[Adventure]Curious & Curiouser (Judge: Stonegod)


First Post
Rikka continued to pace around the edge of the clearing. She scanned the mushroom forest, attempting to use her knowledge of the natural world to discern any clues she could about what sort of creature might live in a place like this. While the setting was not like any place she had ever encountered, she was deeply in tune with her environment- perhaps aided in some unconscious fashion by the distant hint of the fey in her own elven nature...

[sblock= OOC]
>Move: walk to G22

>Skill challenge: Use Nature (secondary skill) 1d20+18= 37 (pass) ; roll Roll Lookup


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First Post
Smoking Room - Round 3
[sblock=Previous Rounds][sblock=Entry Room]Round A
Round 1
Round 2
Round 3
Round 4[/sblock]
[sblock=Smoking Room]Round 1
Round 2
"We're in the strange land, asked about things by a creature not of our world. Would you be forthcoming, Verhig? But don't make a mistake of underestimating us, we just passed through the grove guardians unscathed. Attack at your own peril!" He tries to adjust his attitude as he speaks by judging behir’s response, but is too caught up in his little speech to effectively do it. (Insight Check 17 – fail)

"Watch where ye put yer claws there big fella. Even if that story of our world doesn't convince ye, maybe the story of how The Firebelly clan, my clan, purged a dragon infested mountain of yer kin to stablish their mines might suit yer fancy. I have a couple of dragonteeth back home, decorating the fireplace. I recall when we pee on their remains. Good times." the dwarf says, recalling a particular event in his clan story. (History Check 23 – SUCCESS)

Braddock swings his craghammer in a slow, lazy circle. Purple eldritch energy is left in the wake of the hammers head. "Not of our world, eh? Ye be thinkin' tha because you don't nest on our plane, ye be so much more enlightened?" He holds the craghammer before him. In a sudden burst of purple hued imagery, a story unfolds. Demonic visages rip through the fabric of time and lay waste to a goblin kingdom. Different images flash of demons fighting elves, dwarves and man. Giants, dark skinned elves and snake beings rage against the onslaught. Then a glimmer of light sparks on the plane of anarchy. A single man joined with a spirit of pure good starts to absorb the demons' energy. Absorbing more and more, the man strains against the dark. But across the lands, the humanoids struggle against the demons shifts and they humanoids start to push back, to battle the demons and push them from the realm. Great portals are created which close the demons entry to the world. A single image of a man, driven insane by his battle against the dark energy of the world, laughing madly by himself. "Worse things than you have happened. And we- elves, dwarves giants and man- have faced them down. Don't underestimate us, it will be your undoing!" (Intimidate Check 27 – SUCCESS)

Rikka continued to pace around the edge of the clearing. She scanned the mushroom forest, attempting to use her knowledge of the natural world to discern any clues she could about what sort of creature might live in a place like this. While the setting was not like any place she had ever encountered, she was deeply in tune with her environment- perhaps aided in some unconscious fashion by the distant hint of the fey in her own elven nature... (Nature Check 37 - +2 to next primary skill check)

Quan keeps silent again, knowing that the creature could attack at any provocation. (Perception Check 22 - +2 to next primary skill check.)

Verhig’s reptilian face frowns in consternation. He seems to grow taller, chest puffing out. Small electrical sparks fly out his mouth as the Behir shouts, ”You try to threaten and cajole, in mine own domain? I grow weary from bandying words with the likes of you. You should be groveling on your knees before me! Quickly, interlopers, before I grow weary of these little games.”
[sblock=Skill Challenge] *GOAL: You are trying to convince Verhig as to why he shouldn’t eat you.

*Complexity: 3 (8 successes before 3 failures)
Status: Successes: 3
Failures: 0

*DC: All DCs are listed below. All DCs for skills not listed are considered hard (DC 25).

*Skills: You can use a skill not listed below, only if you can explain it reasonably. Any explanation I feel doesn’t correspond with the given skill, I will impose a -2 penalty to it.

* Rules: The same rules apply for skill challenges as apply for encounters (48-hour rule, etc).

*Repeating the Same Skills: Any character repeating the same skill check in two successive rounds will impose a -2 cumulative penalty to the triggering roll (i.e. -2 for second check, -4 for third check, etc.)

*Critical Success: A natural 20 counts as 2 successes OR 1 success and remove 1 failure.

*Critical Failure: A Natural 1 automatically counts as 1 Failure, regardless of any modifiers.

*Aid Another: You can roll to aid another PC. Using the compendium rules, a roll of 10+1/2 the rolling PC’s level or higher grants a +2 to that player’s skill check, while a failure grants a -1 penalty to that player’s skill check. A successful aid another roll does not count towards the total number of successes.
[sblock=*Primary Skills][sblock=Bluff (DC 25)]You try to use beguiling words in order to convince the Behir to spare you and your allies. A success counts towards the Skill Challenge.[/sblock]
[sblock=Diplomacy (DC 19)]Choosing courtly manners and kind words, you try to convince the creature of your loyalty and integrity. A success counts towards the Skill Challenge.[/sblock]
[sblock=History (DC 19)]You search your memory of any texts you’ve read in order to help your current situation. A success counts towards the Skill Challenge.[/sblock]
[sblock=Intimidate (DC 25)]You quietly proclaim swift vengeance against any who threaten you or your allies. A success counts towards the Skill Challenge. Failure imposes a -5 penalty to the next skill roll the failing PC makes.
*NOTE: This skill can only be used once during this skill challenge by ANY PC.[/sblock][/sblock]
[sblock=*Secondary Skills][sblock=Arcana (DC 25)]You weave magic into your words, enhancing them, hoping to gain advantage over Verhig. A success does not count towards the Skill Challenge. Instead you gain a +2 bonus to the next primary skill check.[/sblock]
[sblock=Insight (DC 19)]You try to read into the behir’s words and body language, hoping that any foreknowledge can could prevent it from attacking. A success does not count towards the Skill Challenge. Instead you gain a +2 bonus to the next primary skill check.[/sblock]
[sblock=Nature (DC 25)]You are attuned to nature, but this creature is unlike anything in your experience. You draw upon your knowledge of the world and the creatures that reside on it in order to try to gain some advantage you can use to convince Verhig not to devour you.[/sblock]
[sblock=Perception (DC 19)]Wary of an attack, you look for any clues as to the actions of Verhig. A success does not count towards the Skill Challenge. Instead you gain a +2 bonus to the next primary skill check.[/sblock][/sblock][/sblock]
[sblock=Mushroom Forest]Map #3 Mushroom Forest:

Illumination: Bright (magical light)
Dotted Yellow Line: Outline of doorway (reference only)
[FONT=&quot]Mushrooms: each tree depicted on map are actually tall mushrooms; considered blocking terrain and can provide cover; 5 to 25-feet tall; Athletics check (DC 19) to climb.[/FONT][/sblock]
[sblock=Stats]Braddock (N13): 45/57 hp; HS 11/11; AP 1+1; Dwarven Resilience; Status:
Quan (L12): 37 /42 hp; HS 6/7; AP 1+1; Second Wind; Elven Accuracy; Status:
Orsik (J12): 48/53 hp; HS 10/10; AP 1; Second Wind; Stone’s Endurance; Rune of Mending [1], [2]; Status:
Muzdum (O11): 44/62; HS 12/12; AP 1; Dwarven Resilience; Status:
Rikka (G22): 55/60 hp; HS 8/8; AP 1; Second Wind; Elven Accuracy; Status:[/sblock]
GM: Braddock: 1 SUCCESS
Quan: +2 to next primary skill check
Orsik: failure (secondary)
Rikka: +2 to next primary skill check
Muzdum: 1 SUCCESS

"What would you have us do? We're talking peacefully, we're not a dancing trouppe."

Orsik felt he needs to open new way to negotiate, but his ham-handed way with words didn't really help.

"Elder was much better at words then me, maybe I should've listened while he spoke insetad of questioned him?!" thinks young disbeliever

OOC: Diplomacy Aid Another (DC 13) (1d20+2=9)

Merry Christmas!
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First Post
"Oye! We're not alone. The spirits stand with us."

Braddock holds the craghammer in both hands, concentrating hard. His body shakes with the effort he puts forth. His craghammer glows in a myriad of lights in quick succession.

Each of his companions feel a force change in the energy around them, lights flash into a brief image before the lights focus around his allies forms. A golden outline of king before forming around Muzdum. A dark green image of an elemental around Rikka. A light green quick goblin warrior around Quan. A purple cackling and screaming image around Orsik.

OOC: Right you are jsb! Some people may not be back until after the 1st though. Invisible castle seems down so I'll roll using Enworld's roller

OOC: The roll didn't pop in, so I'll roll again, but if they both pop, obviously count the first


First Post
Rikka continued to make her way around the clearing, still keeping alert for any new threats (or new openings).

OOC: Perception check (secondary), 1d20+20= 23 ; roll forthcoming- IC is still down


Quan finally feels confident, perhaps overconfident. Look, all powerful being. Just allow us to go on our way, okay?

OOC: How impatient is he, jsb420? Well go for primary...

Voda Vosa

First Post
"Ye ain't the kind o' folk that thinks right? It ain't hard big fella; listen: ye analize the facts, then search for an answer to the problem. In this example, historical fact prove that when a giant monster faces a group o' seasoned adventurers, it might kill one or two, for melodrama, but in the end, it's toasted." the dwarf says, "Now class, what's the answer for this problem here?"
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First Post
Smoking Room - Round 4
[sblock=Previous Rounds][sblock=Entry Room]Round A
Round 1
Round 2
Round 3
Round 4[/sblock]
[sblock=Smoking Room]Round 1
Round 2
Round 3[/sblock][/sblock]
"What would you have us do? We're talking peacefully, we're not a dancing troupe." Orsik felt he needs to open new way to negotiate, but his ham-handed way with words didn't really help. "Elder was much better at words then me, maybe I should've listened while he spoke instead of questioned him?!" thinks young disbeliever. (Failure – secondary)

"Oye! We're not alone. The spirits stand with us." Braddock holds the craghammer in both hands, concentrating hard. His body shakes with the effort he puts forth. His craghammer glows in a myriad of lights in quick succession. Each of his companions feel a force change in the energy around them, lights flash into a brief image before the lights focus around his allies forms. A golden outline of a king before forming around Muzdum. A dark green image of an elemental around Rikka. A light green quick goblin warrior around Quan. A purple cackling and screaming image around Orsik. (Success - +2 to next primary skill check)

Rikka continued to make her way around the clearing, still keeping alert for any new threats (or new openings). (Success - +2 to next primary skill check)
GM: @pathfinderq1 : Rikka notices that around the edges of the mushroom forest is becoming denser if possible. She can glimpse movement out the corner of her eye, but can’t get a good look at what is causing the movement.

Quan finally feels confident, perhaps overconfident. Look, all powerful being. Just allow us to go on our way, okay? (Failure)

"Ye ain't the kind o' folk that thinks right? It ain't hard big fella; listen: ye analize the facts, and then search for an answer to the problem. In this example, historical fact prove that when a giant monster faces a group o' seasoned adventurers, it might kill one or two, for melodrama, but in the end, its toasted." the dwarf says, "Now class, what's the answer for this problem here?" (Success - +2 to next primary skill check)
Verhig does not look amused. ”How droll.”, the something-more-than-a-behir says, laden with sarcasm. His back curls slowly around his massive torso. He suddenly leans forward, upper arms slamming the ground with enough force that all the heroes are knocked prone, even the hardy dwarves.

”Your words are hollow and empty! You have yet to convince me to spare your worthless souls. Time grows short!”, Verhig says menacingly, a golden-blue nimbus of lightning shrouds the giant reptile causing all the prone heroes’ to become charged with electricity.
[sblock=Skill Challenge] *GOAL: You are trying to convince Verhig as to why he shouldn’t eat you.

*Complexity: 3 (8 successes before 3 failures)
Status: Successes: 4
Failures: 1

*DC: All DCs are listed below. All DCs for skills not listed are considered hard (DC 25).

*Skills: You can use a skill not listed below, only if you can explain it reasonably. Any explanation I feel doesn’t correspond with the given skill, I will impose a -2 penalty to it.

* Rules: The same rules apply for skill challenges as apply for encounters (48-hour rule, etc).

*Repeating the Same Skills: Any character repeating the same skill check in two successive rounds will impose a -2 cumulative penalty to the triggering roll (i.e. -2 for second check, -4 for third check, etc.)

*Critical Success: A natural 20 counts as 2 successes OR 1 success and remove 1 failure.

*Critical Failure: A Natural 1 automatically counts as 1 Failure, regardless of any modifiers.

*Aid Another: You can roll to aid another PC. Using the compendium rules, a roll of 10+1/2 the rolling PC’s level or higher grants a +2 to that player’s skill check, while a failure grants a -1 penalty to that player’s skill check. A successful aid another roll does not count towards the total number of successes.
[sblock=*Primary Skills][sblock=Bluff (DC 25)]You try to use beguiling words in order to convince the Behir to spare you and your allies. A success counts towards the Skill Challenge.[/sblock]
[sblock=Diplomacy (DC 19)]Choosing courtly manners and kind words, you try to convince the creature of your loyalty and integrity. A success counts towards the Skill Challenge.[/sblock]
[sblock=History (DC 19)]You search your memory of any texts you’ve read in order to help your current situation. A success counts towards the Skill Challenge.[/sblock]
[sblock=Intimidate (DC 25)]You quietly proclaim swift vengeance against any who threaten you or your allies. A success counts towards the Skill Challenge. Failure imposes a -5 penalty to the next skill roll the failing PC makes.
*NOTE: This skill can only be used once during this skill challenge by ANY PC.[/sblock][/sblock]
[sblock=*Secondary Skills][sblock=Arcana (DC 25)]You weave magic into your words, enhancing them, hoping to gain advantage over Verhig. A success does not count towards the Skill Challenge. Instead you gain a +2 bonus to the next primary skill check.[/sblock]
[sblock=Insight (DC 19)]You try to read into the behir’s words and body language, hoping that any foreknowledge can could prevent it from attacking. A success does not count towards the Skill Challenge. Instead you gain a +2 bonus to the next primary skill check.[/sblock]
[sblock=Nature (DC 25)]You are attuned to nature, but this creature is unlike anything in your experience. You draw upon your knowledge of the world and the creatures that reside on it in order to try to gain some advantage you can use to convince Verhig not to devour you.[/sblock]
[sblock=Perception (DC 19)]Wary of an attack, you look for any clues as to the actions of Verhig. A success does not count towards the Skill Challenge. Instead you gain a +2 bonus to the next primary skill check.[/sblock][/sblock][/sblock]

[sblock=Mushroom Forest]Map #3 Mushroom Forest:

Illumination: Bright (magical light)
Dotted Yellow Line: Outline of doorway (reference only)
Mushrooms: each tree depicted on map are actually tall mushrooms; considered blocking terrain and can provide cover; 5 to 25-feet tall; Athletics check (DC 19) to climb.[/sblock]

[sblock=Stats]Braddock (N13): 45/57 hp; HS 11/11; AP 1+1; Dwarven Resilience; Status: prone
Quan (L12): 37 /42 hp; HS 6/7; AP 1+1; Second Wind; Elven Accuracy; Status: prone
Orsik (J12): 48/53 hp; HS 10/10; AP 1; Second Wind; Stone’s Endurance; Rune of Mending [1], [2]; Status: prone
Muzdum (O11): 44/62; HS 12/12; AP 1; Dwarven Resilience; Status: prone
Rikka (J22): 55/60 hp; HS 8/8; AP 1; Second Wind; Elven Accuracy; Status: prone [/sblock]
GM: Braddock: +2 to next primary skill check; prone
Quan: Failure - Diplomacy; prone
Orsik: Failure Aid Another: -1 to next Diplomacy Check; prone
Rikka: +2 to next primary skill check; prone
Muzdum: +2 to next primary skill check; prone
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