Adventure: Escort Duty (DM: KarinsDad, Judge: TBD)

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Ignoring Jasper for now, Sirrah continues to pummel the bandit on the wall but is unable to capitalize on the distracted bandit.

The marshal stands up and can't help but to grin. "I'm in anyways." he comments to the dying body of the other marshal as he charges down towards the dark energy flinging bandit. His blade makes a nice arc of bandit blood to splatter on the wall of the outpost.

Rava stands up and points a finger at Jasper, "You have betrayed those who meant to protect you. Even benign beings are not without vengeance. Now I see why Sirrah was sent here. To punish you!"

Fire shoots out of the deva's fingers toward Jasper.

Then, looking over the battlements, Rava decides to dodge the arrows and drops prone for cover.

Jasper falls unconsious.

Since she can't chase Pumpkin effectively, Tana heads back.

Attempting to fool Sirrah by playing dead, Jasper leaps up and tries to stab him multiple times in the back. But, Sirrah is not so easily fooled and only gets slashed a little.

"Kill this one fools. Then we can kill the healer and pick the rest of them off." Jasper yells out.

The first bandit decides to ignore Jasper, pulls out a hand axe, and attacks Hilkalas. But, he is no more successful than Jasper was.

The rest of the bandits fire away at Sirrah, but their morale must be low after first seeing Jasper fall since only one of them comes even close to hitting Sirrah.

Sirrah hits Bandit 6 for 14.

Hilkalas hits Bandit 1 for 12.

Jayce makes his death saving throw.

Rava hits Jasper for 9, knocks him out, and gives 6 temp hit points to Hilkalas.

Tana moves.

Jasper misses Sirrah 3 times.

8, 7, and 3 plus mods misses, but half damage results in 4, 5, and 5 damage.

GM: Well, that was pretty lame to hit rolls and awesome damage rolls.

Bandit 1 misses Hilkalas.

2 plus mods misses

Bandit 3 misses Sirrah.

12 plus mods misses (cover bonus from parapets)

Bandit 4 misses Sirrah.

7 plus mods misses

Bandit 5 misses Sirrah.

9 plus mods vs. Reflex misses

Bandit 6 misses Sirrah.

4 plus mods misses

GM: That was a sad round for the NPCs.

Note: Jayce needs to make a death saving throw.

24/49 Sirrah, bloodied
48/55 Tana
-1/43 Jayce, prone, dying, unconscious, bloodied
24 Bandit 1, bloodied
Bandit 3
Bandit 4
8 Bandit 5
26 Bandit 6, bloodied
15 Jasper, bloodied
20/36 Hilkalas, 6 temp hit points
25/37 Rava, prone

Terrain: The entire area is wet from the rain.

The road is difficult terrain due to mud. The rest of the area is wet, but it doesn't affect movement.

Cliffs: The entire area is surrounded by wet, extremely hard to climb cliffs that go up for at least 50 feet. The trail is right next to the cliffs on the right and left hand sides of the map.

Outpost: The interior of the outpost cannot be seen, just the walls. In the front of the outpost is a large wooden gate. The bandits on the walls have a cover bonus to all defenses.

Rubble: Although climbable, the rubble is both difficult terrain and has the normal climb penalties.

Note: There are two ladders, one at V13 and one at V19.

The buildings are about 12 feet tall, so one can move from the 15 foot tall walls to a building with no problem. It's just a single extra square of movement.

There are doorways (doors are open) into the buildings at Y17 and Y18, but they are not visible on the map.

Fort Ten.png
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Hilkalas takes a step back, and with a swift motion of his blade opens a magical rift, from which dark shadow tendrils escape and push the enemies away from him.

Shift back 1, then Beguiling strands vs Jasper, bandit 1 and bandit 5 (Blast 5 should cover them all) Push 4 when possible and 6 damage. Attack rolls: 15, 19, 8.

Jayce still lies motionless at the bottom of the stairs.

[sblock=death save] 16 [/sblock]

Rava stands once again, chanting, "Protect these souls, protect their breaths, deliver them yet not to death."

Bright energy flares from the deva. Jayce and Sirrah are strengthened by her power, their wounds closing. Her last of her healing energy spent, Rava leans against the wall a moment to rest.

Movement: Stand.

Standard: Healer's Mercy: Close burst 5: Each bloodied ally in the burst can spend a healing surge and gain additional +1d6 +11 healing. Rava becomes weakened TENT.


[sblock=Rava's Stats]Rava - Deva Pacifist Cleric (Templar) 4
Status: weakened TENT
Passive Perception: 19, Passive Insight: 22

AC 19, Fort 13, Reflex 13, Will 20; +1 to all defenses vs attacks of bloodied creatures

HP 25/37 Bloodied 18, Surge Value 9, Surges 2/7

Speed 5, Initiative +2

Action Points: 1, Second Wind[]

At-Will Powers:Astral Seal, Sacred Flame

Encounter Powers:

Healing Powers:
[x][x] Healing Word
[x] Healer's Mercy (Channel Divinity)
[x] Shield of Devotion

Defense Debuff Powers:
[x] Bane
[x] Hymn of Resurgence (ally tmp hp or saving throw)

Accuracy Buffs:
[x] Memory of a Thousand Lifetimes
[x] Divine Fortune (Channel Divinity)

Daily Powers:

Healing Powers:
[x] Resurgent Strength (single ally damage buff)

Damage Resistance Powers:
[x] Moment of Glory (blast 5 enemy push + knockdown)


Jayce finally starts to stir on the ground. You're pretty sure you hear him mumble something about the code of Galifar.

[sblock=Heal] Jayce heals for 10 + 13: total 23 hit points. [/sblock]

"Victory is at hand! We'll paint this fort with your blood scum, you'll wish you never crossed paths with us!" The marshal proclaims as he sees the head of Jasper fly over the fortress, spraying blood on its wall.

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