Adventure: Escort Duty (DM: KarinsDad, Judge: TBD)

Sirrah spins back around an opens a deep gash with his blade against the bandit next to him.

Hilkalas moves quickly to the vacated space left by the bandit and slices at his forearm with his sword.

Tana presses her attack on the bandit she is nearest to, finding a chink in his armor again.

Rava attempts to aid Hilkalas's attack on the bandits

With no foe in clear line of attack, Jayce collects his whip and moves a little closer to the action.

With their leader down, all of the bandits miss.

Sirrah hits Bandit 6 for 12.

Hilkalas hits Bandit 1 for 5.

Tana hits Bandit 4 for 11.

Rava misses Bandit 1.

Jayce moves.

Bandit 1 misses Hilkalas, Bandit 6 misses Sirrah.

2 plus mods misses, 8 plus mods misses

Bandit 3 and 4 miss Tana.

two natural 1s miss

49/49 Sirrah
37/55 Tana
23/43 Jayce
35 Bandit 1, bloodied
Bandit 3
11 Bandit 4, Tana's aegis
8 Bandit 5, fled
32 Bandit 6, bloodied
20/36 Hilkalas, 6 temp hit points
25/37 Rava

Terrain: The entire area is wet from the rain.

The road is difficult terrain due to mud. The rest of the area is wet, but it doesn't affect movement.

Cliffs: The entire area is surrounded by wet, extremely hard to climb cliffs that go up for at least 50 feet. The trail is right next to the cliffs on the right and left hand sides of the map.

Outpost: The interior of the outpost cannot be seen, just the walls. In the front of the outpost is a large wooden gate. The bandits on the walls have a cover bonus to all defenses.

Rubble: Although climbable, the rubble is both difficult terrain and has the normal climb penalties.

Note: There are two ladders, one at V13 and one at V19.

The buildings are about 12 feet tall, so one can move from the 15 foot tall walls to a building with no problem. It's just a single extra square of movement.

There are doorways (doors are open) into the buildings at Y17 and Y18, but they are not visible on the map.

Fort Twelve.png

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Tana continues to attack the bandit she is nearest to, continuing to chip away at his defenses.

[sblock=actions]move: move to O18
standard: attack with Booming Blade - atk Bandit 4 vs AC; dmg (1d20+12=26, 1d8+7=9)

Booming Blade (Standard; at-will) ✦ Arcane, Thunder, Weapon

Melee 1; Target: One creature; Attack: +12 vs. AC; Hit: 1d8 + 7, and if the target is adjacent to Tana at the start of its next turn and moves away during that turn, it takes 1d6 + 3 thunder damage. White Lotus Riposte applies to targets hit by this power.[/sblock]
[sblock=immediate interrupts]Use her Aegis if Four attacks anyone else (he's still marked)

Use Dimensional Vortex if an enemy within ten squares of Tana and within five squares of one of its allies (so another bad guy) hits one of Tana's allies in melee
OOC: 4 keeps backing away from Tana. Doesn't this effect from Booming Blade apply when he does that?

if the target is adjacent to Tana at the start of its next turn and moves away during that turn, it takes 1d6 + 3 thunder damage

[sblock=Tana]Tana—Female Gnome Swordmage 5
Initiative: +3, Passive Perception: 12, Passive Insight: 12
AC: 24, Fort: 16, Reflex: 18, Will: 15; — Speed: 5 (values in parens are with second wind bonus)
HP: 48/55, Bloodied: 27, Surge: 13, Surges left: 5/11;
Action Points: 0, Second Wind: Used
Powers -
Sword Burst
Booming Blade

Fade Away
Ghost Sound
Sword of Sigils
Dimensional Vortex
Channeling Shield
Use Vulnerability

Dimensional Thunder
Swordmage Shielding Fire

Farbond Spellblade Rapier +2
Runic Leather Armor +1
Amulet of Life +1


OOC: 4 keeps backing away from Tana. Doesn't this effect from Booming Blade apply when he does that?

if the target is adjacent to Tana at the start of its next turn and moves away during that turn, it takes 1d6 + 3 thunder damage

GM: Yeah. I'm not going to worry about it. Since I managed to hit once out of the last 17 attack rolls, I'll just have him use his handaxe next round and not bother to retcon the map. It's not like this encounter is threatening anymore anyway. I'll pretend that he pulled out his handaxe this round and missed with that instead of missing with his bow.

Jayce shakes the last of the cobwebs from his head, moving up to support Hilkalas, his whip flashes out, causing a serious wound the bandit.

Minor: Battle Wrath Stance

Movement: Move to W-15.

Movement: MBA vs. Bandit 1 (reach 2) w/ whip: 24 vs. AC for 15 damage (roll). Whip training: Bandit 1 is -2 for attacks vs. Hilkalas TENT [/sblock]

[sblock=ministats] ''Marshal Rikkert'', level 4 Human Fighter

Status: Battle Wrath Stance (+2 damage to weapon attacks)

Init: +5 Speed: 5 Perception: 19 Insight: 12

AC: 21 (20) F: 21 R: 16 W: 15

HP: 23/43 Surges: 4/9 Surge Value: 10

AP: 0

Second Wind: used

Languages: Human, Goblin

Str: 20 Dex: 15 Wis: 10 Con: 10 Int: 10 Cha: 13

MBA: +13 vs. AC, 1d8 +11 (longsword)

[ ] Marshal's Interdiction
[ ] Stone Fist Fury of Blows
[ ] Power Strike
[ ] Rain of Blows
[ ] Heroic Effort
[ ] Crowd Fighting

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Seeing the immediate threat go down under Sirrah's blade, Rava moves to open the keep doors to help Tana.

Movement: Move to U-19 and down the ladder at V-19. She will use her standard action as well to accomplish this.

If there is any movement left, she will move to the keep door at V-18 and try to open it.


[sblock=Rava's Stats]Rava - Deva Pacifist Cleric (Templar) 4
Passive Perception: 19, Passive Insight: 22

AC 19, Fort 13, Reflex 13, Will 20; +1 to all defenses vs attacks of bloodied creatures

HP 25/37 Bloodied 18, Surge Value 9, Surges 2/7

Speed 5, Initiative +2

Action Points: 1, Second Wind[]

At-Will Powers:Astral Seal, Sacred Flame

Encounter Powers:

Healing Powers:
[x][x] Healing Word
[x] Healer's Mercy (Channel Divinity)
[x] Shield of Devotion

Defense Debuff Powers:
[x] Bane
[x] Hymn of Resurgence (ally tmp hp or saving throw)

Accuracy Buffs:
[x] Memory of a Thousand Lifetimes
[x] Divine Fortune (Channel Divinity)

Daily Powers:

Healing Powers:
[x] Resurgent Strength (single ally damage buff)

Damage Resistance Powers:
[x] Moment of Glory (blast 5 enemy push + knockdown)


Tana continues to attack the bandit she is nearest to, continuing to chip away at his defenses.

Sirrah slashes the wounded bandit yet again.

Hilkalas shifts measuring his opponent once more. He is about to take a step back, but its just a feint, he thrust his sword forward, aiming for the neck.

Jayce shakes the last of the cobwebs from his head, moving up to support Hilkalas, his whip flashes out, causing a serious wound the bandit.

Seeing the immediate threat go down under Sirrah's blade, Rava moves to open the keep doors to help Tana.

The third bandit manages an awesome arrow shot into Tana's thigh, pushing her back, but the fourth bandit cannot take advantage of the distraction. Although firing their bows, the bandits start to head for the edge of the valley.

The doors to the keep are heavily barred. Rava might be able to move the bar, but it is a log sized piece of timber that might be difficult for one person to move alone. It's designed to prevent battering ram attacks.

Tana hits Bandit 4 for 9.

Sirrah hits Bandit 6 for 14 and kills him. Note: I am not bothering to show Sirrah's aura at this point.

Hilkalas misses Bandit 1.

Jayce hits Bandit 1 for 15 and kills him.

Rava moves. She gets to the ground, but cannot yet try to unbar the door.

Bandit 3 criticals Tana for 16 and pushes her one square.

natural 20 for 16

Bandit 4 misses Tana.

7 plus mods misses

49/49 Sirrah
21/55 Tana, Bloodied
23/43 Jayce
50 Bandit 1, dead
Bandit 3
20 Bandit 4, Tana's aegis
8 Bandit 5, fled
48 Bandit 6, dead
20/36 Hilkalas, 6 temp hit points
25/37 Rava

Terrain: The entire area is wet from the rain.

The road is difficult terrain due to mud. The rest of the area is wet, but it doesn't affect movement.

Cliffs: The entire area is surrounded by wet, extremely hard to climb cliffs that go up for at least 50 feet. The trail is right next to the cliffs on the right and left hand sides of the map.

Outpost: The interior of the outpost cannot be seen, just the walls. In the front of the outpost is a large wooden gate. The bandits on the walls have a cover bonus to all defenses.

Rubble: Although climbable, the rubble is both difficult terrain and has the normal climb penalties.

Note: There are two ladders, one at V13 and one at V19.

The buildings are about 12 feet tall, so one can move from the 15 foot tall walls to a building with no problem. It's just a single extra square of movement.

There are doorways (doors are open) into the buildings at Y17 and Y18, but they are not visible on the map.

Fort Thirteen.png
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