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[Adventure] Artemis' Pact


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Karma steps back lining up multiple enemies in a wave of psionic energy, however he is too distracted by the psychology of his team mate wanting to tame an evil infested bat to put enough power into the blast mildly scorching at worst...


takes 5 damage from proximity to swarm

shift to I7
Augmented 2 Dishearten targetting J10

Roll Lookup

J9 11vs. Will
I10 20 vs. Will
I11 19 vs. Will

Roll Lookup

minimum damage 6 :(
-2 to attack rolls until the end of my next turn.


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OOC: Ooh, big round this time.

The mass of grubs that was just teleported is struck almost simultaneously by attacks from Artemis and Karma, and under the onslaught it dissolves into a greasy slick on the surface of the water. One of the bats hovering overhead is also caught in the psychic blowback and, flickering with black fire from Artemis' misaimed curse, it swoops suicidally into the water and drowns itself.

There is a stomping sound from inside the umber hulk tunnel, and the earth rumbles. The umber hulk heaves back into view, but halts when it sees the mysterious grasping shadows that block its path. It stomps back and forth in the mouth of the tunnel, sweeping its eerie gaze back and forch, trying to pierce the shadows and see what's beyond. Suddenly it spots Karma through a gap in the shadowy tendrils. Although it can barely see him by peering around the corner of the wall, nonetheless it trains its hypnotic faceted eyes on him. Karma feels the gaze prickling on the back of his neck, and can't help turning to see what it is. As soon as his eyes meet the single point of light peeking around the wall, he is trapped. The hulk's eye seems to spin dizzyingly, and Karma stares, falling deep into it, losing track of time, able to do nothing but watch. Even after the light winks out as the umber hulk moves, he remains standing slack-jawed at the point where he last saw the eye.

Now that it has its prey trapped, the umber hulk skirts the shadowy barrier, clawing its way right through the tunnel wall as if it were freshly churned butter. Chips of rock fall on raw, exposed skin where the grub infestation thinned its carapace, making it claw faster and wilder in its fury. As soon as it has broken through the wall past the edge of the shadowy barrier, it leans forward and lashes forward at Karma with a long, claw-tipped arm - again, and again and again. Under the flurry of claws Karma falls unconscious into the pool, blood pouring from a myriad of raking wounds and making disturbing eddies in the water.

The remaining rot grubs waste no time in swarming over his body but, while disgusting, they don't seem to cause any damage. He is profoundly lucky that he already is unconscious.

One of the bats takes the opportunity to swoop down from the ceiling, pluck up a handful of rot grubs, and devour them. That's good eating!

The other, more wounded, bat is flying in a slow hobble due to Gil's spell. It stoops slowly down from the ceiling, carefully avoiding Shale's forbidding hide by passing just out of reach over his head, and slashes at the squishier farmer on the way past. It has so little momentum that its wicked tail rebounds harmlessly off Bob's new leather armour. It gains a bit of altitude and struggles away down the passage.

Farmer Bob splashes out of the pool in terror and hides behind Artemis.

[MENTION=88601]FourMonos[/MENTION]: You can't curse Rot Grub Swarm 2 because it's not the closes enemy any more. Bat 1 and Bat 3 are tied. I'll put the curse on Bat 1, since it's closer to death. That means you only do 8 damage to the rot grub swarm. Oops, I miscounted - that DID kill it.

[MENTION=90808]Cute-Hydra[/MENTION]: You can't shift here because you're in difficult terrain (the water). So you move instead, and in the process discover that the Rot Grub Swarm has the trait "Clumsy Attacker - The rot grub swarm lacks a melee basic attack." So it can't take OA's. Alas, you miss the swarm in J9 (it has Will 13), and the swarm in I10 is already dead, but either of those other rolls hits the bat at I11 - and kills it.

As Artemis fails his first save against the rot, his ongoing damage increases to 8 hp (save ends).

Shadowhunter Bat 1 is cursed by Artemis, and takes 6 damage, killing it. Artemis gets his Darkspiral Aura.
Shadowhunter Bat 3 takes 13 damage, bloodying it.
Rot Grub Swarm 2 takes 8 damage, killing it.

Maddened Umber Hulk:
Move: 5 squares to F10
Minor: Disarming Gaze at Karma (he is 3 squares away, and just barely visible around the corner - full cover): Claw at Karma (vs Will, -5 for cover) (1d20+8-5=23) Critical hit - good thing this doesn't do damage. Karma is stunned (save ends).
Standard: charge 2 squares (burrowing) to G8, and attack Karma with reach 2: Claw at Karma (vs AC, +1 for charging) (1d20+10+1=20, 1d10+4=12) Forgot the +2 from combat advantage since he's stunned, but it hits anyway, for 12 damage, bloodying him.
Action Point: Attack Karma with Claw Flurry, making 2 claw attacks at reach 2: Claw Flurry vs Karma (vs AC; +2 for CA) (1d20+10+2=24, 1d10+4=14, 1d20+10+2=14, 1d10+4=7). 1 hits for 14 damage. Karma is now dying.

Rot Grub Swarm 1:
Move: to J8 (it can move into the same square as Karma because it's a swarm)
Standard: Infesting Bite at Karma: Claw Flurry vs Karma (vs AC; +2 for CA) (1d20+7=11) Miss, even with the -5 AC for being unconscious!

Shadowhunter Bat 2:
Standard: Flyby Attack: swoop down to J8, attack rot grub swarm 1, and swoop back up to the ceiling at K11. Flyby Attack vs Rot Grub Swarm 2 (vs AC) (1d20+7=27, 1d6+4=5) Critical hit: 10 damage, halved to 5 because it's a melee attack on a swarm.

Shadowhunter Bat 3:
Move: to L13 (10' up)
Standard: flyby attack: to L14 (5' up), attack Bob, and then to K15 (10' up). Flyby Attack vs Bob (vs AC) (1d20+7=15, 1d6+4=10) Miss.

Farmer Bob:
Move: to M17
Standard: full defense: +2 to all defenses until start of next turn

[sblock=Unlocked Stats]
Farmer Bob: AC 1719, Fort 1315, Reflex 1113, Will 1113
Maddened Umber Hulk: AC ??, Fort ??, Reflex ??, Will 17
Rot Grub Swarm: AC 13, Fort 13, Reflex ??, Will 13
Shadowhunter Bat: AC ??, Fort 13, Reflex ??, Will 11

Anyone who begins their turn next to a Rot Grub Swarm will take 5 damage, plus an extra 2 damage for each additional Rot Grub Swarm adjacent to them.

Artemis: 24/29 hp, 5/7 surges, 8 ongoing damage (save ends)
Lilli: 19/22 hp, 4/7 surges
Gil: 23/26 hp, 5/7 surges
Shale: 31/33 hp, 6/7 surges
Karma: -1/30 hp, 3/5 surges, stunned (save ends), prone, dying
Farmer Bob: 2/2 hp, 0/1 surges, +2 to all defenses until start of next turn

Maddened Umber Hulk: 11 damage taken. Used Disarming Gaze. Used Action Point.
Rot Grub Swarm 1: 36 damage taken. Bloodied. Slowed until the end of Gil's next turn.
Rot Grub Swarm 2: 44 damage taken. Dead.
Shadowhunter Bat 1: 35 damage taken. Dead.
Shadowhunter Bat 2: 0 damage taken. On ceiling (20' up).
Shadowhunter Bat 3: 22 damage taken. Bloodied. Slowed until the end of Gil's next turn. Hovering (10' up).

External Map Link
Climbing a rock pile takes a DC 15 Athletics or Acrobatics check and you grant combat advantage while on top of them. The standing water and rock piles are difficult terrain. (Don't forget there is a rock pile beneath Bat 2. Yes, you can reach the ceiling for a melee attack from the top of the piles.)

The grey square is Grasping Shadows. Any creature entering the area before the end of Gil's next turn takes 5 psychic damage and is slowed until the end of Gil's next turn.


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First Post
OOC: Ooh, big round this time.

Don't know it was pretty quick from where I am standing or not. Will be taking my turn after everyone else on the off chance someone wants to give me a hand..

Does being knocked unconcious and being stunned stack? Surely me loosing focus completely is going to break the stun... I don't know if they coincide rule wise just wondering :p


First Post
[sblock=ooc] Thanks for fixing that JNC, much appreciated. Forgot about it after the teleportation. [/sblock]

Artemis turns and gives Bob a reassuring smile and nod, "Say Bob, wait right here a minute, kay?"

He then turns and gives Gil a worried look, "Gil, we got to get that things attention!"

He swings the rod in the direction of the closest bat, muttering, "Out of the way ya flying rat." The eldritch energy from the iron rod slams hard into the bat.

Artemis then splashes loudly into the water toward the lumbering, maddened beast.

"Shake it off Karma! Get up buddy!" Then, "Hey, Ugly, what kind of thanks is that for delousing you?!"

Start: Take 8 damage.
Standard: Spiteful Glamor vs. ShadowHunter Bat #3: 1d20+6, 1d8+5 → ([20, 6], [4, 5]) http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2957817/ Crit! for 13 plus 1d6 → [3] = (3) Roll Lookup . So hit #3 for 16 damage.
Move: K14
Minor: Inspiring Word: Karma. Spend healing surge plus: 1d6 → [2] = (2)
Save: 1d20 → [20] = (20) Roll Lookup .

[sblock=darkspiral aura] The first time Artemis is attacked, the Dark Spiral aura will discharge and cause 1d6 damage, lowering the charges back to 0. [/sblock]

[sblock=Artemis stats]Atremis Harks- Male Human Hybrid: Warlord/Warlock 2
Darkspiral Aura: 1
Initiative: +1, Passive perception: 10, Passive Insight: 10
Defenses: AC: 17, For: 17, Ref: 18, Will: 17
HP: 16/29, Bloodied: 14, Surge value: 7, Surges/day: 5/7 Speed: 6 squares
Languages: Common, Primordial
AP: 1, Second Wind: unused

Eldritch Strike, Spiteful Glamor, Furious Smash, Darkspiral Aura
Battlefront Shift, Hammer and Anvil, Inspiring Word, Aid the Injured
Lead by Example[/sblock]
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First Post
Does being knocked unconcious and being stunned stack? Surely me loosing focus completely is going to break the stun... I don't know if they coincide rule wise just wondering :p

Look at it this way - you've got a couple of turns you can roll save vs stun where failing the stun save isn't a big deal...

Or not, since Artemis just healed you. Yes, you're still stunned until you make that saving through.

Also, Bat 3 is dead.


First Post
Watching as Artemis strides back toward the fray, Gil responds to the call for distraction.

Beast! How quickly you have forgotten THE HORDE! Once again a mass of insects erupt from Gil's mouth, mosquito this time.

The mosquito swarm the Umber Hulk, stabbing and feeding anywhere the carapace isn't covering. They also drain each and every last grub of life force, filling their stomachs with the fetid rot of the slimy swarm.

If only I had a bird cage, that bat would be mine... Gil mumbles to himself and Bob, as a few last idle mosquito escape from the young humans mouth.

Roll Lookup

Standard Winged Horde, area burst 1 within 10 centered on I9, enemies only
19 vs will on Umber Hulk HIT
17 vs will Rot Grub Swarm HIT
4 psychic damage both targets, and 10 extra damage Rot Grub Swarm (Vuln.) and both targets cannot take opportunity actions until the end of Gil's next turn.

Shadows fade.


Gil Human Hybrid Wizard/Artificer Multiclass Assassin
AC 16 Fort 14 Reflex 17 Will 14 (+1 from ranged attack 5 squares away Cloak of Distortion)
HP 23/27 Surges 5/7 Surge value 6
Passive Insight 17, Passive Perception 17, Normal vision
Second Wind Not Used, AP total 0, Speed 6, Initiative +7, Languages Common, Draconic
At-will powers; Thundering Armor, Winged Horde, Scorching Burst, Ghost Sound, Light, Prestidigitation, Mage Hand
Encounter powers; Grasping Shadows, Shadow Step, Moonstride, Healing Infusion: Curative or Resistive, Orb Shift
Daily powers; Caustic Rampart

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Something really weird is happening.

The large monster stops suddenly and howls. Then falls on his back, and rises in the air like picked up by a giant. Around one of it’s legs you can see a faint haze, like an halo of shimmering air. Meanwhile, Shale starts to shine, the points of light that you think are his eyes flaming like angry stars, and all this light is focused through the piece of crystal he holds on his hand.

If Shale is the one holding the monster, he doesn’t limit himself to just raise it in the air. The beast suddenly moves towards the remaining bat; he tries to avoid it by clawing at the walls, but only manages to leave long marks. As he reaches the bat’s position, it moves through the air in violent, wide arcs around it’s ankle like a living club, beating the hell out of the thing. Then with another sudden motion is thrown down the tunnelthe party came, bouncing on the floor and walls.

[sblock=actions]Spending my daily here. I though it was the right moment.

Standard action, manifest Living missile on the Umber Hulk. It hits Fort 22; if it hits, it's immobilized, if not only Slowed (save ends either).

Minor action, use Living Missile's secondary attack. I can use it if the primary target is immobilized or slowed, so the first roll doesn't matter that much. I can slide the primary target up to 10 squares and make the secondary attack against any enemy it adyacent to it at any point of that forced movement. I move the beast to the right just enough to make it adjacent to the bat, make the attack, and then move to the north as far as I can. By my count that's enough just to leave it at the far edge.

The secondary attack hits Reflex 26, deals 10 damage and drops it prone, up to you if it also falls into the water. The Hulk is also prone, and too takes 5 damage.

It's a telekinetic power called "living missile" so I don't think it's unreasonable to slide the hulk 1 square in the air to reach the bat (and make it move over Karma and the grubs, if they're still alive). If I'm not, I'll edit this post.

I'd suggest everyone to move south; if you can grant extra saving throws to Karma this is the moment. I can slow the hulk with Static Mote, so if we group there we should be able to have at least a couple rounds of shooting at the umber hulk. Unless it decides to burrow. Oops.

[sblock=mini-stats] Shalehttp://l4w.wikia.com/wiki/PC:Shale_(Someone) Shardmind psion 3
Initiative: +1, Passive perception: 11, Passive Insight: 16
Defenses: AC: 18, For: 13, Ref: 17, Will: 17
HP: 31/33, Bloodied: 16, Surge value: 8, Surges/day: 6/7 Speed: 6 squares
Languages: Common, Deep Speech, Elemental
AP: 0, Power points: 4/4

Static Mote, Dimensional Scramble, Betrayal
Shard Swarm, Far Hand, Forceful Push, Intellect Fortress, Orb of mental constitution (item), Second Wind
Living Missile, Amulet of resolution (item)[/sblock]
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First Post
[sblock=CaBaNa] Hey, I just noticed your healing infusion is crossed out. I didn't think you had used that since the first fight? [/sblock]


First Post
I thought Gil had given the resistive formula at combat start to Bob, but that isn't reflected in the status by the +1 ac or temp hp. Maybe I had forgotten to have Gil do so. Then the power would still be available. I'll go reread. Heading to class now though.

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