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Adventure advice needed, related to Savage Tide AP


Wraith Form said:
So the next question is, why the heck would an Orcus priest...or, err, death master...be on the island?!? ;)

If he was chasing the Revenant Pirate Capt., how did the death master know about him? The Revenant Captain has been pretty low key for the past two weeks, mostly tracking down my players' characters and being all dark-shadowy/lurky.

And why would there be an emnity between the death master and the Pirate Revenant Captain?
Maybe the area in the center of the island where the ceremony will take place is actually an altar to Orcus, imbued with all sorts of necromancy-enhancing magics, and the revenant captain is essentially 'poaching' those powers for his own undead-creation ceremony. The Orcus-priest has been sent to find out who's stealing power from this ancient site, and put a stop to it (or at least make sure it's done properly, in Orcus's name, with the right rituals, from now on).

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Wraith Form

MarkB said:
Maybe the area in the center of the island where the ceremony will take place is actually an altar to Orcus, imbued with all sorts of necromancy-enhancing magics, and the revenant captain is essentially 'poaching' those powers for his own undead-creation ceremony. The Orcus-priest has been sent to find out who's stealing power from this ancient site, and put a stop to it (or at least make sure it's done properly, in Orcus's name, with the right rituals, from now on).
Cool. Very cool. I can roll with that. Yes indeedy.

The next question I have is this: the death master (or Orcus priest, or whatever I pop in place) seems to threaten to become an uber-NPC, the cornerstone to the adventure. I mean, if he strolls in and starts laying waste, what are my players going to do aside from sit back and watch me have combats with myself?

I guess I'm saying that I'm unclear on how large a role this Orcus minion would play, because I'm concerned that he (or maybe she..?) will take over the situation and leave my players twiddling their thumbs.

Also, I'm not sure how this will allow the Revenant Pirate Capt. to make his escape--I do want him to get away, after all, to challenge the PCs again later.
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He doesn't have to be an uber-NPC that lays waste, he's just some priest that was sent to get some info, not be the Dread Hand of Orcus here to Smite Thee. All you really need is:

- Some reason for the priest to want the PCs to help
- A way off the island in exchange for said help

Maybe there were two priests (both not very high level, even just 3 or 4) who were going to investigate what was happening. The pirates captured one, and the other discovers the PCs snooping around and asks for their help in rescuing his/her companion. If they can work together and save the companion, then they could have a teleport device given to them by the higher-ups who sent them that zaps them off elsewhere - or even a ship that will meet them if you want lower magic levels. Said ship can sink the pirate vessel on the way in, leaving evil pirate Captain even more enraged at the PCs and stranded... for now.

Wraith Form

Dang, I love these boards! Thanks, everyone. That helps direct me.

I'm not adverse to additional ideas, too, though...! Keep 'em coming!

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
Treasure Island actually has a long sequence with outnumbered/outgunned people trying to get the upper hand over a pirate crew. It'd be worth a fast read (it's short) if you have the time. In the book, IIRC, they only had to move the ship from its current berth, and thus lose it, for the pirates to get foiled temporarily. If they can move the ship further out to sea and get the longboat, they're not in bad shape. Worst case scenario, they row for shore in shifts and leave the pirates stranded.

Have an authority give them a reward for their good deed and allow them to buy replacement gear with that reward money (with some left over).

I don't think taking them on head-on works at this point, and bringing in a deus ex machina is dissatisfying to many players.

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
Also, the Lost Island of Castanamir is a 1E tournament module that might work for you, especially as another island in the body of water where the players might run aground during this misadventure. It's mostly a problem-solving module and if the players take care, they can get regeared there. (I'm not sure if gingwatzim were ever converted to 3E -- they're some of the coolest 1E monsters, IMO.)


Sage of the Scarred Lands
Wraith Form said:
My characters' souls...?

Well not yet. ;)

While I'm okay with two different priests of Orcus, working the same angle, not sure I'm sold on the temple in the middle of nowhere. Usual Orcus temples, while in the wilderness, aren't on islands. At least not that I'm aware of. Doesn't mean you can't do it, just not what I'd go for. Now a lost Orcus relic, different story.

Also keep in mind, death master or cleric (or even a thrall of Orcus), can be subtle and low level enough to help the PCs WITHOUT overtaking them. Have him cast a couple buff spells, or support spells, instead of wading into combat. Make him say he's a Wee Jas cleric, to explain any "hurt spells" he might use. Just saying.

Wraith Form

Nightfall said:
While I'm okay with two different priests of Orcus,
I was actually considering the two people to be a priest and the ship's captain. The ship's captain was nabbed by the pirate's undead crew, and the Orcus priest is trying to get him back (because Mr. Priest doesn't know how to sail a ship). Where's the boat? Around on a side of the island the PCs haven't seen yet. Mr. Orcus Priest--or Ms., it could be a woman to mislead the PCs--is fretting because he can't get back on land. Suddenly, hey, where did these goody-two-shoes adventurers come from? Ahh, who cares? I'll trick them into helping me get the captain back! I'll pretend to be someone "good" and offer them a ride home!

A quick read of Treasure Island is currently in the queue as far as "must-read ASAP" in addition to Pool of the Black Ones (because you can never have too much Conan).... :)

And the adventure mentioned by Dusty-B will be scrounged up and looked over.
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Wraith Form

Nightfall said:
Also keep in mind, death master or cleric (or even a thrall of Orcus), can be subtle and low level enough to help the PCs WITHOUT overtaking them. Have him cast a couple buff spells, or support spells, instead of wading into combat. Make him say he's a Wee Jas cleric, to explain any "hurt spells" he might use. Just saying.
I'm feelin' you, homey.

Voidrunner's Codex

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