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[Adventure] Artemis' Pact

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[sblock=ooc] JNC, did the umber hulk take the damage from Darkspiral Aura already? if not: 1d6 → [4] = (4) http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2968814/ [/sblock]

The spark explosion makes Artemis flinch back for a second, likely saving his life as the umber hulk's swing barely misses him.

Artemis grins as he realizes Shale's plan. Of course the grin fades when he sees the new explosive energy collection appear just on the other side of the beast.

Artemis scuttles back to dry land, turns and focuses his glare on the umber hulk, "Come on big boy, bring it to me!"

Move: K-17. If the umber hulk has threatening reach, I may be subject to an OA. Of course, if Gil's winged horde effect is still in effect, then he doesn't get OA?
Minor: Warlock's Curse: Umber Hulk
Standard: Spiteful Glamor: 1d20+6, 1d8+5 ([15, 6], [6, 5]) Roll Lookup . Plus curse damage: 1d6 [3] = (3) Roll Lookup . So hit will 21 for 14 damage.

[sblock=darkspiral aura] The first time Artemis is attacked, the Dark Spiral aura will discharge and cause 1d6 damage, lowering the charges back to 0. [/sblock]

[sblock=Artemis stats]Atremis Harks- Male Human Hybrid: Warlord/Warlock 2
Darkspiral Aura: 0
Initiative: +1, Passive perception: 10, Passive Insight: 10
Defenses: AC: 17, For: 17, Ref: 18, Will: 17
HP: 16/29, Bloodied: 14, Surge value: 7, Surges/day: 5/7 Speed: 6 squares
Languages: Common, Primordial
AP: 1, Second Wind: unused

Eldritch Strike, Spiteful Glamor, Furious Smash, Darkspiral Aura
Battlefront Shift, Hammer and Anvil, Inspiring Word, Aid the Injured
Lead by Example[/sblock]
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First Post
Lilli fears the Umber Hulk will do more damage to her companions, so she weaves an illusion of the thrashing grubs that she's seen menacing the behemoth.

[sblock=actions]Lilli attacks the Umber Hulk with her Illusory Ambush...[/sblock][sblock=actions]
Format problems this evening; couldn't get rid of this space!
[sblock=actions]Illusory Ambush (At Will Standard Ranged 10 Arcane, Illusion, Implement, Psychic)
Target: One creature
Attack: +5 vs. Will
Hit: 1d6+5 Psychic damage and the target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls until the end of your next turn.

Illusory Ambush: http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2969579/ . Total: 17.

I think that's a hit (just). Potential Damage: Roll Lookup Total: 8.

Move Action: Lilli stays put.
Female Gnome Illusionist Wizard, Level 1
Initiative: +0, Passive Perception: 11, Passive Insight: 16. Senses: Low-light vision.
AC:15, Fort: 11, Reflex: 15, Will: 15.
HP: 19/22, Bloodied:11, Surge Value: 5, Surges left: 4/7
Speed: 5 squares. Size: Small. Languages: Eladrin, Allarian.
Saving Throw Bonuses: +5 Racial bonus against illusions
Action Points:1
Ghost Sound
Mage Hand
Orb of Deception
Illusory Ambush
Nightmare Eruption
Grasping Shadows
Fade Away
Second Wind
Horrid Whispers
Conditions: None

OOC: I will be away until Sunday evening GMT, so to move things along if I can't get access, Lilli'll try and get within 10 squares of the Umber Hulk in the next move and hit it with her encounter power Grasping Shadows, if it isn't too close to anyone or Illusory Ambush again if it is (or if the bat decides she's dinner, Lilli will use Illusory Ambush at the bat).

If Lilli can attack the Umber Hulk again, then her feat may kick in:

Phantom Echoes: When you use an arcane illusion power and hit a target, you gain combat advantage against that target until the end of your next turn. If the illusion power has an effect that a save can end, you instead gain combat advantage against the target until it saves against that effect.

Character sheet: http://l4w.wikia.com/wiki/PC:Lilli_(Neil1889)
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First Post
Sorry for the delay - for some reason I thought only two people had posted so we were still waiting for a bunch of people.

[MENTION=88601]FourMonos[/MENTION]: No, it didn't take darkspiral damage. Thanks. I thought it only did damage if the hulk hit you, for some reason.

Gil's Winged Horde is not in effect, since he's already had his turn this time. But the hulk does not have threatening reach. You're lucky.

As Gil hurls his fireball, the bat takes a face full of flame, but the hulk as still shifting restlessly from foot to foot and, by chance, it ducks to the side just as the blast explodes above it. It is not so lucky as to be able to avoid all the other attacks, and it staggers and bellows. It flails its claws wildly, pulling down the rock pile next to it in its frenzy. Greenish ichor has begun to ooze from beneath the cracks in its carapace.

The hulk slogs through the water towards its tormentors, but its movements are still sluggish. It bellows again in frustration as it is unable to reach the dry slope of the tunnel where Artemis stands.

The final bat circles away from the moving hulk and begins searching for fresh prey. It is about to start winging towards Lilli, when suddenly Karma moves slightly. Realizing the easiest prey is not dead meat after all, the bat stoops on him and tears out a chunk of flesh, retreating to the top of another spire with its prize.

Farmer Bob circles around to hide behind Gil. Suddenly he realizes the gnome is too short to effectively shield him, and he continues until Artemis is between him and the encroaching hulk.

Shadowhunter Bat 2 takes 7 damage from fireball.
Maddened Umber Hulk takes 26 damage from Darkspiral Aura and Artemis' and Lilli's attacks. Lilli's attack bloodies it!

Maddened Umber Hulk:
Disarming Gaze does not recharge: Recharge Disarming Gaze (1d6=2)
Slowed due to starting next to the Static Mote.
Move: move to K12
Standard: move to K13
Oops, apparently last turn I parked it on top of a rock pile. Well, it has a burrow speed - I'll just say that obliterated it.

Shadowhunter Bat 2:
Minor: Perception to see if it notices Karma is not dead: Perception (1d20+7=26) That'll do it.
Standard: flyby attack, attacking Karma in passing with combat advantage for being prone, ending up at J7: Flyby Attack (vs AC, +2 for combat advantage) (1d20+7+2=21, 1d6+4=7) Hit for 7 damage.

Farmer Bob:
Move: to K20
Standard: Full defense

[sblock=Unlocked Stats]
Farmer Bob: AC 1719, Fort 1315, Reflex 1113, Will 1113
Maddened Umber Hulk: AC 17, Fort ??, Reflex 16, Will 17
Rot Grub Swarm: AC 13, Fort 13, Reflex ??, Will 13
Shadowhunter Bat: AC ??, Fort 13, Reflex ??, Will 11

Anyone who begins their turn next to a Rot Grub Swarm will take 5 damage, plus an extra 2 damage for each additional Rot Grub Swarm adjacent to them.

Artemis: 16/29 hp, 5/7 surges, bloodied
Lilli: 19/22 hp, 4/7 surges
Gil: 23/26 hp, 5/7 surges
Shale: 31/33 hp, 6/7 surges
Karma: 2/30 hp, 2/5 surges, stunned (save ends), prone, bloodied
Farmer Bob: 2/2 hp, 0/1 surges, +2 to all defenses until start of next turn

Maddened Umber Hulk: 77 damage taken, cursed by Artemis, bloodied. Used Disarming Gaze. Used 2 Action Points.
Rot Grub Swarm 1: 50 damage taken. Dead.
Rot Grub Swarm 2: 44 damage taken. Dead.
Shadowhunter Bat 1: 35 damage taken. Dead.
Shadowhunter Bat 2: 7 damage taken. On ceiling (20' up).
Shadowhunter Bat 3: 38 damage taken. Dead.

External Map Link
Climbing a rock pile takes a DC 15 Athletics or Acrobatics check and you grant combat advantage while on top of them. The standing water and rock piles are difficult terrain. (Don't forget there is a rock pile beneath Bat 2. Yes, you can reach the ceiling for a melee attack from the top of the piles.)




The existing mote implodes in a chaotic disply of lightning, pulling the water to it and even the huge, maddened creature. It howls in frsutration when another ball of enegy replaces the one that just dissapeared.

Start of turn: Previous static mote goes bang!, dealing 11 damage and, since I augmented it with 1 power point, it pull the Hulk 1 square northwest.

Standard action: Yes, another Mote, same place, spending another power point.

Move action: Derp.

[sblock=mini-stats] Shalehttp://l4w.wikia.com/wiki/PC:Shale_(Someone) Shardmind psion 3
Initiative: +1, Passive perception: 11, Passive Insight: 16
Defenses: AC: 18, For: 13, Ref: 17, Will: 17
HP: 31/33, Bloodied: 16, Surge value: 8, Surges/day: 6/7 Speed: 6 squares
Languages: Common, Deep Speech, Elemental
AP: 0, Power points: 2/4

Static Mote, Dimensional Scramble, Betrayal
Shard Swarm, Far Hand, Forceful Push, Intellect Fortress, Orb of mental constitution (item), Second Wind
Living Missile, Amulet of resolution (item)[/sblock]
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First Post
Steadying himself, Gil looks back toward Bob, Don't get too far off. the human wizard refocuses on Artemis, We've got to get that bat off Karma, the bug is going to be trapped again. Gil indicates Shale's mote of energy. Lilli! The bat! Get the bat off of Karma!

Bob, says Gil without turning around, Check out the ooze on the bug! Have you ever seen that color green before? What about those exploding balls of light? Isn't this an exciting field trip?! the enthusiasm builds as Gil continues talking with Bob, entranced by the moment.

OOC: "Suddenly he realizes the gnome is too short to effectively shield him" :D Gil is a human, Pok is my gnome. ;)
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First Post
"I would rather be in there mixing it up hand to hand," Artemis complains.

He focuses his iron rod at the lumbering beast, but this time the eldritch attack fails to land.

Standard: Spiteful Glamor vs. Umber Hulk: 1d20+6, 1d8+5 &#8594 ([4, 6], [2, 5]) Roll Lookup . Miss.

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