Adventure: Fire and Ice

Thinking back to his days of training in the guard, he moves around Rigas, ignoring any attacks that may come from leaving himself open.

"Skalisss, Hadrack... Triangle Formation!" Crag says, pointing to positions that he thinks they should move to. "That will keep him from moving around on us!" Calling on Terra once again, Crag stabs forward, managing to find a space between Rigas's scales and he drives his blade in a few inches. Pulling it out again, he holds his sword ready, should Rigas decide to ignore him and attack his friends.

-Move: Move to O-8 (this provokes an Attack of Op... if Rigas wants to take it... )
- Standard: Uses Strength of Earth and Hits AC 24 for 12 damage. and Crag gains +5 Temp HP

- If Rigas attacks Hadrak, Rigas will take damage from Divine Challenge and Crag will use Form of the Willow Sentinel Attack on him (+7 vs AC; 1d8+4 damage and -4 attack penalty against Hadrak; Miss: half damage and -2 attack penalty vs Hadrak). This stacks with Skaliss's mark penalty for a total of -6 on a hit, or -4 on a miss.

- If Rigas attacks Skaliss, Crag will use Form of the Willow Sentinel Attack on Rigas, giving a penalty for him to hit Skalisss (-4 on hit, -2 on miss).

- If Rigas attacks Crag, Rigas will take damage from Divine Challenge and will have a -2 attack penalty vs Crag due to Skalisss's mark.

Until the encounter ends, Crag can negate any Push, Pull, or Slide that is placed on him, and allies gain a +2 bonus to Fort while adjacent to me.


[sblock=Skaliss and Hadrak and Ingot] Skaliss: on your turn, please move to M-9 (where Crag is on the current map). Hadrak, please move to M-7. This will keep Rigas between the three of us, and although we won't get flanking bonuses, he won't be able to hit all 3 of us with any breath weapon attacks and he won't be able to shift-move away either. Ingot: You can fill in any gap to provide flanking for any of us that you think needs it most. [/sblock]

[sblock=Crag's Stats]
Crag - Warforged Warden 1
Passive Perception 15, Passive Insight 10
AC 20 (Currently 21), Fort 16, Reflex 12, Will 12
HP 30/42, Bloodied 21, Surge Value 10, Surges 12/14
Speed 6, Initiative +0
Action Points: 0, Second Wind
At-Will Powers: Warden's Fury, Warden's Grasp, Strength of
, Thorn Strike
Encounter Powers: Earth Spikes, Warforged Resolve
Daily Powers: Form of the Willow Sentinel (Form of the Willow Sentinel Attack)

Note on Warden's Fury and Warden's Grasp:

Warden's Fury gives me a free attack against any of my marked foes adjacent to me that attack any of my allies (as an
Immediate Interrupt). If it hits, it does my normal basic attack damage, but it also makes the target grant combat advantage
until the end of my next turn.

Warden's Grasp lets me slide any of my marked foes within 5 squares of me that attack any of my allies. The slide is one
square and it also slows them and doesn't allow them to shift until the end of it's turn (this is an Immediate Reaction).

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Vulkar's healing energy washes over Ingot once more. Channeled by the more experienced priest, the repair job is superb. "I feel like I just stepped out of the Forge!" Ingot calls to Hadrak. Emboldened, it advances to flank Rigas, radiant energy spilling from its blade. It swings and scores a hit on one of Rigas' draconic wings. Energy splashes from the point of contact over to Hadrak, healing him.

[sblock=Actions]Minor: Move to M-8
Standard:Healing Strike vs. Rigas (1d20+7+2+2=26, 2d12+4=9) Hooray, a hit! But crappy damage (9 radiant), oh well. Hadrak can spend a healing surge + 3.
This attack also marks Rigas, but presumably Skalisss is about to overwrite that with Divine Challenge, which is just fine with me! :)[/sblock]
[sblock=Ingot stat block]Ingot- Neuter Warforged Cleric 1
Passive Perception: 13, Passive Insight: 13
AC:16, Fort:14, Reflex:11, Will:16 -- Speed:5
HP:27/27, Bloodied:13, Surge Value:6, Surges left:7/9
Initiative -1
Action Points: 0, Second Wind: USED
Powers: Sacred Flame, Righteous Brand, Healing Word(x2), Healing Strike, Avenging Flame, Channel Divinity (Divine Fortune/Turn Undead), Warforged Resolve

[sblock=Marks] Ingot can also choose not to mark Rigas if he wants. Not that it matters much, since, as you said, it will just be overwritten by Skaliss's DC ^_^ And thanks for the flank! I need every extra bit I can get ;) [/sblock]

[sblock=Mark]Oh whoops, I forgot Skaliss had already acted this round.

In that case I'd prefer to have Ingot not mark Rigas, if that's allowed.[/sblock]

"Got it Crag" Skalisss responds. Skalisss moves to block off Rigas' escape but his attack misses wide.

Minor Action: Renew Divine Challenge on Rigas.

Move Action: Shift to M9.

Standard Action: Valiant Strike against Rigas, vs AC, +1 because there is one adjacent enemy (Rigas), attk & dmg (1d20+9=10, 1d8+4=7)

[SBLOCK=Skalisss' Stat Block]
Skalisss - Male Dragonborn Paladin 2
Passive Perception: 13, Passive Insight: 18
AC:23, Fort:16, Reflex:14, Will:16 -- Speed:5
HP 29+2 Temp/33, Bloodied 13, Surge Value 9, Surges left 11/11
Action Points: 0, Second Wind: not used
Conditions: inside zone granting +1 AC
Powers -
Valiant Strike
Bolstering Strike
Divine Challenge
Piercing Smite USED
Dragon Breath USED
Channel Divinity: Divine Mettle USED
Channel Divinity: Divine Strength USED
Lay on Hands x2
Healing Word USED
Paladin's Judgement USED
Sacred Circle USED
Healing Surge from Dwarven Plate Armor USED

Dorn can only marvel at both the power and resilience of his allies.

He tries to will Rigas Down Down DOWN, but cannot overcome the mental resistance he finds in the mind of the enemy

Thinking back to his days of training in the guard, he moves around Rigas, ignoring any attacks that may come from leaving himself open.

"Skalisss, Hadrack... Triangle Formation!" Crag says, pointing to positions that he thinks they should move to. "That will keep him from moving around on us!" Calling on Terra once again, Crag stabs forward, managing to find a space between Rigas's scales and he drives his blade in a few inches. Pulling it out again, he holds his sword ready, should Rigas decide to ignore him and attack his friends.

-Move: Move to O-8 (this provokes an Attack of Op... if Rigas wants to take it... )
- Standard: Uses Strength of Earth and Hits AC 24 for 12 damage. and Crag gains +5 Temp HP

- If Rigas attacks Hadrak, Rigas will take damage from Divine Challenge and Crag will use Form of the Willow Sentinel Attack on him (+7 vs AC; 1d8+4 damage and -4 attack penalty against Hadrak; Miss: half damage and -2 attack penalty vs Hadrak). This stacks with Skaliss's mark penalty for a total of -6 on a hit, or -4 on a miss.

- If Rigas attacks Skaliss, Crag will use Form of the Willow Sentinel Attack on Rigas, giving a penalty for him to hit Skalisss (-4 on hit, -2 on miss).

- If Rigas attacks Crag, Rigas will take damage from Divine Challenge and will have a -2 attack penalty vs Crag due to Skalisss's mark.

Until the encounter ends, Crag can negate any Push, Pull, or Slide that is placed on him, and allies gain a +2 bonus to Fort while adjacent to me.

Hadrak keeps pummeling Rigas with holy light and blesses his colleague Ingot with both health and accuracy.

Vulkar's healing energy washes over Ingot once more. Channeled by the more experienced priest, the repair job is superb. "I feel like I just stepped out of the Forge!" Ingot calls to Hadrak. Emboldened, it advances to flank Rigas, radiant energy spilling from its blade. It swings and scores a hit on one of Rigas' draconic wings. Energy splashes from the point of contact over to Hadrak, healing him.

"Got it Crag" Skalisss responds. Skalisss moves to block off Rigas' escape but his attack misses wide.

Rigas is left without options so he launches one final, desperate salvo against the paladin, but Crag is there and his willow-y form not only prevents the attack from hitting, but also, smacks Rigas hard.

The party then proceeds to finish off the enemy with a combination of steel, divine vengeance, and arcane prowess. As you are recovering your breath after the hard fought encounter you hear an excited coming from outside "Is it safe? Come outside, hurry" that you're sure is Brother Hirams.

[sblock=OA Crag]


Rigas - hp 134/134 - 23 AC - F/R/W: 21/18/17
Hammer - hp 60/60 - 21 AC - F/R/W: 18/15/16
Cultist - hp 1/1 - 16 AC - F/R/W: 15/12/12

Rigas has like 22hp left, I'm sure you'd finish him off and the fight's a foregone conclusion at this point so you win. If you really want we can waste another couple days finishing him off.

Rigas attacks Skalisss twice, but misses (thanks to Crag).

Rigas - 30/134 hp, - Rigas takes a penalty of 6 to his damage rolls TENT (Hadrak), bloodied
Hammer - 14/60 hp, bloodied - dead
Hammer 1 - 11/60 hp, bloodied - dead
Hammer 2 - 3/60 hp, bloodied - dead
Dorn - bloodied
Hadrak - bloodied


17 Bad Guys
17 - Dorn - 5/22+5thp<- you're up
12 - Crag - 31/42+5thp
10 - Hadrak - 29/37, bloodied
8 - Ingot - 27/27,
6 - Skaliss - 29/33,

bad guys; hadrak; Dorn; ingot; crag; Skaliss (1d20 5=17, 1d20 2=10, 1d20 4=17, 1d20-1=12, 1d20=8, 1d20 1=6)

[sblock=OOC] I'm all for moving on if it's a foregone conclusion! [/sblock]

Crag watches as Rigas's body drops to the floor. Hearing the cries from outside, Crag rushes outside to face whatever dangers await them.

"It's probably that low-down no good cowardly hyena, back to take some form of revenge on us."

Hadrak shouts in victory.

-''Oh yeah! We could have taken two like you, you pretentious psychopath!''

Crag watches as Rigas's body drops to the floor. Hearing the cries from outside, Crag rushes outside to face whatever dangers await them.

"It's probably that low-down no good cowardly hyena, back to take some form of revenge on us."

-''Huh. Crag really is seeing hyenas everywhere now.'' Hadraks says, confused.

-''Come back, Crag! This is the part where the monks reward us with ale! Monk ale is famously good! They got nothing to do all day but pray, guard giant diamonds and brew great ale!''

True to Hadrak's predictions, no great threat faces the heroes as the exit the room, no revenge-seeking hyena bowmen or evil cultists, but rather Brother Hiram stands before you with two crystalline objects in his hands. You can tell it is the very diamond you were sent to defend, cracked in half. Oddly, the monk doesn't appear worried or upset, rather he looks elated. He calls you over and from behind him comes bounding out a small, cat-sized dragon. It's head is red in colour, a glossy red scarlet, whilst its body is so white, that it sheens like a mirror. The tall, is back to red, as are the wings.

"As you were battling Rigas, the diamond began glowing. I didn't know what to do, so I waited and watched, fearful, but excited. It cracked open like an egg and this creature popped out. He calls himself Ershahz, and from the nearest I can tell, he remembers nothing from his past life. From what I know of the spell that Threehammers cast, it trapped the creature in the diamond and when the spells triggers were completed, the dragon would be reborn as a force of good" Brother Hiram says, chuckling "I guess even that old dwarf wouldn't have expected the spell to have this effect"

As he's talking, Ershahz is lying on his back, getting his belly rubbed by the elderly elf and absently chews on a stick he found in the courtyard.

Crag looks at the miniature dragon and his jaw hinges come loose, giving him the look of incredulous wonder.

"A dragon? I had no idea we were protecting a dragon. How can you be sure that this creature will not grow up and be just like he was before?"

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