Sirrah spins back around an opens a deep gash with his blade against the bandit next to him.
Hilkalas moves quickly to the vacated space left by the bandit and slices at his forearm with his sword.
Tana presses her attack on the bandit she is nearest to, finding a chink in his armor again.
Rava attempts to aid Hilkalas's attack on the bandits
With no foe in clear line of attack, Jayce collects his whip and moves a little closer to the action.
With their leader down, all of the bandits miss.
Sirrah hits Bandit 6 for 12.
Hilkalas hits Bandit 1 for 5.
Tana hits Bandit 4 for 11.
Rava misses Bandit 1.
Jayce moves.
Bandit 1 misses Hilkalas, Bandit 6 misses Sirrah.
2 plus mods misses, 8 plus mods misses
Bandit 3 and 4 miss Tana.
two natural 1s miss
49/49 Sirrah
37/55 Tana
23/43 Jayce
35 Bandit 1, bloodied
Bandit 3
11 Bandit 4, Tana's aegis
8 Bandit 5, fled
32 Bandit 6, bloodied
20/36 Hilkalas, 6 temp hit points
25/37 Rava
Terrain: The entire area is wet from the rain.
The road is difficult terrain due to mud. The rest of the area is wet, but it doesn't affect movement.
Cliffs: The entire area is surrounded by wet, extremely hard to climb cliffs that go up for at least 50 feet. The trail is right next to the cliffs on the right and left hand sides of the map.
Outpost: The interior of the outpost cannot be seen, just the walls. In the front of the outpost is a large wooden gate. The bandits on the walls have a cover bonus to all defenses.
Rubble: Although climbable, the rubble is both difficult terrain and has the normal climb penalties.
Note: There are two ladders, one at V13 and one at V19.
The buildings are about 12 feet tall, so one can move from the 15 foot tall walls to a building with no problem. It's just a single extra square of movement.
There are doorways (doors are open) into the buildings at Y17 and Y18, but they are not visible on the map.

Hilkalas moves quickly to the vacated space left by the bandit and slices at his forearm with his sword.
Tana presses her attack on the bandit she is nearest to, finding a chink in his armor again.
Rava attempts to aid Hilkalas's attack on the bandits
With no foe in clear line of attack, Jayce collects his whip and moves a little closer to the action.
With their leader down, all of the bandits miss.
Sirrah hits Bandit 6 for 12.
Hilkalas hits Bandit 1 for 5.
Tana hits Bandit 4 for 11.
Rava misses Bandit 1.
Jayce moves.
Bandit 1 misses Hilkalas, Bandit 6 misses Sirrah.
2 plus mods misses, 8 plus mods misses
Bandit 3 and 4 miss Tana.
two natural 1s miss
49/49 Sirrah
37/55 Tana
23/43 Jayce
35 Bandit 1, bloodied
Bandit 3
11 Bandit 4, Tana's aegis
8 Bandit 5, fled
32 Bandit 6, bloodied
20/36 Hilkalas, 6 temp hit points
25/37 Rava
Terrain: The entire area is wet from the rain.
The road is difficult terrain due to mud. The rest of the area is wet, but it doesn't affect movement.
Cliffs: The entire area is surrounded by wet, extremely hard to climb cliffs that go up for at least 50 feet. The trail is right next to the cliffs on the right and left hand sides of the map.
Outpost: The interior of the outpost cannot be seen, just the walls. In the front of the outpost is a large wooden gate. The bandits on the walls have a cover bonus to all defenses.
Rubble: Although climbable, the rubble is both difficult terrain and has the normal climb penalties.
Note: There are two ladders, one at V13 and one at V19.
The buildings are about 12 feet tall, so one can move from the 15 foot tall walls to a building with no problem. It's just a single extra square of movement.
There are doorways (doors are open) into the buildings at Y17 and Y18, but they are not visible on the map.