT for 9 damage
If he doesn't surrender, spend an action point for another Melee Basic Attack: HITS for 14 damage.
Themes also takes a quick step back as a free action (Aspect of the Dancing Serpent) if he doesn't surrender.

Mechanically, Themes has a +8 to hit, +2 from CA and +1 from AotDS if no allies adjacent. Please forgive my forgetfulness to not include them (but I rolled only extreme highs and lows so it doesn't matter), I'll try to make things easier next time.
Themes boards the ship and heads for the enemy Captain.
The Captain takes 9 (10 if no adjacent allies) damage and should be at 54(53)/112 and surrenders. If he doesn't I spend an action point to deal an additional 14 (16 if no adjacent allies) damage and shift away 1 square/5 ft.

[sblock=OOC]By the way, I'm sorry I didn't post. Been a bit side-tracked by the adventure I'm running and coping with my new semester of school. Oh, and if their Captain has a hat, Themes wants it.[/sblock]
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First Post
[sblock=Theme's turn] [MENTION=84680]treex[/MENTION] I'm not really sure where you are getting your action economy from, but I'll help you out and make it work, assuming you don't know how your own powers work ... :confused: Not that you are going to like it :devil: So, Minor Action to take your Aspect. Move action to get aboard the Junk. You are still 3 moves away from where the captain is (2 because of Wat's advantage). So you use a move action to get to the captain making a Acro check to clear the distance in a single move, auto success as you have a +12 Acrobatics modifier and succeed even if you roll a 1. All good so far. You are now next to the Captain. So here is the part which I have a problem with. You miss with your melee basic attack. but you still take a second strike with your Dual Strike power, which requires a successful hit to trigger. Let's call it an oversight. Please add in trigger line in your character sheet as well as requested when I reviewed Themes before the adventure. However to get that attack you had to use an Action Point. There is no follow up attack so the captain is still active, right next to you ... and pissed. [/sblock]

As Wat calls down the might of Jove upon the Junk, decimating the ranks of the pirate crew and hurling many of them from the ship, the junk captain is once again brought down by the invoker but hangs on to the railings for dear life.

A wave of fury rises up from the throats of the crew as the Sabynha and Zuri leap aboard the Junk, having prepared for just this moment. The first mate opens his mouth to order the attack when Kartuus appears on board and disintegrates him where he stands. Momentarily pushed up towards the far side of the boat and in disarray at the loss of one of their leaders the crew are slow to react. Rain leaps across as well, hitting the deck hard but rolling up onto her feet and slashing at one of the crew who manages to leap back out of the way. Zuri, nimbly rolls past several sailors and their sharp blades, making it to the mast where the prisoners are tied. After a quick appraisal she realises that the one beneath the fallen mast is still barely alive. She gives words of encouragement as she frees one of the prisoners from his bonds effortlessly. The bard's magic takes those words and buries them deep into the man's soul, pulling him back from the edge of death.

Themes leaps across moments later as the Dolphin crashes lightly into the side of the junk, the gap now completely closed. He lands on deck with a splash, hitting the deck but rolling straight back up onto his feet like one born upon a boat. He also ducks and rolls past a cluster of sailors blocking his way to the fallen captain. Blades out and flashing he strikes at the captain's head, but the boat is heaved up with a large wave at the last moment and the blade bites the wood of the deck near the captain's ear again causing a splash.

An instant later Themes feels his head suddenly explode as though someone had physically struck him. It is all the window of opportunity that the Junk Captain needs to get back to his feet and lay into the Lah'nun with his blade. The first blow drops Themes to his kness. The second drops him to the deck, leaving him motionless, the water around him staining red. "Kill the prisoners. Kill them all!" roars the Junk Captain triumphantly.

The crew rallies and surges forward surrounding those on board with bristling blades, the heart of them going after Sabynha, each half hearted jab accompanied by a lewd and crass comment. They take it too far, laughing too hard at their own jokes and leaving themselves open for attack. A few of the sharper ones obey their captains orders and stab at the helpless prisoners to end their lives out of sheer spite. "Die Crystal Masons! Die!"

[sblock=Nature DC 8; Free Action] The deck is now entirely 2 inches underwater and the end with the shugenja tower is dipping down quite markedly. The last impact of the cannon must have ripped a serious hole below water level on the far side. The junk is sinking and sinking fast. You have 3 rounds (including this one) at the most to be out of there and as far away as possible on the Dolphin so she isn't sucked down with her! [/sblock]

[sblock=Mechanics] Shugenja Daze vs Themes +6 vs Will=25;Hit: 4 Psychic dmg and Dazed TENT Junk Captain Atk 1 vs Themes +10-2+2 CAdv vs AC=21;Hit Attack 1 dmg 1d10+6=11 Junk Captain Atk 2 +10-2+2 Cadv vs AC Themes=24;Hit Attack 2 dmg 1d10+6=9 Junk Crew +5 vs AC Sabynha=6; Critical Failure Junk Crew grant CAdv TENT

Start of Round 5
Crew Aura: Make attacks on Prisoners
vs Restrained Prisoner 2 with CAdv =19;Hit Dmg=8 Vs Freed Prisoner No CAdv=23;Hit Dmg=5 vs Prone Prisoner + CAdv= 15; Hit Dmg=9 End of Prisoners Turn; Save vs Death=4 Strike 1!

[sblock=Summary] Themes attack misses. The Captain does not surrender.

Shugenja uses Daze upon Themes who is harrying his captain and hits.
Themes takes 4 psychic dmg and is Dazed TENT which grants CAdv to the Captain who stands and double attacks Themes. Both attacks hit even when -2 to atks from Wat is applied dealing 20 dmg.
Themes is at -3 HP, Prone, Dazed and Dying.
The Crew Swarms, surrounding everyone aboard. They attack Sabynha and critical fail; They grant CAdv to all TENT. Anyone on board the Junk takes a +5 atk vs AC from the crew when you start your turn; 1d6+3 dmg.
1 Prisoner is currently free.
Captain Peg's Stunned becomes Dazed TENT

Start of Round 5
Crew Aura Attack at start of turn
Free Prisoner 1 is hit for 5 dmg
Restrained Prisoner 2 is hit for 8 dmg
Prone Prisoner 3 is hit for 9 dmg

Kaartus 14/23 HP AP used
Sabynha 23/28 HP
Rain 26/31 HP
Wat 21/28 HP AP used
Zuri 16/24 HP
Themes -3/24 HP AP used Dying

The Singing Dolphin 1/8 hits; 1 Grappling Hook attached (-2 to nature checks) 2/3 hits received
Captain Peg 8/24 HP; Bloodied and Dazed TENT (-2 to nature checks to Navigate the Dolphin)
First Mate Bilge 20/22 HP
Crew 18/30 HP
Cannon 1: Used (0 crew; ); Requires Recharge
Cannon 2: Used (3 crew; 1 sailor, Kartuus, Rain): Requires Recharge :4: (can re-roll)

Junk 1: Crippled (out of the challenge)

Junk 2: -2/3 Hits left Crippled (still in challenge)
Cannon 1: Used (crew 2); Requires Recharge
Cannon 2: Recharged and Used (crew 2); Requires Recharge
Grappling Hook 1: Used (freed)
Grappling Hook 2: Used (attached) (2/3 hits received)
Shugenja: 22/22 HP
Shugenja Cover 12/12 HP
Junk Captain: 63/112 HP -2 Atk TENT
Junk First Mate: 0/38 HPDead!!
Junk Crew: 21/60 HP -3 dmg

GM: Round 5: The Rescue!
Rescue the prisoners from the Junk and bring them aboard the Dolphin alive; 1 success/Prisoner rescued

Current Status: :4:/:6: Successes :1:/:3: Failures
Prisoner 1 9/22 HP left Free
Prisoner 2 6/22 HP left
Prisoner 3 -3/22 HP left Trapped and Dying Failed Death Saves 1/3

Added to Boarding Junk below: Reaching Prisoner; Freeing Prisoner; Escaping with Prisoner

Note: Junk 2 is now side by side Boarding: DC 8 Athletics or Acrobatics; Fail = You make it but fall Prone
Also: Crippled Junk 2 remains active as long as grappling hooks are attached.
Adjustment: Thievery Action altered to untie prisoner: Minor Action Thievery DC 19 or Standard Action DC 12

Reminder: You all have Action Points by the way. Feel free to use them.

[sblock=The Dolphin]
[sblock=Defenses] AC 18 REF 14
Hits: 1/8 before being crippled (Bloodied = 1 fail; Crippled = 2 Fails)
If the Dolphin is crippled it will be boarded by the crew of each non crippled junk [/sblock]
[sblock=Using the Captain and crew:]
Captain: AC 16 Fort 14 Ref 14 Will 13; 12/24 hp
Steering ship (Move Action 1/turn): Nature +8
1st mate: AC 15 Fort 14 Ref 13 Will 12; 20/22 hp
(Move Action 1/turn) Nature +6; Athletics +8
Crew: AC 14 Fort 13 Ref 12 Will 11; 23/30 hp hp (swarm Vulnerable 2; Range, melee ½ dmg)
(Move Action 1/turn)Acrobatics +6; Athletics +6; Endurance +6; Thievery +6
(Minor Action 2/turn); Requires Charisma based check DC 12 or DC 19 if bloodied: Melee or Ranged attack: +4 vs AC; 4 dmg Requires Charisma based check [/sblock]

[sblock=Fire the Cannons]Aim the cannons: Minor Action: Strength DC 8 or Thievery DC 12
Fire the Cannons: Dungeoneering or +5 vs AC 17; Success by 5 or more= Crit: 2 Hits
For each person manning a cannon Recharge chance increases by 1 (max 3 people)
Extra Effort: 1 person per cannon can spend a surge and make Athletics of Endurance check 1/round
DC 12: Reroll Cannon recharge DC: 19 Reroll Cannon recharge with chance increased by 1
Cannon 1: Used; Crew: 1; Recharge :6:
Cannon 2: Used; Crew: 1; Recharge :6:[/sblock]
[sblock=Ram a Junk]
Align the Dolphin: Nature or +3 vs REF to align the side of a junk 1/round; Requires 3 successes before 2 fails in a row; For each success by 5 or more add 1 hit to damage caused to the junk. :1: Success
Aid Alignment: Athletics, Endurance, Acrobatics or Thievery (max 1 of each per round) DC 12; each success provides the aligning of the Dolphin with a +1 bonus
Ramming a Junk: Requires Alignment; +10 vs AC; Hit: Causes 3 hits worth of dmg and 1 to the Dolphin; Miss: Causes 2 hits of dmg and 2 to the Dolphin. If the hit achieves 5 hits of dmg the Dolphin carves cleanly through the junk: Bonus Dmg: :1:
[sblock=Boarding a Junk]
Boarding a moving Junk: Jumping to moving boat DC 19
With some type of rope DC 12
To a crippled or rammed junk DC 8

Reaching the Prisoners: Requires (1) Athletics or Acrobatics DC 12 (move action)
Otherwise it takes 3 move actions
A successful melee attack vs crew wins 2 move actions
A successful ranged attack vs crew wins 2 move actions for on board ally

Freeing a prisoner: Minor Action Requires Thievery DC 19 Standard Thievery DC 12
or Hack through rope (minor action): Melee attack vs AC 14; requires 3 hits
Moving a Prisoner: Moves required as per getting on board and to prisoner except whoever is helping takes a -4 penalty to attacks, defense and skill checks while aiding escape;
* If 2 PCs aid escape this penalty is reduced to -2.
* This penalty can be reduced further by a (minor action) Endurance check DC 14 or or a Charisma based check DC 19 to get him to cooperate despite his wounds: Reduce penalty by 2

Subdue the Junk crew: Requires captain and first mate to surrender
Reaching the Captain or First mate: Requires (1) Athletics or Acrobatics DC 12 (move action)
Otherwise it takes 3 move actions
A successful melee attack vs crew wins 2 move actions
A successful ranged attack vs crew wins 2 move actions for on board ally
Carving through the Crew: (Swarm) AC 15 Fort 12 Ref 13 Will 12 21/60 HP (Vulnerable 2 to close and area attacks; ½ dmg vs ranged/melee attacks)
Aura: Each PC that starts their turn on enemy boat is attacked: +5 vs AC; 1d6+6 dmg
Special:For each 10 dmg the crew receives its damage is reduced by 1 (cumulative)
Bloody the Captain: AC 17 Fort 14 Ref 15 Will 13 HP 63/112 +8 vs AC; 1d10+6 dmg; 2 atks/round
Special: The captain surrenders when bloody
Bloody the first mate: AC 16 Fort 13 Ref 14 Will 12 HP 0/38 +6 vs AC; 1d8+4 dmg and +4 vs AC; 1d4+4 dmg
Special: The first mate surrenders when bloody
[sblock=Outrunning a junk] Guide the Ship: (1/turn) Opposed Nature rolls; Requires 3 successes before 2 fails in a row; each junk counted separately.
Aid Swift Sailing: Athletics, Endurance, Acrobatics or Thievery (max 1 of each per round) DC 12; each success provides the Dolphin with a +1 bonus to outrun the junks
Prayer for Favorable Winds: (Minor action 1/turn) Religion DC 19; Force junk to reroll nature check
Protecting the Navigator’s mind: (Minor action 1/turn) Arcana DC 19; Stunned condition becomes Dazed or Dazed condition is removed. If navigator is unaffected then this provides a +2 bonus to Will defense.

[sblock=Yakuza Junks]
Defenses: AC 17 REF 14 FORT 14
Hits: Junks can take 3 hits before they are crippled
Shugenja: Each junk has a shugenja who focuses their attention on inhibiting the captain of the Dolphin: +6 vs Will; Hit: 4 psychic dmg and Dazed TENT (if target is Dazed then Stunned)
Special: target receives a -2 penalty to checks to navigate the ship while Dazed.
[sblock=Grappling Hooks:] At the end of each round the junks (+7 Nature) and navigator of the Dolphin make opposed Nature rolls; junks receive 1 roll per grappling hook attached. For each roll higher than the Dolphin’s they pull closer; If 1 ship pulls closer 3 times the crew can board the dolphin.
Unhook a grappling hook: Standard Action Requires Athletics, Endurance or Thievery DC 19
Hack away grappling hook (minor action): Melee attack vs AC 16; requires 3 hits [/sblock]
[sblock=Junk 1: Crippled]Hits 0/3
Shugenja: HP 22/22 Benefits from total cover: AC 19 Fort 17 Ref 18 Will 19
Shugenja Cover: AC 16 Fort 14 Ref 12 HP 12 Special: Resist 5 vs all dmg
Cannon 1: Charged; Crew 2; Recharge 5-6
Cannon 2: Charged; Crew 2; Recharge 5-6
Grappling Gun: +6 vs Ref 14; Encounter; Hit: 1 Hit and the Dolphin is slowed (-2 to Nature checks);
Grappling Gun: +6 vs Ref 14; Encounter; Hit: 1 Hit and the Dolphin is slowed (-2 to Nature checks)
[sblock=Junk 2]Hits -1/3
Shugenja: HP 22/22 Benefits from total cover: AC 19 Fort 17 Ref 18 Will 19
Shugenja Cover: AC 16 Fort 14 Ref 12 HP 12 Special: Resist 5 vs all dmg
Cannon 1: Used; Crew 2; Recharge 5-6
Cannon 2: Recharged and Used; Crew 2; Recharge 5-6
Grappling Gun: +6 vs Ref 14; Encounter; Hit: 1 Hit and the Dolphin is slowed (-2 to Nature checks): USED
Grappling Gun: +6 vs Ref 14; Encounter; Hit: 1 Hit and the Dolphin is slowed (-2 to Nature checks): USED
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First Post
GM: This may or may not help you visualise the movement needed to get to where you are headed and back. It's pretty abstract but hey ....

The swarm surrounds you, basically they are what makes movement difficult. So no empty squares, you are in the swarm. It never really went away, even with Wat's Push, it just thinned out for a moment.

Each Space requires a move.

If you hit the crew you can move 2 squares, as they peel back and make room for you.
If you hit crew with a ranged attack from the Dolphin you get to move an ally on Junk 2 for free. And, yes, if your ranged attack happens to be a multi attack, each hit can buy 1 different ally the 2 free moves.

If you pull a stunt, then you roll under legs or swing above them on ropes and make it to directly where you are going.

Otherwise 1 Move Action per square

W=Wat K=Kartuus R=Rain C=Junk Captain T= Themes P=Prisoners S=Sabynha Z=Zuri STST= Shugenja Tower

Dolphin | Junk
........ W|___.___.____.____. C
............|R .___.____. _T__.
..........K |___.___.____. ____.
............. ___.__STST__.____
............. ___.__STST__.___
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First Post
Themes hits the waves with loud splash and starts sinking swiftly. To others, this might seem like certain death, plunging deep into the sea whilst unconscious. But to Themes, it is like being enveloped in a huge fluffy pillow.

Deep within his subconscience, he is at ease now with his reunion with the sea. His two gaping wounds quickly fill with seawater, which to him, is merely another way for him to further be one with the sea.

"Glub-glub-glub-glub-glub." Themes gurgles.

[sblock=Mechanics]Death Saving Throw 10[/sblock]
[sblock=OOC]I knew I was missing something in my DWA entry. This could literally cost me my life. Themes is now in the sea and unconscious, although at no risk of drowning. Watersoul Genasi should get bonuses to saving throws while underwater or something...oh well[/sblock]


First Post
Rain steps forward through the press of melee, but finds it hard going. She growls in frustration, but few pirates get in the way of her widly slashing blade and fall back. She reaches out with her Aegis towards the pirate Captain...

[sblock= actions] Standard action= Total to hit: 10, actually 12 vs. Reflex with combat advantage. I need 13. If anybody can hit me with another +1, Rain will do 5 damage to the crew swarm.
Sword Burst (At Will Standard Close burst 1 Arcane, Force, Implement)
Target: Each enemy in burst
Attack: +4 vs. Reflex
Hit: 1d6+4 Force damage.
Move action= Two squares only towards Themes (with retcon).

Minor Action= I think the Captain is now in range, so mark him with this:

Aegis of Shielding (Minor Standard (Once per Encounter can be used as a Minor action.) Close burst 2 Arcane)
Target: One creature in burst
Effect: You mark the target. The target remains marked until you use this power against another target. If you mark other creatures using other powers, the target is still marked. A creature can be subject to only one mark at a time. A new mark supersedes a mark that was already in place. If your marked target makes an attack that does not include you as a target, it takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls. If that attack hits and the marked target is within 10 squares of you, you can use an Immediate Interrupt to reduce the damage dealt by that attack to any one creature by 8 points of damage.
Potential Interrupt Actions: Captain is priority should he head my way and land a bow, but the crew can have some flames if they hit me.

Infernal Wrath (Encounter Free Close burst 10 Fire)
Target: The triggering enemy in the burst
Trigger: An enemy within 10 squares of you hits you.
Effect: The target takes 1d6+4 fire damage.

Somebody near me could maybe use this, if they want, providing I'm not too battered:

Guardian’s Counter (Encounter Immediate Interrupt Close burst 2 Martial)
Trigger: An ally within 2 squares of you is attacked and you are not included in the attack.
Effect: You and the ally shift 2 squares as a free action, swapping positions. You become the target of the triggering attack in place of the ally. After the attack is resolved, you can make a basic attack against the attacker.

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First Post
Themes hits the waves with loud splash and starts sinking swiftly. To others, this might seem like certain death, plunging deep into the sea whilst unconscious. But to Themes, it is like being enveloped in a huge fluffy pillow.

Deep within his subconscience, he is at ease now with his reunion with the sea. His two gaping wounds quickly fill with seawater, which to him, is merely another way for him to further be one with the sea.

"Glub-glub-glub-glub-glub." Themes gurgles.

[sblock=Mechanics]Death Saving Throw 10[/sblock]
[sblock=OOC]I knew I was missing something in my DWA entry. This could literally cost me my life. Themes is now in the sea and unconscious, although at no risk of drowning. Watersoul Genasi should get bonuses to saving throws while underwater or something...oh well[/sblock]
GM: No, you're on the deck, which is covered in water, so well within reach of help. Unless you prefer to be in the water to add emotion. In which case you'd be on the other side of the Captain, off the boat (and harder to save).
Also the Pirates will attack a downed combatant to finish you off. You have unfortunately taken your turn first before receiving healing. But as Themes has been acting last all the time I will delay his turn til last before he takes that attack. The Junk crew might have surrendered or destroyed before that happens if you are lucky.

Rain will also take an attack from the swarm.

If someone can give Rain a bonus, given the fluidity of the turns and the nature of PbP gaming, it will turn that near miss into a hit.

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