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Adventure: A Tale of Two Domains (DM:Luinnar, Judge:renau1g)


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Quagmire somehow manages to slip out of the room, despite the barricades. It is only about midnight, plenty of time to have a drink! He walks into the common-room and spy a good talker; an elderly women with an ear trumpet sipping sherry at a table, alone. After an introduction and several more sherries, the women divulges some useful information.

Strange happenings you say dearie? Well I haven't heard of anything. Gundarak seems to be planning something, or so they say. But they always wanted our land for their own.

They say that Duke Gundar is not human she whispers loudly in Quagmire's ear. Maybe he is an elf or something, I never found out.

Anyway dearie, what was you saying? What was that, speak up! Akriel? Oh yes, I've heard of her. Nice girl, part of a rich and powerful family. No idea if she is looking for a husband
she says with a wink.

Another sherry perhaps?
she asks. What was I saying? Oh yes! Akriel. No idea if she has any other name. Never seen her myself.

What was that? Duke Lakos? Never heard of him, but I don't hobnob with the lords and stuff. We don't go much for titles around here. Maybe he is one of those foreigners? Can't stand foreigners myself. Always strange and well... foreign! Where are from anyway dear? she says, putting her ear trumpet to Quagmire's face.

GM: Quagmire, or anyone else is welcome to ask the old women (or someone else) any questions they would like. :)

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Quagmire flatters the old woman and keeps her glass full, but does not press her for further information. When she begins to slur her words, he makes his apologies and bids her farewell.

OOC: Sorry, getting ready for a vacation and I don't really have time/energy to pursue this line of inquiry further right now. No point holding up the rest of the game while I dither.


First Post
GM: Sorry for taking a bit to update. My internet was down and I have not had the chance to update since it came back up.

The party wakes up after a reasonably good night's sleep. Not being mugged in a place like this during the night is always a good sign.

Andras gets and walks down to the inn's common room. He walks over to the the bartender, who seems to be talking to a man with black hair and a wooden leg. He looks at Andras wondering who he is and finally realizes that he was with the rest of the group that came earlier.

I tried to get some food to your room last night, but the door seem baricaded and all I heard was shouts coming from a Warforged. Let me get you something. he says, walking to the kitchens and producing a plate of some greasy meat covered in gravy.

After asking about the town of Skald (where they were to meet Akriel), Andras discovers that is is about a day's journey. It can be easily reached by following a road out of town.

What, Duke Lakos? Can't say I've heard of him. Sounds like a Gundarak name to me. You've heard of him Ralf?
the old man says in response to Andras's other inquiries.

Can't say I have. Says the man called Ralf. Never heard of a Duke anyone from around here. Must be foreign. Foreigners like titles like that. he says, trying to chew on his food.

GM: The party has taken an extended rest.

Is there any other questions, inquiries or any shopping before you leave? (assuming you take the job)

You may buy any heroic tier item in town at regular price.

Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated

Sir Exsixten sits at a table and waits for a few seconds for food to arrive - though who knows what he'd do if he actually got it - then leaps to his feet.


[sblock=Sir Exsixten's Statblock]Sir Exsixten, Male Warforged Fighter 6
Passive Perception: 15, Passive Insight: 15
AC: 24, Fort:21, Reflex:18, Will:18 -- Speed:5
HP:69/69, Bloodied:34, Surge Value:17, Surges left:13/13
Initiative +4, Action Points: 1
Powers: Crushing Surge, Brash Strike, Combat Challenge, Hack and Hew, Sweeping Blow, Daring Shot, Warforged Resolve, Second Wind, Villain's Menace, Rain of Steel, Boundless Endurance
Items: Potion of Healing x 2, Potion of Resistance x 1, Amulet of Resistance, Dwarven Thrower

MBA/RBA: +12(+14 OA) vs. AC, 1d12+8 damage and enemy movement is stopped and Sir Exsixten gains 4 temporary hitpoints.
Notes: *Sir Exsixten gains 5 THP whenever he spends a healing surge. *Sir Exsixten rerolls the first 1 on any damage roll. *Sir Exsixten does +2 damage while he has any temporary hitpoints. *Sir Exsixten does +2 damage vs bloodied enemies.[/sblock]
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First Post
Dorn spends much of the morning clutching his head. Another elemental headache, he thinks. Great. His hair has changed color to pure white (Wild Soul for the day - Radiant).

[sblock=Dorn Stat Block]
Dorn, Half-Orc Sorcerer 8
Passive Perception 13, Passive Insight 13
AC 23, Fort 16, Reflex 20, Will 22 (base defenses)
HP +5 TMP 62/62 Bloodied 31 Surge Value 15, Surges 7/7
Speed 6, Initiative +12
Action Points: 1

Current Effects
Wild Soul: radiant (Resist 5 radiant and ignore first 5 radiant resistance)
Note - Dorn uses the first d20 attack without mods for his Wild Magic boon

Encounter Resources
Bedeviling Burst
Ice Dragon's Teeth
Spark Form
Furious Assault
Stoneskin Armor
Half-Orc Resilience
Goblin Stompers
Second Wind
Use Action Point

Daily Resources
Ice Javelins
Moon and the Stars
Deep Shroud
Chaotic Defense
Luckblade Dagger
Deathstalker Dagger

2x potion of healing
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First Post
Brenn woke up fairly late, by his own standards- he wasn't even the first one to come down to the common room. Whatever lay on the road ahead, it probably wouldn't include a roof over there heads, or a comfortable bed.

When he did join the others, he was alert and focused, obviously ready to get on the road.

[sblock= OOC]
>No shopping here- ready to roll



Jax finishes his breakfast (meat stuffed with meat) and joins the rest of the adventurers.

Dorn spends much of the morning clutching his head. Another elemental headache, he thinks. Great. His hair has changed color to pure white.
Jax looks up to Dorn and comments, "Cheer up, it could be worse. Your head could be on fire." He nods in the direction of Andras.

OOC: No shopping for me. Not even with a five finger discount.

Voidrunner's Codex

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