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[Adventure] A Call for Lovers (DM: jbear Judge:Lord Sessadore)


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Lady Tamora's eyes flare brightly at mention of the "elf lord's daughter." After a moment of gathering her composure she replies with a shake of the head.

"Orlando, the poor boy, doesn't have a mean or vindictive bone in his body. And he believes others' intentions as pure as his own. He's a young dreamer with visions of adventure, rather than duty, in his head. Orlando would go out courting most nights. I knew my son was in love. Though I did not suspect with whom...

I found this note in his bedroom."

She hands over the note for you to read.
[sblock=The Note]
Dearest Orlando,
do not fear. No matter what the trouble between our people, I am yours. We can go to a place in the forest my father once told me of, a cavern of crystal where it is said that wishes are granted to the purest of heart. There can be none purer than ours. Meet me tonight, and we shall go to the Crystal Cave and away from here forever.


"'J' of course stands for Juliana" Lady Tamora continues after you have had a chance to read the note. "Juliana, as you say, is Lord Carric's daughter, an elf of the Sildaine. Our enemies who send their creatures with the mist to attack our towns and fire our crops, destroying our livelihood and strangling us with taxes under the threat of death. Oh, lord Carric and I have agreed to a truce to find our children, but these fey are as slippery as the salmon of the Brook! No doubt they have used Juliana to lure Orlando into a trap. And despite Lord Carric's play of distress, I believe it all lies. They plan to hold Orlando hostage for ransom or some worse nefarious purpose. Time will tell.

I hope you can do something to free my son before it is too late and their dark purpose is revealed."

Lady Tamora's voice is edged with a barely restrained wild anger which grows as she speaks.

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Nemesis Destiny

Sabynha stayed silent until the note was revealed, at which point, she made sure to peek over the shoulder of the first person to read it.

After reading it, and hearing Lady Tamora's side of the story, she offers, "Perhaps ze elves think ze same sing of you. Perhaps zhey sink you are holding Juliana, when in truth, zhey haf both run away together, as young lovers sometimes do."

She trailed off, with a smile, obviously imagining all the romantic possibilities in her head.

Gray, having "grown up" the last 10 years as one of only two people in a monastery (and both males at that), didn't share Sabynha's romantic notions. In fact, his first contact with the fairer sex hadn't even happened for Gray until six months ago, when he decided to start adventuring and exploring. As such, he wasn't exactly the most debonair, and wouldn't have a clue about the goings on of young lovers. All of his time has been spent training and meditating (which was not a euphemism for anything else).

"I am not sure what young lovers sometimes do... but let us find out for sure if there is a trap for Orlando, or Juliana, or both, before we think anything good or bad of either side. We may be...ambassadors for the Count, but we should not take sides, yes?" He struggles a bit on the word ambassadors, and it was obvious to those of a more intelligent nature, that gray was not a little on the uneducated side. Luckily for him, he had a natural inclination toward being charming to make up for it.

Standing from his pillowed seat, he addressed Lady Tamora directly.

"Thank you for sharing this note, your Ladyship. This crystal cave sounds like a good place for us to start. Would you know where this cave is located or know someone who would know where this cave is located?"


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"I have heard tales of the Crystal Cave. Once, the barbarians of this area traveled to the cave to use its oracular powers. But now it a perilous place in fey territory.

Of course, when I found the letter, I sent a party to search for Orlando near the Crystal Cave, to see if there was some truth in this tale. The searchers never returned. If I have understood correctly how this works, you will be travelling into the Sildaine to talk with Lord Carric. I'm sure that he can give you more precise directions to the cave or perhaps have someone accompany you. I would suggest that you take care that it is not a trap.

If there is some truth to the story ..."

Lady Tamora pauses as though considering that as a real possibility for the first time. "... if they have disappeared together then you should not delay. As for Orlando's friends, if you think it will help you could have a word with Remus, kennel keeper's son. They are close friends."

Lady Tamora stands. "Again I thank you for being part of this. Margery can take you to talk with Remus if you so choose. I don't know what else I can tell you. Also please accept a small token for your bravery today."

One of her attends comes forward and produces two small vials of red liquid. Lady Tamora inclines her head towards you all slightly and prays "May the gods guide you."

GM: You have received (2) Potions of Healing.

If you feel you want/need additional information just ask Margery to take you to see Remus. Otherwise you are free to head towards the Sildaine or spend your Time Gold in town. Rain of course may want to visit her family.

Of course feel free to ask Lady Tamora any additional questions you may have.

I'm going for an impromptu trip away for a few nights, so I may be unable to post til Thursday evening (NZ time).


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[sblock=ooc]I wouldn't mind replacing the potion I necked earlier, if there's no objection. Maybe Gray (or Zuri) should have the other.

Rain would call on the family whilst perhaps some of you talk to Remus.

From the Short Rest earlier, Rain will use a Surge and hopefully Sabynha's Song of Rest, +4 to her allies' surges. If we feel the need to do the Comrades' Succor ritual, then let me know in the OOC thread, so I can edit her mini-stats here accordingly, if one of Rain's is wanted. I'm on 8 at the mo', but she can and likely will burn through them.[/sblock]


Female Tiefling Swordmage, Level 1.
Initiative: +1, Passive Perception: 9, Passive Insight: 10. Senses: Low-light vision.
AC: 19, Fort: 13, Reflex: 14, Will: 14.
HP: 31/31, Bloodied: 15, Surge Value: 7, Surges left: 8/11
Speed: 6 squares. Size: Medium. Languages: Tsugo, Allarian.
Saving Throw Bonuses: Nothing to report.
Action Points: 0
Infernal Wrath
Second Wind
Guardian's Counter
Aegis of Shielding
Sword Burst
Booming Blade
Sword of Sigils
Dimensional Thunder

Rain had bowed deeply when Lady Tamora had entered the room and remained standing. She'd stayed quiet for now, but she did accept the vials from the attendant with a nod of the head.

"I thank you for these, Lady. Earlier today, I found one of these most useful in the square; we shall no doubt collectively find them useful again."
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Zuri remains disinclined to speak with Lady Tamora, but when Margery presents herself, she asks plainly, "I'd like to speak with Remus. Can you direct me to him, please?" She looks to the rest of the group to see if anyone will join her.

[sblock="OOC"]Zuri'll be trying to get details of the relationship - how it is that they fell in love, whether they've a history of stealing time together, if Remus is aware of the wheres of those previous trysts and if he knows the route Orlando would take to sneak away -> just in case something's happened to him along the way/there's a clue that way[/sblock]

When Zuri steps forward to ask Margery regarding Remus, Gray quietly moves to join her. When she looks to the group for assistance, Gray nods his head and smiles to let her know that he would join her. Seeing the way that she moved her body (even with only a few steps), it was obvious to him that she had some kind of training in moving quietly (and from the looks of her movements, her training [or self training as it may be] was even more extensive or thorough that was his own). He knew his own talents would compliment hers in the case that quiet footwork were needed.

"Your movements are graceful and smooth like the movements of the sidewinder snake from my homeland, and it makes me wonder if the browned and dried leaves of this land would even crinkle under your light steps. Have you had some kind of training under a great master? Has your mind been opened to The Way?"


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At Zuri's behest Margery takes her and those interested in accompanying her to the kennels. A tall long faced lad who has a certain air about him not dissimilar from the greyhounds in the kennels he keeps emerges to answer your questions.

[sblock=Insight DC 12; Passive]You notice dark rings under the youth's eyes as though he has not slept properly in days. His nails have been chewed back though he continues to chew them obviously from worry. You get the feeling he is being honest with you. It is also evident he is deeply worried for the fate of his friend Orlando [/sblock]

GM: I'll have Remus answer each of the points Zuri wishes to have clarified in the order mentioned

"how it is that they fell in love"
"One of the hounds went into the Sildaine chasing a hare. Orlando feared the elves would kill it if they found it before he did. He went in ... I was too scared. When he came back he had a goofy grin on his face and was babbling about a naked angel bathing in the Brook. I think it was love at first sight."

"History of stealing time together?"
Remus nods. "They met again that night. Orlando begged she attend to let him apologise. She showed. They would meet when they could. Lately, most nights."
"Is Remus is aware of the wheres of those previous trysts"
"They met at the forest edge. On either bank of the Crystalbrook. More talking and googly eyes than anything from what Orlando told me. But the more they met the more his lips grew tight. He's a gentleman I guess..."

"Does he knows the route Orlando would take to sneak away"
Remus shakes his head. "He said that it was better if I didn't know. He said I was too honest and my mouth too big, but that was why he loved me. He knew I would worry, an if I worried I would tell. He never told me he was running away for good. But no matter what his mother thinks, Orlando is no fool. If he left with Juliana it's because he loves her, and she loves him in kind."

Son of Meepo

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"Well I think our best bet is to follow the brook until we reach the cave. Hopefully we'll find sign of them along the way."

OOC: Fighting a cold, so not focused right now.

Voidrunner's Codex

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