RPG Print News – Troll Lord Games, DMDave, and More

Lots of Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition and d20 fantasy options this week from adventures to rules and from locations to world setting support. Castles & Crusades, OSR, Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition, and Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG all get supplements including winter and holiday adventures and adventures on the Purple Planet.

Note: RPG Print News covers recent RPG releases and some classics, reprints, and sales available from retailers. It does not cover products that are available directly to customers only through Kickstarter or as print on demand.

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Gary Gygax’s The Hermit | Winter’s Bite by Troll Lord Games
  • SYSTEM: Castles & Crusades
  • PRODUCT TYPE: hardcover adventure/softcover adventure
  • RETAIL PRICE: $39.99/$10.99
  • DESCRIPTION: Gary Gygax’s The Hermit is a second printing of the original written in 2002. Eighth through 12th level PCs seek the Sage, Lodash the Lonely, who has vanished right when the King needs him most with the King’s lands on the verge of war. An adventure with twists and turns through overland, urban, and dungeon environments and easily ported to any pre-written or homebrewed setting. Something haunts the river folk in Winter’s Bite, an adventure for three to five third level characters. A monster steals into homes and snatches the unwary or kills it victims. Those whom the horror does not abduct are found slain and strangely maimed, with bloody gums devoid of teeth. Those who have caught a glimpse describe its pock-marked skin and crown of teeth. The river people seal their doors with wax stamped with magical runes in hope of keeping the haunt at bay while they pay the PCs to hunt it down and kill it. If they can.
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The Feast of the Fork (Castles & Crusades) | The Feast of the Fork (OSR) | The Feast of the Fork (D&D 5E) | The Twelve Days of Orcus (Castles & Crusades) | The Twelve Days of Orcus (OSR) | The Twelve Days of Orcus (D&D 5E) | The Twelve Days of Orcus (DCC) by Necromancer Games
  • SYSTEM: Castles & Crusades/OSR/Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition/Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG
  • PRODUCT TYPE: softcover adventures
  • RETAIL PRICE: $24 each
  • DESCRIPTION: An adventure with a nearly equal mix of exploration, combat, and social encounters for four to six characters of levels three to four. The Feast of the Fork is a celebration of kith and kin filled with bouts of ale drinking, pie eating, and singing until the first body appears. The PCs have chance to stop old hostilities from erupting if they can stop the sinister power responsible for these gruesome murders. The Twelve Days of Orcus is an adventure with nearly an equal mix of exploration, combat, and social encounters with a dash of traps for four to seven characters of levels five to seven. On the Twelfth Day of Orcus, the PCs must clear the decidedly foul corruption plaguing the withering Yule Tree.
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Random Acts of Violet by High Dive Games
  • SYSTEM: Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG Peril on the Purple Planet
  • PRODUCT TYPE: softcover adventure
  • RETAIL PRICE: $18.99
  • DESCRIPTION: The Purple Planet is a deadly location for of mid to advanced level PCs. These two adventures are for low level PCs on the purple planet planned for adventure before the more dangerous plateau is explored. Cavern of the Purple-People Eaters is a first level adventure. What the Hex is a complete Purple Planet setting area with low-level adaptations of encounters, creatures, situations, plot hooks and artifacts. Just as violet is a lighter shade of purple, these adventures represents risks that are (a little) less than the full force of what the purple planet has to offer.
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O' Happy Dagger! by Gaming Honors
  • SYSTEM: Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG Peril on the Purple Planet
  • PRODUCT TYPE: softcover adventure
  • RETAIL PRICE: $10.99
  • DESCRIPTION: A second level Purple Planet Shakespearean adventure filled with hair’s-breadth escapes, melodrama, and monsters. When two members of two long warring Houses fall for each other, one of them turns to the PCs for help. The PCs are challenged to lead the fair Druliedde safely to her secret rendezvous with Thromeo, the floating head in a jar of her dreams.
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River of Lies by Horse Shark Games
  • SYSTEM: Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG Peril on the Purple Planet
  • PRODUCT TYPE: softcover adventure
  • DESCRIPTION: A third level adventure designed for use with the Purple Planet. The PCs are caught in a torrential downpour, a wall of water crashes down on them, and lifts itself and the PCs into the air. The PCs must struggle against the mighty rapids and discover what role the River of Lies plays.
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Just Passing Through - 20 Inns and Taverns for Any Fantasy RPG | Just Passing Through - 20 Temples and Religious Sites for Any Fantasy RPG by DMDave
  • SYSTEM: fantasy RPGs
  • PRODUCT TYPE: softcover supplements
  • RETAIL PRICE: $15 each
  • DESCRIPTION: Just Passing Through - 20 Inns and Taverns for Any Fantasy RPG includes establishments ranging from cozy inns nestled in picturesque villages to shadowy gambling dens in bustling cities. Provides descriptions of these venues, maps, and additional information about each establishment's costs, menu offerings, staff members, the colorful regulars who frequent these places, adventure hooks, and random encounters specific to each location. A diverse collection of temples and religious sites is included in Just Passing Through - 20 Temples and Religious Sites for Any Fantasy RPG. From arcane sanctuaries to war-torn shrines, from bastions of exploration to havens of nature, this guide encompasses a rich tapestry of alignments and ideologies. Dive deeper with each temple, as Just Passing Through provides more than just. Every entry is equipped with locations, detailed maps, NPCs, compelling adventure hooks, and a variety of services.
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The Dragon's Hoard - Issue #49 by Legendary Games
  • SYSTEM: Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition
  • PRODUCT TYPE: softcover supplement
  • RETAIL PRICE: $11.99
  • DESCRIPTION: The Dragon’s Hoard is a monthly anthology from Legendary Games' ongoing Legendary Loot Patreon with dozens of new elements illustrated. Includes magical items like the plummeting arrow and cauldron of the dead, spells such as ego whip and ice flowers, traps like sonic tranquilizer and the technomagical puzzle box, features for classes like the druidic Circle of Crawling and new feats for wild shaping, and killer creatures including the beast-haunting bhuta and majestic veranallia.
Charlie is a participant in the Noble Knight Affiliate Program and the OneBookShelf Affiliate Program, both of which are affiliate programs that provide a means for participants to earn money by advertising and linking to Noble Knight Games and DriveThruRPG respectively. Posts and articles posted here by others do not reflect the views of Charlie Dunwoody. If you like the articles at EN World please consider supporting the Patreon.

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Charles Dunwoody

Charles Dunwoody

Is the monster in Winter's Bite actually the tooth fairy?

There's a Big Bad from Hit Point Press that fills a similar role -- it's a surprisingly good villain there, an exile from the Seelie Court who's a weird creepy noble.

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