All d20 fantasy this week including adventures, horror themed rules, a new class, and more. An adventure along with mass combat rules are out for Castles & Crusades. Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG gets so much support: adventures including a Return to the Starless Sea and a one GM/one player option set in the setting of Stennard, new mighty deeds, the elementalist class with spells, horror themed rules, and a recurring NPC.
Note: RPG Print News covers recent RPG releases and some classics, reprints, and sales available from retailers. It does not cover products that are available directly to customers only through Kickstarter or as print on demand.
Fields of Battle | The Sword of Rami by Troll Lord Games
Return to the Starless Sea | Gods of the Earth by Goodman Games
Blood and Thunder - The Ultimate Book of Mighty Deeds by Marz Press
Sorcerous Rites of the Elements | Pervasive Corruption | The Bagbearer | The Protectorate of Jenulane by Breaker Press
Note: RPG Print News covers recent RPG releases and some classics, reprints, and sales available from retailers. It does not cover products that are available directly to customers only through Kickstarter or as print on demand.
Fields of Battle | The Sword of Rami by Troll Lord Games
- SYSTEM: Castles & Crusades
- PRODUCT TYPE: softcover supplement/softcover adventure
- RETAIL PRICE: $11.99/$9.99
- DESCRIPTION: Fields of Battle is a simple, straightforward, game of mass combat that uses the Siege Engine mechanic It simulates battles ranging from dozens to hundreds and even thousands of combatants, all in a single gaming session and playable with any type of miniatures or markers. It is compatible with most table top RPGs. PCs and their archenemies can even battle it out alongside their clashing forces, and their skills and abilities directly impact the tide of battle. Includes mass combat scenarios. In The Sword of Rami, four to six PCs of levels three to four, are ambushed by a contingent of lizardfolk led by a female twilight elf while the PCs are transporting the Sword of Rami through the Fushdam Bottoms. For generations the kings of the small realm of Inallu have held the Sword of Rami as a symbol of their people. It is brought forth only when a new king is crowned. The adventure begins when the PCs awaken, tending their wounds and discussing what to do next. What an evil person might do with the sword is unthinkable, and the fate of the kingdom is in the PCs’ hands.
Return to the Starless Sea | Gods of the Earth by Goodman Games
- SYSTEM: Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG
- PRODUCT TYPE: hardcover adventure/softcover adventure
- RETAIL PRICE: $29.99/$9.99
- DESCRIPTION: Return to the Starless Sea takes the PCs from 0 level to first level. Long ago would be heroes entered the Chaos Lords' Keep to end an ominous threat but left their task unfinished. The PCs must breach the murderous walls of the Screaming Keep, stop a soul-stealing incantation, and make their way to the ziggurat at the heart of the Chaos Crater. But their trials don't end there. They have to travel back in time to stop the nefarious Chaos Lords' plans before they can even begin and battle dragons and a "baby" leviathan hungry for their very souls. In the first level adventure, Gods of the Earth, Horwend the Jarl is dead and the PCs are conscripted to guard his tomb overnight. However, Horwend's death was no accident and his ghost sends the would-be guards down into the hidden realms of Chaos to avenge his death and stop a vile witch from summoning forth the Gods of the Earth.
Blood and Thunder - The Ultimate Book of Mighty Deeds by Marz Press
- SYSTEM: Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG
- PRODUCT TYPE: softcover supplement
- RETAIL PRICE: $24.99
- DESCRIPTION: Contains over 151 Mighty Deeds of Arms torn straight from the bloody pages of Appendix N literature for use by PCs as they quest for gold and glory. These Deeds allow PCs to sever limbs, pulverize organs, crack bones, and deliver wicked wounds that bleed uncontrollably. There are also Tandem Deeds in which two PCs can work together to deliver devastating maneuvers. And not to be outdone, there are also Mighty Peasant Deeds that can turn average zeros into conquering heroes.
Sorcerous Rites of the Elements | Pervasive Corruption | The Bagbearer | The Protectorate of Jenulane by Breaker Press
- SYSTEM: Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG Hillwood - Character Creation Guide (Stennard setting)
- PRODUCT TYPE: softcover supplement/tri-fold pamphlets
- RETAIL PRICE: $12/$3 each/$20
- DESCRIPTION: Wizards seek to control the uncontrollable, making dark pacts with patrons in an effort to master chaos itself. In Sorcerous Rites of the Elements, elementalists forego broad mastery of magical power and instead focus on a very narrow field of a singular element. Their deep connection to a singular element gives them greater power in that one area, but weakens them in all others. Includes: the elementalist class with power that waxes and wanes from day to day and 16 spells (four for each element with at least on offensive, defensive, and utilitarian spell) like Drowning Gasp, Moths to the Flame, Pummeling Gale, and Ripples in the Earth. Designed for the Stennard setting but usable with any setting that tends toward the dark, Pervasive Corruption include new rules that lean into horror and despair. Insidious luck allows a PC to draw from a pool to increase their die rolls, but the judge can then increase their own rolls for monsters or NPCs or increase the threat level using an escalating chart. Famine, Taint, and Scarcity make food harder to come by, more likely to rot in a backpack or belt pouch, and less common to come across. The Bagbearer, Lastor Bagbearer, appears in The Protectorate of Jenulane adventure and appears here as stand-alone encounter that can also be used in conjunction with that adventure. As the tax collector from House Jenulane, he exudes an uncomfortable mix of smarmy, entitled, and charming at the same time. Includes full stats, motivations, eight rumors that lead to other encounters, and a map of a section of rural road where he tends to lurk. The Protectorate of Jenulane is an adventure designed for one PC of levels 0 to two. Includes six NPCs, eight monsters, 20 rumors, a detailed mini-sandbox location, 12 variable encounters, and eight adventure hooks. The Protectorate, a chivalric knighthood gathered around House Jenulane, are bearers of the word of Gorhan the Helmed Vengeance. For generations they held encroaching dangers at bay. Sadly, corruption has set in and the Protectorate no longer lives up to its noble mission. However, their teachings are still held in the library, and The Path of the Valorous, a test of faith, is still intact upon the grounds.