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[Adventure] Artemis' Pact


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[sblock=ooc] That illusionary ambush sounds like a reasonable opening salvo from Lilli [/sblock]

"Gil?" Artemis says through clenched teeth, "I don't think I'll have time to point out how unlikely the circumstance that these are helpful pleasant cave dwelling humanoids living in a demon infested cave, how unlikely that they wouldn't be aggressive to us with us walking into their mine in the first place, nor how unlikley they won't counter with aggression after we attacked them. Let me suffice it to say, you've placed yourself at a tactical disadvantage."

"And I don't think you should keep any as a pet."

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Gil takes much of the quick message in, then blurts out You're probably right, but we'd be in the wrong to attack without knowing.


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[sblock=action]Initiative vs. Tommy Knockers: http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3010008/ Total: 2.

Start: K25.

Lilli uses:

Reactive Stealth: If you have any cover or concealment when you make an initiative check, you can make a Stealth check to become hidden.

Roll Lookup Total: 14

Lilli peers around the corner and ponders what the creatures are and also wonders if Gil might prove correct. Nature as a Monster Knowledge Check with those creatures she might see in I17 and H13:

Roll Lookup Total : 16.[/sblock]

OOC: I'm back with a new build PC, so I expect some teething troubles, no doubt.


First Post
Someone: Initiative (1d20+1=11)
Artemis: Initiative (1d20+1=15)
Karma: 6
Gil: 12
Lilli: 2
Farmer Bob: Initiative (1d20+0=13)

Tommyknockers: Initiative (1d20+4=17)

Looks like they beat all of you! So they act immediately after the surprise round.

I'll wait to see if Lilli wants to take another action, or if anybody objects to the changes in positioning I made, before I post their actions.

[sblock=Lilli's Nature Check]
Tommyknockers are old miners' tales of bogies lurking in the darkness of mines. They are said to hate the miners who encroach in their domain, and warn them away by knocking on the walls before causing cave-ins and other disasters. Some say they can be placated by leaving bowls of milk out for them, but others say this is mere superstition. Few people see them except as tiny figures lurking at the edge of caves, who disappear when approached. You have never been sure if they were real creatures or myths designed to explain odd sounds and illusions caused by the flickering lamps and shadows underground.

They are small, fey humanoids.

One of the creatures' huge round eyes open even wider in shock. It clutches its head and vanishes, reappearing waist deep in the thick sludge. It immediately begins trying to force its way toward the edge of the pool, but it seems to be having trouble forcing its way through the ooze.

[sblock=Grasping Slime]
This black, viscous goo feeds on Underdark insects and vermin by trapping them in place and slowly digesting them. It poses no threat to larger creatures, but its clinging substance is hard to escape from. It is difficult terrain, and anyone moving through the slime must make a DC 12 Athletics check or end their movement immediately.

The remaining tommyknockers turn to face the tunnel entrance, just in time for one to be struck by simultaneous waves of spite and fear. It sinks to its knees, burying its face in its hands, and bows its head in despair - bashing it firmly into the wall. Blood spurts from its self-inflicted head wound, but it is shaken out of its gloom as it recoils, and it picks up its pickaxe and scrambles snarling to its feet.

Gil rushes forwards and makes a plea for peace. The tommyknockers react by raising their picks threateningly and hissing. Their tongues click against daggerlike teeth in a rhythm similar to their knocking. The one on the ledge pulls a long dart, like a miniature javelin, from its coveralls. Gil, out in front, turns toward the ledge as it moves and sees two more tommyknockers behind it, near more patches of fungus.

[MENTION=5656]Someone[/MENTION]: You don't have line of sight to C18, so I teleported the Tommyknocker to D18 instead.
[MENTION=90808]Cute-Hydra[/MENTION]: J17 has partial cover from K25, so you have a -2 to hit. But that's countered by the +2 from Combat Advantage you didn't add, so it evens out.
[MENTION=100292]Neil1889[/MENTION]: Karma's already at K25, and so I started you at L25. (I was going to say K26, but both Tommyknocker 2 and Tommyknocker 3 have line of sight to you there, so Reactive Stealth wouldn't be as much use. I can move you if you want, though. Of course, you can't see them from there either, but I'll assume you peeked around the corner before the surprise round actually started and then backed off to be out of sight and hide.) Also, knowledge checks don't take an action - did you want to take an action as well?

Farmer Bob:
Begin the surprise round at M26
Standard: Full Defense

Tommyknocker 1 is hit for 9 damage and teleported to D18.
Tommyknocker 2 is hit for 17 damage, bloodying it, and takes -2 to all attack rolls until the end of Karma's next turn.

[sblock=Unlocked Stats]
Farmer Bob: AC 1719, Fort 1315, Reflex 1113, Will 1113
Tommyknocker: AC ??, Fort 12, Reflex ??, Will 13
Tommyknocker Darter: AC ??, Fort ??, Reflex ??, Will ??

Artemis: 29/29 hp, 4/7 surges
Lilli: 20/22 hp, 3/7 surges, hidden with Stealth 14
Gil: 26/26 hp, 3/7 surges, readied action
Shale: 31/33 hp, 3/7 surges
Karma: 24/30 hp, 1/5 surges
Farmer Bob: 2/2 hp, 0/1 surges

Tommyknocker 1: 9 damage taken
Tommyknocker 2: 17 damage taken, bloodied, -2 to all attack rolls until the end of Karma's next turn
Tommyknocker 3: 0 damage taken
Tommyknocker Darter 1: 0 damage taken
Tommyknocker Darter 2: 0 damage taken
Tommyknocker Darter 3: 0 damage taken

External Map Link
The black slime is difficult terrain, and anyone moving through it must make a DC 12 Athletics check or end their movement immediately.




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Confident that her companions are making enough noise to cover her movements, Lilli creeps closer to the corner.

The closest of the creatures on the second level steps to the edge of the ledge and pulls out a smaller dart - carefully. This one drips with an oily liquid. It takes aim and strikes the only exposed target, Gil, in the throat. Gil raises an arm to cast his retaliatory spell, but sways on his feet. Drowsiness spreads through his veins from the prick of the dart. He suddenly realizes he has been standing with his head nodding, spell ready to go off, but can't recall for how long. He is snapped out of his drugged haze as a volley of darts showers towards him from the other two tommyknockers. They are long shots, but Gil is in no shape to dodge. All 3 darts pierce him, and he slumps to the floor.

The two attackers retreat towards the stairs. One passes through the patch of mushrooms, and where it brushes them a cloud of olive spores billows up. The tommyknocker halts and turns to watch the floor, raising another dart, a hazy outline behind the cloud.

These strange, Underdark mushrooms are normal terrain, but as soon as a creature enters a square of these mushrooms, the mushrooms create a thick cloud of spores. The square provides concealment for 5 minutes. Once a square has discharged a cloud, it cannot do so again for 24 hours.

The tommyknockers on the floor flee while Artemis and Shale's eyes are glued to Gil's collapse, disappearing around the corner. All except for the one which Shale dumped in the pool of sludge - that one struggles to rise, but sticky arms of goop drag it backwards. On its second try it scrambles onto solid ground and makes it as far as the base of the stairs.

Tommyknocker Darter 2:
Move: to L18 (because Gil had partial cover from M18, where it started)
Standard: Dream Venom Dart at Gil: Dream Venom Dart at Gil (vs Reflex) (1d20+6=21, 1d4+3=7) Gil takes 7 damage and is dazed (save ends). Unfortunately while dazed you can't take immediate actions, and both your readied action and Fade Away are immediate reactions which trigger after you've already become dazed. So they're lost.

Tommyknocker Darter 1:
Standard: Dart Volley at Gil, with combat advantage because he's dazed, which cancels out the -2 for long range: Dart Volley at Gil (vs Reflex) (1d20+6=25, 1d4+3=7, 1d20+6=22, 1d4+3=7) 2 hits for 14 damage.
Move: to M12, passing through the fungus patch at L14 and triggering the cloud of spores

Tommyknocker Darter 3:
Standard: Dart at Gil, with combat advantage because he's dazed, which cancels out the -2 for long range: Dart at Gil (vs Reflex) (1d20+6=20, 1d4+3=5) 5 damage.
Move: to L7

Tommyknocker 3:
Standard+Move: to G9, and then farther into the area you can't see

Tommyknocker 2:
Standard+Move: ditto

Tommyknocker 1:
Move: try to move: Athletics (1d20+1=5) Fail.
Standard: try to move again: Athletics (1d20+1=19) Success! Move to D14.

[sblock=Unlocked Stats]
Farmer Bob: AC 1719, Fort 1315, Reflex 1113, Will 1113
Tommyknocker: AC ??, Fort 12, Reflex ??, Will 13
Tommyknocker Darter: AC ??, Fort ??, Reflex ??, Will ??

Artemis: 29/29 hp, 4/7 surges
Lilli: 20/22 hp, 3/7 surges, hidden with Stealth 14
Gil: 0/26 hp, 3/7 surges, dazed (save ends), dying
Shale: 31/33 hp, 3/7 surges
Karma: 24/30 hp, 1/5 surges
Farmer Bob: 2/2 hp, 0/1 surges

Tommyknocker 1: 9 damage taken
Tommyknocker 2: 17 damage taken, bloodied, -2 to all attack rolls until the end of Karma's next turn
Tommyknocker 3: 0 damage taken
Tommyknocker Darter 1: 0 damage taken, used 2 darts
Tommyknocker Darter 2: 0 damage taken, used Dream Venom Dart
Tommyknocker Darter 3: 0 damage taken, used dart

External Map Link
The black slime is difficult terrain, and anyone moving through it must make a DC 12 Athletics check or end their movement immediately.

The green circles are clouds of spores which provide concealment.


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Karma moved forwards, "Get up Gil!" He spoke a quick prayer over the unfortunate Gil. Before raising his staff himself continuing his barage of disheartening energy towards the Tommyknuckers.

Move to 21J,
Healing word: Gil
Roll Lookup healing surge +5
Roll Lookup
15+6 = 21 vs. Will
Roll Lookup 8 damage to Tommyknocker 1


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