Adventure: Escort Duty (DM: KarinsDad, Judge: TBD)

OOC: KD, can we access the secret door out of the keep from the ground floor? Also any reason bandit 1 is still on map?

OOC: Yes, the secret door is pretty easy to spot on this side. Move to it, minor to unlatch and open, move past it.

As for #1, it's an error. I thought I had removed him, but I guess I didn't.

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OOC: Sorry for delay, traveling for work. Generally bad connection this week/weekend. (This is from my phone). If it would help, I plan to have Jayce follow Hilkalas out of the fort and double move toward the bandit to the NW making sure not to be in a burst range of another character

More out of frustration than anything else, Tana charges the only enemy she can still get to.

Hilkalas moves to attempt to follow the bandit that got into the building.

With the advantageous position gained, Sirrah stows his blade and retrieves his bow, firing a shot at the bandit engaged by Tana.

Rava opens the secret door while Jayce heads out to help Tana.

"I give up. Don't kill me." the fourth bandit shouts out as the third bandit runs away up into the cliffside.

GM: Unless someone really wants to track down that last bandit, I'll call the encounter here.

Tana hits Bandit 4 for 15.

Sirrah hits Bandit 4 for 6.

Hilkalas moves into a room cluttered with furniture and a ladder leading to the roof. At the back of the room, there is a heavy wooden door, but when Hilkalas gets to it, he finds that it is barred from the opposite side.

49/49 Sirrah
21/55 Tana, Bloodied
23/43 Jayce
Bandit 3, fled
41 Bandit 4, Bloodied, Tana's aegis
20/36 Hilkalas, 6 temp hit points
25/37 Rava

Terrain: The entire area is wet from the rain.

The road is difficult terrain due to mud. The rest of the area is wet, but it doesn't affect movement.

Cliffs: The entire area is surrounded by wet, extremely hard to climb cliffs that go up for at least 50 feet. The trail is right next to the cliffs on the right and left hand sides of the map.

Outpost: The interior of the outpost cannot be seen, just the walls. In the front of the outpost is a large wooden gate. The bandits on the walls have a cover bonus to all defenses.

Rubble: Although climbable, the rubble is both difficult terrain and has the normal climb penalties.

Note: There are two ladders, one at V13 and one at V19.

The buildings are about 12 feet tall, so one can move from the 15 foot tall walls to a building with no problem. It's just a single extra square of movement.

There are doorways (doors are open) into the buildings at Y17 and Y18, but they are not visible on the map.

Fort Fourteen.png

OOC: Sorry guys, I think I'm coming out of my crazy work/travel/crazy work coma.

Jayce draws his sword, standing menacingly over the bandit, "I am Sentinel Marshal Rickert. By the Code of Galifar, you are under arrest. If you resist, your life will be forfeit. If you fail to cooperate, your life will be forfeit. Tell me now, how many bandits are here now that we have taken the fort and defeated Jasper?"

OOC: Let me know if I need to roll an intimidate

Hilkalas fights fruitless against the barricade. He appears from inside the building announcing "The door where the bandit escaped is now barred, I couldn't break it." He looks around, seeing everyone in one piece he smiles to himself. The marshal walks towards the edge of the fortress, moving to inspect Jasper's body.

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